
Depth of Sanity

Imagine a world where the essence of your heart determines your ability to wield elemental powers. Fiery spirits command flames, while calm souls control water. But what if some people with complex heart disorders possess multiple elements or unique themes? Such a mystery shatters conventional beliefs and sets the stage for an intriguing exploration of the interplay between hearts and magic. In the heart-pounding "Depth of Sanity," powerlessness becomes the ultimate advantage, setting the stage for an intense psychological battle. As the characters grapple with their vulnerabilities, a mysterious puppeteer orchestrates a mind-bending game where perception is reality, and every move holds life-altering consequences. Prepare for a rollercoaster of suspense as the true mastermind emerges from the shadows, reshaping the very fabric of sanity itself. Blunders aren't just mistakes, but sacrifices that could lead to unpredictable winning. Get ready to immerse yourself in an epic tale of a young boy's fight against destiny. In a world of magic and power, he battles his arrogance, choosing the path of righteousness. But his quest for change is not an easy one. He must use every tool at his disposal, including manipulation and even murder, to challenge the world's perception. With a god complex and a fierce existentialism, he takes on the most powerful forces in the land. This is a story that will keep you on the edge of your seat and challenge everything you thought you knew about magic, destiny, and the human heart. ----------------------------- *Worth reading as it contains the philosophy of life of each character, how they perceive the world and has poetry too. Warning!! (18+)

Whoami_ · Kỳ huyễn
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14 Chs

Desires Unveiled

The sound of fast-paced footsteps resonated with an urgent tone. However, The sound progressively intensified as it drew closer, indicating the imminent arrival of an individual.

At a sudden moment, The door was opened by a gentleman whose appearance immediately caught the eye. He had a distinct blue side-part hairstyle, paired with rectangular glasses that framed his face. His intense gaze conveyed an urgency, perhaps mirroring the turmoil of the raging storm outside, as it whipped through the waves of the ocean.

Aquinosevee looked at the woman as he opened the door.

"Melissa...I need your favor". Aquinosevee seemed rushed in his tone.

"Uh-". The woman replied.

Aquinosevee abruptly interrupted.

"Perhaps...you aren't that busy".

Aquinosevee glanced at the woman, his eyes widening, as they sparkled like shards of glass reflecting the sun's rays.

"Pardo-". The woman replied.

Unfortunately, Aquinosevee once again interrupted her. However, this time, he didn't cut off her replies with words, but with an action.

Aquinosevee approached the woman abruptly. As he neared her, he lightly placed his finger upon her lips, silencing any potential response she may have intended to give.

Aquinosevee's actions were intended to possess her, leaving her with little time to think or defend herself. He left her no space to breathe, causing her breath to grow heavier as he drew closer.

Aquinosevee exerted complete dominance over her, leaving the women with no inclination to retreat or even resist. The emotions that arose within her during those moments were synonymous with surrender.

As he subjected her to an aggressive and abrupt approach, she found herself ensnared in his sinister intentions. Surrendering to his will would only solidify his triumph, reducing her to a mere dog in his playground.

"I'll grant you one wish".

Aquinosevee smirked as he drew closer to Melissa. Gently, his hand reached for her chin, carefully lifting it as their eyes locked.

He gently placed his thumb on Melissa's lower lips while firmly holding her chin. At this moment, his eyes were fixated on her captivating lips, before gradually shifting his gaze to meet her eyes, causing their eyes to connect once more. Then, Aquinosevee whispered to her in a low seductive tone of voice that melted her heart, she was frightened, feeling a chill run through her body, causing goosebumps to appear. She blushed intensely, her face turning as red as blood. Her eyes glistened, and she bit her lower lip, wearing a sly smile.

"Any...thing~". Aquinosevee whispered.

"Anything~?". Melissa asked as her breath was heavy and her tone was seductive.

Aquinosevee smiled. Therefore, he whispered once again.

"No...not anything...everything~".

Melissa closed her eyes, trying to contain her blushing. Her heart raced and her breath grew heavier. Her knees grew weak.

She placed her hand on Aquinosevee's chest, gently pushing him to create some distance.

She felt a rush on her face, almost losing consciousness. In that intense moment, they were closely connected, their breaths growing warm. The seduction was overwhelming for her, like drowning.

"Let me take a breath...actually, what is your intention?". Melissa looked at him with a detective's eye and smile.

"You are a mesmerizing woman...those eyes... were pretty... I was drowned in it". Aquinosevee replied with a sly smile.

"P-please...stop it, you will end up giving me an ocean of hope, letting me drown in such false liquid of emotion". Melissa blushed and replied in an embarrassed manner.

"You seem to enjoy it, despite knowing such reality".

"Well...it is better to dance freely in such harsh fantasy".Melissa replied.

"That's sexy...some say that intelligence is the new sexy in woman, but someone like you, experiencing conflicting emotions while trying to remain rational, that's what is sexy for me".

Melissa giggled.

Aquinosevee smiled peacefully while observing Melissa's demeanor.

"I need information...about a student that recently entered as a first year. His name was Lucian". Aquinosevee asked.

"Pfft...for such things? You dare to give me an ocean of love?". Melissa chuckled as she responded.

Aquinosevee expressed his inner thoughts.

"At this academy, it is against the rules to observe fellow teacher trainees. Therefore, which rascals created such unrealistic rules?. Yes, psychotic brother of mine".

"The rules were already stupid, what about the punishment?".

"It's pathetic".

"I'll send it to your room later". Melissa responded.

"W-wait...was he your student?". Melissa asked with a curious demeanor.

"Keep it a secret from Michael". Aquinosevee responded with a serious expression.

Melissa's gaze intensified as she spoke.

"So, this is what 'EVERYTHING' about".

"I'll leave the rest on you". Aquinosevee leaves the room.

"Fortunately, to you, it may have only been a simple piece of paper containing information, but to me, it holds a profound significance that sets it apart". Aquinosevee pondered silently.

The door closed.

As Aquinosevee walked through the hallways towards his room, he quietly contemplated.

"Everything went smoothly, that's what most people think as they did exert dominance over their dog".

"Dog will still bite, Despite providing them with what they need".

"That woman, Melissa Purpleheiss was a total freak. Her gaze appeared typical, akin to that of an ordinary woman who tends to develop feelings quickly – a perception commonly held by men".

"She is the romantic killer, her gaze was seductive, easy to manipulate...It seems that the surface image she presented was her only facade. However, unbeknownst to you, she was the one orchestrating your portrayal in a negative light".

"Yes that woman, she had blonde hair tied up in a bun, slightly messy but still looked stunning. However, the fact that she was wearing a dark red cloak, means that she was under the surveillance of a psychotic brother of mine".

"She is my brother's assistant and fortunately, she is responsible for overseeing the first-grade students. Additionally, she is entrusted with all the records about their first year".

"Why did I go to such lengths just to obtain a piece of paper?". Aquinosevee was pondering deeply.

"Well, I am concerned that she may develop a plan to deceive me due to my error in placing trust in her. I am well aware of the recklessness on my part. She will probably attempt to manipulate the situation by involving my brother. Furthermore, it is evident that she harbors strong feelings for Michael".

"Therefore, I should reveal the serial killer quicker...no...rather I call it Lucian".

Aquinosevee is lost in deep thoughts again.

"W-wait...why did I feel confident about the serial killer was that kid...".

"I don't even have any evidence, just a grip of instinct".

"However, as long as the kid's information was in my hand...it is the loss for that serial killer".

"What if the information...filled with nothing?... I understand that situations like these can occur. In such instances, it is advisable to independently gather the necessary information, as paper documents may not always be as helpful as expected".

Aquinosevee smiled.

Sadly, Aquinosevee danced on Lucian's palm, feeling confident and smart because Lucian desired it. He believed he dominated the game, but in reality, it was Lucian who allowed him to do so. Aquinosevee thought he was the one hunting their prey, but it was Lucian who provided the prey.

Melissa was plotting her desire while Aquinosevee felt his desire drawing near. Regrettably, Lucian manipulated them, providing temporary pleasure at the cost of their true fulfillment.

After all, They can experience the freedom of a soul without a body until their name is unknown to the world.

20 minutes ago in the basement.

"So, tell me Julius...what is the reason for your act". Michael asked Julius in a calm demeanor.

"I-i-i was seeing an s-silhouette o-of a person t-that h-harm me". Julius stammered nervously, his words jumbled due to his overwhelming fear.

"Who is it?!". Michael stomped the table as he spoke angrily.

Julius surprised.

"I-i-its him!!!". Julis spoke loudly.

"Why can't I say his name". Julius pondered silently.

"Who's him?!". Michael's anger slightly growing.

Julius pondered silently.

"I feel like...the moment his name comes out from my mouth...my head will gone instantly".

"I wasn't afraid of sir Michael...but I'm in depth of fear slightly because I had a feeling of a big sword that readily cut through my neck, the time his name comes out".

Fear has the power to hold a person captive.

"It appears that your family will be visiting tomorrow, and it seems that you are experiencing a difficult situation". Michael maintained a composed demeanor as he controlled his anger.

"It seems that you are a Temose student". Michael smirked.

"You are also the successor of the Cunnington Family". Michael gazes into Julius' eyes coldly.

"I'm familiar with your father...well, what if you lost your position as a successor and became a Temose's trash just because of the situation you got into?".

"I can help you...". Michael held Julius' hand, smiling to disarm Julius' defenses.

Michael pondered silently.

"The child appeared to be overwhelmed by fear. It was unclear what specific event caused such a reaction... it seems he got a post-traumatic stress disorder".

"Well, something wasn't right".

"To obtain the information he possesses, I must find a way to instill greater fear in this child...".

"Unfortunately, ... I found no other greater fear in him. However, threatening this kid using his desire might be a useful method".

Michael was successfully managing his anger.

Humans are emotional beings, fragile like glass. When someone's soul harbors fear, it can be unearthed by substituting it with their own desired threats. This can lead them to drown in overthinking.

A person's soul can become strong by acknowledging and embracing their fears while remaining in control.

Meanwhile, in another place,

A sound of calm steps along with the fragrant scent. Someone knocked on the door gently.

"Enter". The sound of a woman's voice had a strict tone.

A kid with black long hair with pale white skin entered the room with his beautiful gaze.

"Greetings...lady Sylph Blackburn".

"Oh...that cute little guy". Sylph responds with a sly smile.

"May I take my seat?". Lucian with his calm and polite demeanor.

"Oh...dear, sit as you like". Sylph replied.

"So, what the matter dear?". Sylph asked in a pleasant voice.

Lucian sat confidently, his legs crossed and hands clasped comfortably. He reclined in a relaxed posture, a smug smirk adorning his face.

"This might take some time". Lucian's countenance displayed a serene smile.

"Ho~, should I prepare some tea?". Sylph responded with a slight smirk.

As Lucian pulled out the red Magical Core of the unfortunate kid that got burned on that night, He carefully placed it on the table, his gaze fixed on Sylph's eyes.

"A deal".

Lucian's eyes narrowed imperceptibly as he concealed his scheme, a barely-there smile lingering on his lips. His gaze remained calm and composed.

"Interesting~". Sylph felt a smirk forming on her face as she became intrigued by the current situation she found herself in.

Lucian spoke silently within himself.

"People can be enigmatic, much like the unfathomable depths of the ocean. Yet there is one thing that is unmistakably noticeable about them - when they achieve what they desire, their true selves are revealed. However, the opposite occurs when they experience loss, as this often leads to a change in their demeanor. It is not success that prompts people to change, but rather the absence of fulfillment in their hearts."

"This woman exemplifies those statements".

Lucian pondered silently once again.

"The presence of desire is closely tied to the essence of humanity. Their existence is simply just to satisfy their desire as their satisfaction. It is neither money, love, fame, or even better, power. Sadly, by their own very true nature, they blame the devil as the devil itself whispered through their heart. Unfortunately, the devil is only digging into their inner desire as it was repressed by their morality and rationality".

"Don't blame the devil, when you are manipulated by them, simply blame your weak heart".

"After all, Humanity's true evolution was on the path to becoming a devil itself. No, maybe it was to become a monster".

Have a great day:). A minor editing.

Whoami_creators' thoughts