

After many years of abandonment and hatred in his mind and heart. Owen had found himself in a world hidden from the humans eye, where he would meet his father. The one man who he had come to despise and who brought anger and disappointment in waves. causing his heart to be clouded with foul feelings. With hatred and rage brought about feelings to demise his father in a one on one fight to the death. it did not matter if he was the most powerful Encranoes to walk the surface. He was out to make him pay with his life. But will his mind and heart finally be at ease if he were to succeed in the loss of his father's life? or would bit make his emotions spiral out of control? only time could tell. Join me in a journey of despite, defeat, anger and love. Only one can triumph......But will it bring peace with it?

Man_Marvel · Kỳ huyễn
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100 Chs

Entertaining the guests.

After picking the flute, she raise her head to look at everyone present, as she look at them she was surprised to see everyone's staring directly at her, the knot on her stomach intensified as she continue staring at them.

As she turn to look at Savarus, she saw a confident smile on his face as he look back at her. Closing her eyes, she lightly place the flute on her lip, before starting to play.

The nervousness she was feeling at first suddenly disappeared as she continue playing the flute.

After playing for close to five minutes, she could hear the sound of people clapping and some cheering for her. As she opened her eyes, she saw Savarus with a proud smile as he nod his head.

After the entertainment of the guests, it was now time for her to pay her respect to her husband as she took a cup of wine and walked over to meet him.

On getting to him, she went down on her knees just as the custom demand and presented the cup of wine to him.

Savarus slightly bend over from the chair he was sitting so as to drink the cup of wine from the hands of Bethany. she place the cup on his lips and patiently made him drink of it.

As Bethany was giving Savarus the wine to drink, everybody stood up and acknowledged the act by applauding.

Oscar was all smile as he look at the face of his daughter who was about to leave him soon to go be with her husband.

Walking over to where the clan leaders were sitting, Oscar thanked them once again before exchanging some words and gifts with them.

The event had finally come to an end as everyone was now going back to their various residents. Savarus and Bethany walked over to their carriage with the company of Oscar and some of the maids.

The carriage was golf in colour with gems attached to it, everyone was in awe as they saw how eye catching it is.

"Dad, I'm going to miss you, I will make sure to come visit you always" said Bethany as she hugged her father.

"I will miss you too dear, make sure to take care of yourself and husband, okay?" said Oscar while hugging her back.

"I will dad" replied Bethany.

After having some words with Bethany, Oscar turned to face Savarus who was standing not too far from them.

"Make sure to take care of my daughter, I know sometimes she might be hot headed, but bear with her" said Oscar as he hugged Savarus.

"Take care of yourself okay?, just as she said, we will be coming to visit you often" said Savarus as he hugged him back.

After saying their goodbyes, Savarus opened the door for Bethany to go in, before departing.

On getting inside, Bethany wave goodbye to her father and the maids which were there to send them off as she departed to her new home.

The journey was a short and quiet one, they were both deeply lost in their thoughts that they didn't even know when they arrived at their destination.

What greeted them at the front of their mansion when they opened the carriage was the butler, maids and others people as they shouted in unison.

"Welcome home Mr and Mrs Darwin" greeted all of them as they bow their heads.

On hearing these words, Bethany smile to herself, she was no longer known as Bethany Kramis but now Bethany Darwin.

Bethany and Savarus both walked inside the mansion while stepping on the flowers that has been used to decorate their path.

On getting to their room, Savarus went into the bathroom to wash up after all the stress of today.

After havinga change of clothes, Savarus walked over to meet Bethany who was sitting on the bed.

"Are you alright?" asked Savarus as he approached her.

"I'm good" was the short reply from Bethany as she look at him.

"Your wardrobe is over there when you finish washing up, the dressing room is the room beside the washroom" said Savarus as he walked out of the room.

Bethany walked over to the wardrobe which Savarus pointed, as she opened it, she was surprised to see all types of clothes, all the clothes were brand new and the quality and fashion wasn't something to joke with.

Even though she knew he was pretty rich, she still was amaze by how he could spend so freely.

For the past few weeks that they have been together, Savarus showed her all she needed to know so there won't be problem between them in the future, like his different business he owned and some few things about his life.

After finish washing up and having a change of clothes, she walked out of the dressing room with a blue gown.

"You are as pretty as ever" said Savarus who was standing at the entrance of the room. "let's go downstairs so we can eat, I'm pretty sure you didn't eat anything throughout the event" said Savarus as he approached her.

"Okay" was the reply from Bethany as she took his hand before walking out of the room.

On getting to the dinning table, they could see different type of food which was already on the table, but covered.

"Well then let's eat" said Savarus as he draw the chair for Bethany to seat before going to sit on his.

Although the food was delicious, but the knot in Bethany stomach haven't seem to leave as she couldn't eat more than five spoons before saying she was full.

"What is it Bethany, are you not okay with the food?" asked Savarus in a calm tone as he look at her.

"The food is okay Savarus, I just don't seem to have an appetite right now" said Bethany.

"Okay, but just try forcing yourself to eat a little more please" pleaded Savarus while doing his eyes like that of a puppy.

Thanks for reading, please add this book to library so I can be able to write more chapters and please do vote ♥️

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