

After many years of abandonment and hatred in his mind and heart. Owen had found himself in a world hidden from the humans eye, where he would meet his father. The one man who he had come to despise and who brought anger and disappointment in waves. causing his heart to be clouded with foul feelings. With hatred and rage brought about feelings to demise his father in a one on one fight to the death. it did not matter if he was the most powerful Encranoes to walk the surface. He was out to make him pay with his life. But will his mind and heart finally be at ease if he were to succeed in the loss of his father's life? or would bit make his emotions spiral out of control? only time could tell. Join me in a journey of despite, defeat, anger and love. Only one can triumph......But will it bring peace with it?

Man_Marvel · Fantasy
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Marriage Event

With each passing day, Bethany love for Savarus was becoming stronger and stronger as she couldn't stop herself from smiling as the day of their marriage was finally at hand.

The gate was widely opened with people entering inside with every passing minutes, Bethany was all smile but feeling of nervousness inside her couldn't be suppress.

Although she was excited, but the feeling of leaving her home and going to stay at another's was making her feel nervous, especially as it's a man.

Oscar was welcoming all the guests with an open arms,the moment the other clan leader arrived, he immediately greeted and directed them to a well reserve place which he has made for them specially, so they would feel comfortable and wouldn't mingle in the sea of crowd.

Even though some of them were not in good terms with each other, they still respected the invite of Oscar as one of the clan leader, because he would have done the same in their stead.

After exchanging greetings with them and taking them to their seats, he walked back to continue doing his thing.

"What a spoiled brat, I can see you don't have respect for your elders, I don't actually blame you, I blame your dead father" said Yisson as he looked at Brian who was sitting not too far from him.

On hearing this words, Brian turn to look at him. "I don't see a reason to greet someone who doesn't deserve it" said Brian.

"Insolent fool, if only my sword was with me, then I would have slain you were you stand" said Yisson in anger.

"Why should I bother myself to greet someone who doesn't have the courage to fight openly, but instead fight like a coward who hide behind the shadows and just to remind you, don't think you have any power higher than me all because I'm young, you and I are on the same level" said Brian without any respect.

'Don't let him look down on you kid, show him you aren't a push over, you hold the same authority just like everyone present here' said Margaret inwardly as she continue listening to their conversation.

Luckily for the Bucadox clan, preventive measures has been taken as to not allow any form of weapons in this type of event, if not, Yisson would have clearly draw out his weapon just from the tone of Brian.

The last thing the Bucadox clan want is a fight in their happy event and their resident at that.

"I will make you crawl on your knees and beg me before I take your life" said Yisson.

"I'm not afraid to say it to your face, you are a coward and always will be" said Brian clearly provoking him the more.

The other leaders present didn't say anything as they leave them to continue bickering like kids, they all knew the feud between the two clan so they didn't bother themselves to put their mouths in their business.

After being worn her bridal gown and applying some cosmetic to her face, she was now ready as it was almost time for her to walk down the aisle with her father.

The bell rang to signal the arrival of the groom, which Savarus did by walking down the aisle.

As Savarus walked down the aisle, all the girls which were present at the event couldn't stop themselves from drooling over him.

His black hair was well combed, his blue eyes was like that of an ocean as it seem out of the world, his body was well shape. in short he was the definition of a perfect creation.

His confident and elegance steps was enough to tell everyone that he wasn't to be joked or played with.

The bell rang for the second time, signaling the arrival of the bride. Bethany walked down the aisle with Oscar escorting her by holding her hand.

The moment she saw the crowd present in the wedding, the knot in her stomach which she thought she had gotten used to quickly increase by ten fold, she was about turning back but the supportive smile on the face of her father and his presence was able to make her continue walking.

On seeing the bride, some of the girls were looking at her with envy while others were cheering for her, although the ones envying her was more than those cheering for her, but she doesn't mind as she continue walking.

She wore a white bridal gown with different types of diamond stoned around it making them reflect as the sun was shining on them, her hair was braided in a stylish way with diamonds attached to it.

As she got close to Savarus, she saw a stunting smile presented on his face as he look at her.

Oscar walked away after escorting Bethany to her soon to be husband, they were now standing before the priest who would soon pronounce them husband and wife.

After paying their respect to heaven by going down on their knees and bowing their head three times, they did their oath and vow before being proclaim husband and wife by the priest.

Surprising how someone who hasn't witness how humans marriage event was supposed to go about, managed to do exceptional well, this was nor other than Savarus.

For someone as intelligent as Savarus, he didn't need more than once before learning all that was suppose to happen in such event.

After their vows, it was now time for the bride to entertain the guest and impress the groom by displaying one of her talents.

Luckily for Bethany, one of the instrument she was well familiar with and knows how to play very well was among those presented to her, or maybe it wasn't luck because she had been told before hand the instrument which would be presented so they can add the one she knows how to play.

She pick up one of the woodwind instrument presented on the table, a flute to be precise.

Thanks for reading, please add to library so I can be able to write more chapters and please do vote ♥️

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