
Demonically Infected

A girl made to pay for a father debt to a demon lord, the ultimate sacrifice or a slim chance to survive. Where will her choices lead her? Can she make it back or forever walk the tightrope till she falls into hell.

Vawn_Mobbs · Kỳ huyễn
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21 Chs


Dingo tossed a knife to me, then set me up into a tall tree and ran to help the others it took me at least a minute to get my brain functioning and then I jumped from the tree and ran to help them. After all if they died I would not survive to make it out. Secondly what if it was one of the demon that had taken me now I could maybe get information and possible revenge.

With my knife in the correct position and my mine set to fight I sprinted towards the sound of the noises. As I cleared the trees and bushes I was stopped in my tracks by the massive shape in front of me. It must have been a boar at one time but now it stood five feet at its height and at least nine feet long. Spikes adorned its face, hoods and tail looking like glistening silver and it tusks were at least over a foot long.

It's eyes burned a eerie red that blazed like a real fire and Dingo was jacking at its side with his ax and barely scratching its hide. Castle was barely able to hold it back its massive head trying to pull his shield away. Wendy was casting a strength reinforcement spell so he could try to retain ownership and get a chance to fight back. The mage SeaCinder was trying to cast a spell but Castle large body blocked her ability to cast one.

I didn't know what to do and then it swung its tail and hit Dingo in the side the metal like hairs pierces multiple holes into his side before sending him flying into the far left side of the mountain wall. At the same time it got a grip on Castles shield and tore it from his side, ha stumbled back but SeaCinder manage to hit the demon boar in the face making it back away.

The giant demon boar screamed in rage and based the cave opening sending the three inside to flying further inside. Huge boulders and rocks broke loose and blocked off most of the cave entrance trapping the three inside. That just left Dingo who was severely wounded and herself who only had a knife so she did what she could and choose to run.

It choose to follow the fleeing figure into the forest it could come back to eat the rest later so it thundered after Rose. She ran as fast as she could dodging between various large trees and tearing her skin on thorny bushes. Finally she saw what she was looking for a big enough tree to cause the boar a problem to break down and so up she climbed.

The giant boar hit the tree hard and several branches snapped and fell to the ground she barely held on. All that running and this beast madness made her scared but that was turning to anger. First her dad then gramps, and finally her mother all changed because of these dam demons. Her soul cried to kill them all, no one but the boar saw her eyes blaze red nor did they see her hands turn to claws or her body lengthen.

Her changed form leapt from the tree and landed on its back, her feet claws pierced deeply and gained purchase slicing between its ribs. Then with utter ruthlessness she punctured it brain piercing it right through its temple. Even as it death rattle started she continued to tear chunks of its flash out and ripping its eyes out as well.

Several hours later as the sun started to rise Castle and the others finally dug themselves out of the cave. They found Dingo bandaged up and waiting nearby his face was sullen as if he had felled at his task. When Wendy asked where Rose was, Dingo just pointed into the forest and shook his head. The sounds he had heard did not tell him of a happy ending.

They started to follow our tracks it wasn't hard as the beast had just tore and smashed through the smaller trees and bushes as if they were nothing. Finally they found a larger cleared area and unexpectedly the large demon beasts body. Or at least what was still in tack. It's head had been brutally ripped off and tornand cut up brutally.

It's body didn't fare much better with any slicable parts pierced and bitten its heart was missing and it's entrails covered the ground. They all surmised that their new friend was probably dead either by the boar or whatever beast had done its best to eat the boar. Wendy started to cry while Castle and Dingo started to investigate a little closer. SeaCinder had found the beast core and distracted Castle and Wendy from their investigations, none of them saw Dingo erased some strange clawed footsteps.

Dingos eyes looked upward into the largest tree and saw something hanging different from its surrounding branches. He quickly climbed the tree and found on it upper most branches. Rose was completely naked but so thickly covered in blood she seemed to be wearing a skin tight suit of red. Her belly was so full it bulges, he slowly placed his knife to her throat he wanted to kill quickly with out giving her pain.

Just as he silently said goodbye she opened her eyes and they were not a demons eye but her normal beautiful brown eyes clear of any evil. He barely had time to put his knife aside as she lunged forward and hugged him. Dingo I'm so glad your still alive, I was able to get it to chase me and get to this tree so it couldn't kill you. I must have passed out in fear after that cause I don't remember anything till I saw your scaly mug.

"You smell from running and need a bath so let's get out of this tree," replyed Dingo. He quickly flung her onto his back before she noticed the blood. Soon she was dumped into a pool of water its coldness gave her a shock but also broke loose the blood caked on her. Soon she was back with the group to their great surprise.