
Demonically Infected

A girl made to pay for a father debt to a demon lord, the ultimate sacrifice or a slim chance to survive. Where will her choices lead her? Can she make it back or forever walk the tightrope till she falls into hell.

Vawn_Mobbs · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Making it to town

After we all got ready and had collected the core we started heading to town. Rose noticed Wendy stopping from time to time, and digging up small plants so she asked what she was doing. Wendy said she was trying to collect herbs for a guild quest as well as for her to make some simple healing potions. After she showed them to Rose she volunteered to help After all she had pick many of these with and for her mother.

The group was walking slow so Rose ranged out a bit from the group for some reson it seem as if her vision had improved. Soon I was racing from plant to plant picking them up and placing them into the bag Wendy had given me. By the time I heard Castle say it was time for lunch I had collected a little over 200.

I run to get some grub I was hungry once again, we each had some cheese, bread and the left over cooked boar meat. It was delicious so I asked for seconds, Castle shrugged and gave me the rest of the meat on the bear thigh. I gave the herbs to Wendy she was elated and said she had enough but pull out a different one and ask for me to try to find it.

For the rest of the day I was constantly looking but barely found 22 of them this herb must be very rare I guessed. I had never seen them before and my mother had taught me about herbs. I remember Wendy calling them disolusion, she said some made them into gas bombs to cause illusion to beasts they hunted. It also could be used for various other items and potions but she picked them cause they could be, sold for a lot to alcomists.

Rose notice that she had been trotting and running all day long but was not tired at all, in addition she seemed a little taller was this signs of corruption. It didn't seem like a bad thing but she was afraid as the sun started to go down they broke free of the wooded area and she saw the town of Ashburn. It was much bigger then where she had grown up and even sported a tall wall around it.

As they entered the town everyone seemed to call out to them especially to Castle the third, he was well known. Everyone agreed to meet up in the morning to go to the guild and turn in there collected goods. Wendy invited her to come share her room and she would get her to a preist to see to her infections. With luck they could rid her of it and then she could not have so many worries. She praised her great abilities to pick herbs and said that she could make a good living of that alone.

Rose asked her about her past and she talked abou her Mom and gramps about the small farm and her pride on using a bow. She talked about her mom's small knowledge of healing and food collection. In between Rose told about her life as well, her family all of them were alcomist and quite well off but they kinda looked down on her. After all she just wanted to be a adventurer they figured she grow out of it but she didnt want she was having fun.

Rose didn't talk about her father or the torture her mother had to suffer because of him nor about her gramps death either. As they laid down to sleep, Rose asked if Wendy thought she could become a adventurer too. Rose yawned, " Sure why not you just got to sign up and pay entry fee to the guild they took anyone as far as I knew." As she fell asleep she dreamed of being in her new friends group using her bow and arrows to help out with their quests.

That night something walked in the forest and soon ran through the night searching for demonic beasts or demons themself. After a while it had found some demonic rabbit beasts and slaughter them all, with its belly full it climbed a tree to sleep. Afterwards someone lifted the sleeping form, washed it and carried it away.

In the morning both Rose and Wendy woke refreased they grabbed clothing and headed out to finish their objectives. Wendy showed her how to sell the herbs and plants as well as helped her get the correct price for the ones she had collected. The alcomists payed a lot 450 silver coins it was more money then she would have received in three months working at home.

Rose made her pick up a general guide to herbs and plants so she could pick what she wanted. She promised to circle the ones around their area that were worth money as well as a bag to hold them both discounted because Rose family were members. Alcomist really had money and she found their stalls outside sold their goods for high prices. Her mother had definatly been robbed in the pass for her goods but Rose figured it was like she said it was what the locals could afford.

Finally Wendy realized the time and they had to run to they friend to meet on time, Rose realized she had left Wendy behind and returned. Grabbing her hand she about ran Wendy's legs off to get there and she was huffing and puffing so hard that Rose worried for a second. Finally catching her breath Wendy laughed out loud man can you run and your not even tired.

Around the corner the rest of their party arrived and greeted them happily and they headed off to the guild. On the way Castle said they would collect their reward for finishing their quests and split the profits. However he felt that Rose deserved some profit from the demonbeast gem because she was part,of the group then and had led it away saving Dingo and possibly them as well.

Cinder immediately protested saying, "She was just trying to save her own life and didn't deserved to get anything out of the gem. She had not even tried to fight it so why should she profit from their luck." Wendy sadi, "Hay, she help me get the herbs to finish this quest so she deserves something as well." Both looked to Dingo and he just patted Rose on the head and nodded and that was the,end of the,discussions except for Cinders muttering.