
Demon Slaying System

Main Character ( Jian lin ) loses his family and his life at last in power struggle and ploys of his own family members and his close associated friends. Jian lin wants revenge, he was selected by system ( demon slaying system) "Ding, host has been selected for Demon slaying system " "Ding, host has obtained the rights to become a player , does host accept " ''Ding, host has been allowed with 10 seconds time to consider , failure of acceptance leads to perishing of host's soul in myriad number of realms " " Demon.... Slaying... System?", "Host....? " " Well, as long as i have my revenge , i can sell my soul to the Devil or can become an demon itself " Jian lin has to prove his worth to system by completing certain tasks and trails with other candidates that were selected by system to become an Demon slayer. Can our mc finish these trails ? Can he compete with others ? Is there any hope for his revenge?. Stay tuned !!. —————————————————————————— Notes : This is first novel, and english isn't my first language, so there are few gramatical mistakes that can be spotted in my novel, but it gets better as you proceed through next chapters. You can bookmark my chapters in case you liked it and it really helps any author such as myself to get editors attentive and the quality of chapters would increase sharply by then. Commentig the chapter is as worth as gold, like the case of bookmarking. If you think the story deserves your power stones you can vote for it as it will encourage, me the author. Release schedule : At alternate days, bonus chapters, either at Sunday or Saturday. During exam times i may take small breaks from updating. During vacations, i will release daily to compensate the chapters I had not released during exams. Don't just look at the grammar mistakes and throw curses at my chapters, The chapters will be rewritten by me slowly and be updated as later times, so please have patience. Well the story is mine, but the cover belongs to the artist.

balubalubalu666 · Kỳ huyễn
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179 Chs

Chapter 52 : Make a name for himself ( part 6 )

" Fuck! Wilhelm had decieved us! How could razor still be a genius from branched family. He should be more of a secret child or illegitimate child from the main family's Supreme elder's at seclusion or even the head of family, the patriarch at worst. Being a low class member from the alliance, how could we bear to offend such a character. "

The fighters who surrounded razor had their spine shudder severely. Any person in their shoes would probably think of this fact, after looking at razor who had finally decided to reveal his trump card, they regretted helping Wilhelm.

His six white shining fangs, that he revealed earlier were the ones which only supreme genius among the lamia race could bore, not what a ordinary member from branched family could generate.

Only bloodlines of supreme elders and patriarchs were so pure that their sons or daughters could accidentally unlock their fangs, capable enough to replace their position after their death, and stabilize their family.

Wilhelm had also received a high position within the main family equal to a low class elder. Not just because of his father's status and connections, but also because he was a genius that appears once in thousands of years, within the family, who had unlocked four fangs during his birth. Two lesser than what razor actually shown.

Few elders were even deciding to hand wilhelm the position of patriarch after he finally finished maturing. But became hesitant as of now to choose between Wilhelm and him.

But now a six fanged serpent appears with in the lamia race, his status could far exceed that of the wilhelm and even patriarch had to give him some face in dealing with him, nevertheless a genius child born out from elders genes. if not for some hidden conspiracy how could he end up in the branched family. Several experts wanted to investigate the matter and reach to its core.

Few elders that disliked wilhelm had secretly wished for razor to kill him, and become the next seeding candidate for patriarch in his stead.

The expression of wilhelm's father turned ugly when he set his eyes on him, so were the several other elders under Wilhelm's father faction, who were shocked on seeing razors. " This feeling, how is he still alive..... "

At the battle platform.

" Since we had already offended him, crying over spilled milk is useless, our only leeway is to kill him, since our grudges are irreconcilable until death, we could only fight out until one side only remains alive, trampling over the other side with their death. "

Offending razor was now equal to making lamia race their enemies and if they failed at killing him they would suffer severe consequences from the blue flame alliance.

Since they had already made enemies with razor, relying on blue flame alliance was their only way of survival. Which means that they have to kill razor and make wilhelm their spacegoat to prevent lamia race from targeting them.

" Are you sure about it... ? Kill wilhelm instead, you can put him at blame, since it was him who had used your alliance, sending yourselves to death, for his own selfish gains, my idea seems more feasible. " Razor exclaimed in a dominating way, glazing his soul piercing glare directed over them, looking at the rich bastards from blue flame alliance, whose bodies were nearly frozen with fear.

" Go and call second supreme elder, and fast! loosing either of them is not acceptable, especially when the other families are pointing their blades on each others throats, how could we allow ourselves to fight internally and let other forces laugh at our blunder. "

An elder from from lamia race quickly gave out his token to his subordinates, to run back to the family and bring out the second supreme elder to the scene, since only him at present could make a huge difference at arena and bring a stop to this fight, provided his previlages as one among the supreme beings on the floor.

" Sowing discord among ourselves. So you could reap benefits from them and become the big winner later, nice try razor!

If I am not wrong, judging by your current cultivation realm, your bloodline power won't last long, at most two minutes or three before wearing off.

By that time killing you would be easier than chickens, hahaha...! "

Wilhelm bellowed loudly, razor was strong but not invincible, tough the pressure exerted by him is capable of slaying peak class aura grand master, but had a limit to it. Where he could be easily slain by any one among them, all they have to do is to endure, endure till razor's bloodline power reaches its ends, before fading out.

" Attack at once! The more we pressure him, the faster our chance of subduing him. "

The members from blue flame alliance bellowed out.

Bloodline powers are like large reservoirs, storing tremendous amount of power that ordinary person at the same cultivation realm could never fathom.

Even tough it had a huge reserves of power, stored within the users body. It would at last be consumed at a rapid rate, and the more a person exerts it's power the faster would be it's rate of consumption.

Their plan was simple, pressure razor to a point where all stored powers within his body were exhausted giving them a chance to win and turn the tides towards their favor.

* Boom! Boom! Boom! *

* Smash! Smash! Smash! *

* Clang! Clang! Clang! *

The fight continued for about a minute. Razor had managed to bring down more than half the contenders against him. Making people turn amaged by the feat.

He charged through their encirclement like a wild stallion, smashing every thing on its way, killing them on spot to reduce the number of enemies he could encounter, once his powers are faded out.

The corpses were littered on the floor, few of them had managed to have their body intact after their death, thanks to the strong bodily defense, but still the scene was devastating.

The powerful artifacts used by them had still failed to make a serious injuries in razor, leaving behind few scratches that were not worth mentioning.

After the bloodline powers of razor were dried up, he felt himself getting weakened, barely managed to make himself stand, let alone fight.

The moment his powers were dried up temporarily, as a result of using his blood line powers, his fate was decided.

The rest of the survivors tough were not at their very peak of condition, sustaining heavy injuries from him earlier.

Even a single one of them at present were enough to kill razor, nevertheless a group, who had a deep grudge towards him.

Wilhelm among the crowd emerged out thrown out a small dagger from his storage ring and exclaimed " Razor, since being a six fanged variant from same family, i give you some face and allow you to commit suicide. We don't have much of a patience, before we count to ten finish off yourself or else we would let you experience hell, at the point where even death would turn out to be a better alternative. "

Their statement tough appeared as of giving razor a face, and let him die unsuffered outside, but internally was to prevent the troubles that were going to be casted on them later.

If razor commuted suicide, the family had no rights to take action against them and blue flame alliances fame would further increase as they managed to hunt a powerful bloodline warrior.

But all of a sudden, Mark who was silently observing the events from the start finally decided to make his move. " Stop! you guys and yet to face me, don't say that you are going to use razor a hostage to fight me, huh.. "

" Kid.... you really are tired of living. " A upper stage grand master leaped towards mark, but was petrified few inches away from mark unable to make a move, Mark quickly took hold of his weapon before piercing or out through his chest directly killing him, it was the first time where mark had killed a person after he was brought up to floor 21.

" Quite a nice sword, so who's next! " pointing the sword towards the group mark exclaimed calmly.

The audience broke into a upraor, his contenders were startled, " A new trick, which is more frightening than the one earlier. "

The more Heil tried to see through him the lesser he actually figured out against him. " An ability from darkness law! " He exclaimed internally.

Author's notes.

Bloodline power

* like a rechargeable battery, which would start to function after it had connections and work until it had charge, and once all of it was used up it turns a waste temporarily until it had to gain charge by recharging.

* Here the recharging is dime automatically by the body which used the outer atmosphere as a source to fill up the powers back to the users body, and the user would be in the continuous state of weakness until all of his used up powers are regained.