
Demon Slaying System

Main Character ( Jian lin ) loses his family and his life at last in power struggle and ploys of his own family members and his close associated friends. Jian lin wants revenge, he was selected by system ( demon slaying system) "Ding, host has been selected for Demon slaying system " "Ding, host has obtained the rights to become a player , does host accept " ''Ding, host has been allowed with 10 seconds time to consider , failure of acceptance leads to perishing of host's soul in myriad number of realms " " Demon.... Slaying... System?", "Host....? " " Well, as long as i have my revenge , i can sell my soul to the Devil or can become an demon itself " Jian lin has to prove his worth to system by completing certain tasks and trails with other candidates that were selected by system to become an Demon slayer. Can our mc finish these trails ? Can he compete with others ? Is there any hope for his revenge?. Stay tuned !!. —————————————————————————— Notes : This is first novel, and english isn't my first language, so there are few gramatical mistakes that can be spotted in my novel, but it gets better as you proceed through next chapters. You can bookmark my chapters in case you liked it and it really helps any author such as myself to get editors attentive and the quality of chapters would increase sharply by then. Commentig the chapter is as worth as gold, like the case of bookmarking. If you think the story deserves your power stones you can vote for it as it will encourage, me the author. Release schedule : At alternate days, bonus chapters, either at Sunday or Saturday. During exam times i may take small breaks from updating. During vacations, i will release daily to compensate the chapters I had not released during exams. Don't just look at the grammar mistakes and throw curses at my chapters, The chapters will be rewritten by me slowly and be updated as later times, so please have patience. Well the story is mine, but the cover belongs to the artist.

balubalubalu666 · Kỳ huyễn
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179 Chs

Chapter 163 : Soul space!

Aaron's mansion

Outside main hall!

" Don't give me an heart attack! Oh god... just how can a person enter Aura emperor realm this easily? "


Cela's group, who found Xena to undergo an monstrous change yet again were feeling stupefied, as Xena was breaking logic which was inconceivable!

A leap of two... minor realms was acceptable, but how could a mortal manage to keep his body unexploded when assailing her realm through two major realm?

Entering Aura emperor realm from Aura grand master?

No such case was ever recorded in history, and even if it did, it wasn't to a level where the craziness brought with Xena's transformation could be worth compared with!

Initial-order aura emperor!

" I... I... I Really unlocked by bloodline seal! 1st seal of my bloodline is unlocked! "

All injuries which she sustained earlier were recovering at breathtaking speed and Xena who sensed her new found powers to be sky rocketing felt excited!

She also felt a bit emotional at this instance as she no longer could be called a burden, who needs protection!

" Almighty God! She really unlocked her bloodline seal before 18!! "

Cela understood the logic behind the illogical, still she felt stupefied as Xena created an another miracle which was never unheard in history of continent!

Blood lines were unlocked at age of eighteen, even if it did failed they could have a chance at unlocking it at latter part of life!

Still unlocking ones bloodline before eighteen was not possible as the bloodline wouldn't be mature enough and so does the awakening which wouldn't be fruitful!

Xena who was sobbing then was now overwhelmed with tears of joy, as she finally became an expert who could protect others instead of being protected!

" Wait... Is that not the end to it? "

Xena who was about to stop with her mana circulation felt a strong desire to run it even faster as an unparelled will to head towards the next minor realm was urged by her bloodline, which made her determinant!

Mid-order aura emperor!

High-order aura emperor!

Peak-order aura emperor!

One after the other the breakthrough of minor realms went without a hitch, and bloodline which urged Xena to breakthrough was now sucking loads of mana from surroundings which barely was masked by bubble of Cela to begin with!

Phew! I was worried for nothing... seems like my bubble is more resistant than my expectations...

Cela sighed in with relief, as her worry of getting exposed was unwanted, and seemed like the bubble which was casted through her Devine spell was resistant to Xena's breakthrough, as the shock waves release couldn't necessarily be called attacks right?

Only after reaching peak-order aura emperor realm did her bloodline cooled down, where she was jolt awoke by the stares which overwhelmed her!

" Y...Y...You! I mean princess... you reached peak-order aura emperor straightaway? "

Xena didn't took the unmannerly question of Cela to heart and just stood straight!

" H...How...!? "

" Let's deal with traitors first, I can answer your questions later! "

With strength comes responsibility!

And with responsibility comes the attitude, which could be only be found in leaders to begin with!

Xena's changes had not just brought changes to her body but also to her brains which no longer made her act childish as ever!

" Princess! I don't think the situation is that simple! I mean... I can sense traces of foreign influence on... our general! "

Xena who readied herself to enter the hall made a temporary stop, only to glare at Cela who seemed found something odd about him!

" Explain? "

Cela felt frightened for a second as princess wasn't normal as expected, still she let go of stray thoughts at the moment and entered matters quick which was commendable!

" I mean, I could sense the presence of an external influence who seemed intermixed with General's Aura... "

External presence?

" You mean... some one is manipulating him from far? "

Princess felt helpless again as she let her subordinates get controlled by unknown entities which she was ignorant of unless Cela brought it to notice!

" No wonder there were two shades of colour on general which are stark contrast with each other! "

Before she was weak, and so does her ability which was of limited strength to see through person's heart!

Now that she reached peak order aura emperor realm, a gush of black aura

suppressing the pure white blossom could be looked upon!

" General... So he was loyal to me since the beginning! "

Xena sighed internally with relief, yet looking at the current situation where general was killing his own men, her heart couldn't help but feel pained, as she dragged them into her imperial family's mess!

Cela then clenched her staff tight and requested

" I ask for princess to drag on time, few dozen minutes at least, so that I could prepare for a cleansing type spell which could provide a wedge for general to fight back! "

Cela belongs to church, combat powers weren't her speciality, but buffing and healing were things which she could be proud about!

As such she wanted to give it a try and who knows weather she might luck out on a big fish like general and cleanse his mind?


Current time line!

Xena was still battling the blood wigg general who seemed grown exhausted with depleting mana which was as expected!

Xena was also present at a state which was no better than general himself.

She had yet to gain full control of her powers, which limited her explosive might from lasting long!

Still, she barely managed to fend off against his attacks with flexible body and reflexes, which somehow managed to restrict him!

Though she managed to restrict him, she couldn't help but leave the other part of battle to few remaining loyal ones who were dealing against traitors at full swing!

" Highest Degree... ... Cleanse! "

Cela abruptly appeared within ruins of destroyed hall which was barely holding up from falling down!

The second she casted cleanse spell, all her mana got depleted with it, exposing the rest of her group who could no longer stay hidden in bubble!

General felt a strange gush of energy penetrating into his body which felt threatening!

He tried fighting back, yet no results to avail as it had finished assimilating into his body already which brought abrupt changes to soul that made things difficult for him!

" Fuck! What wrong with this body? How could he fight back even more aggressive than before? Wasn't he nearly got assimilated by me? "


Cleanse spell created an opening for Xena to strike back, she abruptly went close to general, used her swift and flexible legs to aim for generals sword to make him unarmed!


With General being unarmed, Xena got a huge advantage against him which she didn't want to slip by through carelessness!

She didn't gave much time for general to retaliate, and made her moves quick.




Xena rotated abruptly at top speed to strike a punch to general's face, she then used the residual momentum to hit his lat with a cross kick and finished the fight by hitting a downward elbow strike to head that almost passed general unconscious!


If not for the fact that Xena needs to save general, she might directly use the chance to finish him off with her sword, which was more straightforward way to end things!

" General... he lost...? "

The traitors felt their hearts jump out from their throat, as they felt like they were done for!

Princess showcased powers which only the mighty figures at peak order aura emperor were capable of!

As such the roles of parties were now reversed, where traitors had to bear the grunt of peak order aura emperor powers, which was ironic as traitors started to regret with the choices!

" Damn! Who could have thought that princess was hiding her strength? "

" Run! Run! We are no match for her! "

" Run for lives! "


Xena wasn't any thing but merciful to those scums who turned their backs to plot against her!

As such she instantly released her suppressive might to press them all down to floor as she could have fun torturing then to death, later, as she was really in a bad mood to begin with!


Xena landed down on floor and started walking towards the person who was her true follower!

Not any one could just have the presence of white with a true heart, and not any one present out there who could really devote themselves to her, without a hidden agenda behind!

As such she'll go to great lengths to protect those true ones and would also annihilate those fakes who might come try to corrupt them!

" Prin... cess...! Your subordinate had... failed you! "

With a tear flowing out his eyes, general banged his head down to floor as he seemed asking for forgiveness currently!


Princess too felt a bit emotional as she was the one to be blamed with!

Yet looking at general who was unjustly caught within the internal matters of imperials, she couldn't help but swore internally that she'll protect him, and also never let her loyal retainers face injustice even if she had to face the consequences which was worth going against the world itself!

Being a princess with a lofty status what did she achieve, now that the loyal and faithful retainers were present around her what could she ask for?

As such the swore did not felt exaggerated to her mind, as Xena felt she could achieve that strength in future to back her words!

" Please stand Uncle General, everyone knows that it was not your mistake to get possessed! "

Uncle general?

She really called him uncle general!

The loyal officers who heard this words had disbelief spun over their faces as Xena felt unreal!

Though she became a bit too caring, she started appearing as the little child once which they used to remember!

If the great general hadn't died then, maybe the princess wouldn't have to face hardships... but considering the development which brought her to such heights they felt conflicted and decided to leave the rest to nature to take care of!

" General? "

The head which banged the floor was yet to be raised and general who had shut his eyes tight was bleeding from mouth which made Xena worried!

Did I really hit him hard at face?

I broke through recently, so am not adept at controlling power which couldn't be blamed upon!

" Uncle General! Are you alright? "

Xena rushed towards him with a worried face, yet Cela who just seemed to find some breath to think had her face sunk to despair as things had yet to end for real!

" Wait...! Some things off about him! "

Her cleanse spell did in fact was casted well, but was there any presence which exited general to confirm the success of spell?

Cela wanted to play safe as she decided to warn, yet Xena had reached almost close to general where the warning could no longer be of significance!


Xena turned around as she found Cela to act weird, yet the next second a terrifying thrust of punch hit her chest which confirmed the thing which Cela wanted to explain!


What exactly happened earlier?

Cough! Cough!

Xena felt her vision turn blur as her pain tolerance was low and with taking the full grunt of impact unguarded, she coughed mouth full of blood while ramming to wall which made her hard to interpret what's going around?

Wasn't general cleansed?

They why's he hitting... Wait! Did the spell of her's failed earlier?


She was a bit too late with that realisation as general reached right above her by now and followed up his hand thrust with a down ward kick, which crashed Xena all the way down to mansions foundation which shook the structure of mansion itself and made them sure that it no longer could hold still.

" General!? Has he gone nuts? No it feels like he's yet to come out-of possession! "

The loyal officers who came to this realisation felt their hearts shiver, as they were helpless to face the general for second time!


Boom! boom!

With a wave from his arms general wreaked the hell out the hall and trashed all insignificant ones who overestimated their powers!

Cela formed a barrier on time, yet the blow of general was such that it easily got broken through, exposing herself to attack!



Cardinal rule blocked the blow for Cela, yet his body wasn't capable enough to endure the blow which made his state extremely unsightly.

General who found Cela's group to escape narrowly from death didn't bother them any as his entire focus was concentrates on Xena who hit the basement of mansion in a unsightly state!

Her body was bleeding, cloths torn at multiple sites and head was dizzy!


A suction force generated at general's palm which brought her close to him!



General made a downward elbow strike to Xena's abdomen and upward knee to her back as a follow up, when she was about to fall back to basement!

Cough! Cough!

A single moment of carelessness and Xena was caught in the trap which paid her heavily!

She was extremely unsightly at this moment and looked like a broken rag doll which has its neck grabbed in palm of general who seemed going to end her petty little life!

" No! You can't kill her! "

Few officers who gained some strength started flying towards general to stop him, yet general didn't felt even a bit pressured as he waved his free hand over these flies who were seeking death!


The strong gush of mana pierced through their bodies and princess who looked at this scene felt pained yet again, as her momentarily carelessness caused few more of her loyal retainers to death which was unforgivable!

" Just take me alone! Don't kill my loyal men... I beg of you! "

Her determined eyes had even made the possessor taken back, yet he merely smiles over her face as he exclaimed

" Take you! Yes that's what I been after since earlier but... you grown troublesome... "


He then glanced at the chest and abdomen as he exclaimed

" You are our target but... at the same time you are a bit too much to restrain... so you have to die dear! "

" Still fret not... I'll possess your body and let my only son breed with it... So you're not dying without any offspring! "


" Bloodline of human imperials... it's quite tempting to not steal it right? "

Human imperials?

Xena was now sure that the general was not just possessed by some random person but by a bona-fide beastmen who had I'll intentions over her bloodline!


A strange kind of energy was pulling her, not her body, but her soul which was most sensitive part of one's existence to begin with!

" No you don't... "

Xena felt her soul being severed from her body, which caused a pain that almost shuddered her body like a electrocuted fish which was subjected to pure torture!


Without an exception including Cela everyone understood what's going around!

General was trying to harvest Xena's soul which was the worst kind of torture one could bear, as it was more painful than being killed by hundreds of shots over body!

If a more detailed comparison was to make, all her senses would feel terrifying pain as they were severing from soul link which was foundation if ones body to begin with!

So the pain experienced by Xena was understandable!

Few seconds later!

A translucent blue coloured silhouette of Xena seemed separating from her body which caused her body to abruptly come to a pause, as she no longer could find connection with her body which made her feel despair!

General opened his mouth wide to bite Xena's soul at neck as he wanted to devour it for real!


" Haha! Futile resistance... I'll store your soul inside my soul space and at that time... I'll breed hundreds of royal offspring who'll make a formidable force under their grand father! "


Xena was getting sucked into a dark room where she found a huge golden soul that appeared similar to a snake race beastmen who was present at centre!


Xena found generals soul trapped in restrictive chains which made him dormant!

General was not just the only one but there were many, almost close to three dozen, seated in a large circular platform in a circle around the wolf beastmen, who seemed struck in the soul space, as they found themselves helpless to get controlled!

At the same time she found wall sized screens hing above each souls head over the dark space, which showed the explicit vision of possess bodies which made her start feeling frightened!

Peak order aura emperor were just the lowest among the trapped souls, there even some who reached the standard of imperial knights, I.e, Transcendent realm which made her feel worried!

Each soul had different visions and there were few where the females within the picture has turned into a breeding tool, which caused her to despair!

" T...That... Isn't she... "

" Am I going to become one amongst them then? "

I'll rather die!

She felt despaired, as becoming a breeding tool to lay offsprings for him with her bloodline was a thing which was more torturous them death itself!

Hundreds of offsprings?

At her current realm her life span was several times greater than a mortal, and laying hundred offsprings though was possibly in theory, still Xena had never heard of such case and didn't want to become the first as it was the worst kind of torture she could imagine to begin with!

Still, her despairing eyes struck at one particular screen of a trapped soul, which was bigger than most!

It was the one which caused her eyes to open wide with disbelief, as the scene which she seen within had almost caused her soul to cry out tears, as it made her feel emotional!

" Isn't that... My Mark? "

Through the eyes of blind eyed beastmen who had used space lock ability to trap Mark and dispatched hundreds of aura emperors to kill him was clearly evident to her eyes!

The merciless killing, unimaginable destruction and also the brave heart of the little man who was fighting for her!

How could she not turn emotional?

" Is he fighting the entirety of beastmen army out there for me? "

Fighting the entirety of beastmen army outside the palace for her?

Just what sort of revelation was that?

In her whole, with exception to great general who died when she was young, no one might ever or no one could ever dare this feat as it was just suicide for them!

Still a little man who was true in his heart was fighting out with his life on line, how could Xena not feel pained even if she was merely a soul body currently?

Does he love me dearly? Still why don't I ever recall a past where I could have met up with him?

" No! Stop!! They sword would kill him! "

" Mark! Dodge!! "

The might behind sword of destruction could clearly be assessed by Xena, which made her feel panicked!

Through strange means the destructive might behind that blow was made to reach the grade of Transcendent realm attacks, which might just annihilate aura emperors for good!


The sword hit the ground and a huge crater reaching hundred plus meters deep became evident which pained her heart!

Xena felt an unparelled sense of helplessness dwell within, and her emotions which felt that she had lost everything yet again had frenzied her soul!

General had his soul subdued!

The loyal ones had suffered heavy casualties and even the ones who survived didn't seemed far away from being dead!

And the last of pure heart, Mark Milton who remained a mystery was now turned to ashes right before her eyes, how could anyone understands the torment she was going through?


The blue soul of hers started turning red with a increase in size, starting from a measly one meter existence her size sky rocketed to reach ten meters which started causing unstability to soul space within!

Surprising enough for her, the body of her's which was caught by the hand of general started to burn and Xena who had her soul link severed now felt the signs of reconnection again!


Xena's soul glared deep at the soul of snake race's beastmen with eyes of vengeance as she went for a strike!

What!? How's that possible?

If her soul power was put in a gross scale, it's hundred currently while it was a measly number of one before!

Her soul power could be said to be intensified by many folds and had a strike was made, the Beastmen would suffer severe injuries which were not easily healed, so how could he not be worried then?

" No!!~~~ You don't!! "

Author's notes:

Characters added:

Mysterious Beastmen : The snake race guy who has the ability to manipulate souls!

Comment or review my book if you like the chapter.

Power Stones are luxury which I can't ask casually, and thanks for reading my chapter dear readers, I am awaiting your responses.


# Mark - 7th stage of refinement! ( High order aura emperor equivalent )

# Wendy - High order aura emperor!

Wendy's undead forces

1. Initial order aura king - 20,000

2. Middle order aura king - 5,000

3. High order aura king - 1,000

4. Peak order aura king - 600

5. Half step aura emperor - 480 ( mostly from half mutants and green rank base leaders )