
Demon Slaying System

Main Character ( Jian lin ) loses his family and his life at last in power struggle and ploys of his own family members and his close associated friends. Jian lin wants revenge, he was selected by system ( demon slaying system) "Ding, host has been selected for Demon slaying system " "Ding, host has obtained the rights to become a player , does host accept " ''Ding, host has been allowed with 10 seconds time to consider , failure of acceptance leads to perishing of host's soul in myriad number of realms " " Demon.... Slaying... System?", "Host....? " " Well, as long as i have my revenge , i can sell my soul to the Devil or can become an demon itself " Jian lin has to prove his worth to system by completing certain tasks and trails with other candidates that were selected by system to become an Demon slayer. Can our mc finish these trails ? Can he compete with others ? Is there any hope for his revenge?. Stay tuned !!. —————————————————————————— Notes : This is first novel, and english isn't my first language, so there are few gramatical mistakes that can be spotted in my novel, but it gets better as you proceed through next chapters. You can bookmark my chapters in case you liked it and it really helps any author such as myself to get editors attentive and the quality of chapters would increase sharply by then. Commentig the chapter is as worth as gold, like the case of bookmarking. If you think the story deserves your power stones you can vote for it as it will encourage, me the author. Release schedule : At alternate days, bonus chapters, either at Sunday or Saturday. During exam times i may take small breaks from updating. During vacations, i will release daily to compensate the chapters I had not released during exams. Don't just look at the grammar mistakes and throw curses at my chapters, The chapters will be rewritten by me slowly and be updated as later times, so please have patience. Well the story is mine, but the cover belongs to the artist.

balubalubalu666 · Kỳ huyễn
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179 Chs

Chapter 116 : Bring it on!


The soldiers that were busy undressing Delphine and Clara lost balance.

They clearly fell down to floor when the first counter of Mark against senyou took place.

I.e, the time when Mark opened a warp to counter the fist of senyou and retraced it back to him.

" What the hell was that? " The soldiers were confused a little, their excited eyes had a hint of confusion.

" Did our boss unrestrained his powers and killed mark as a result! " They were frightened thinking about it.

The mission to assassinate mark was a sensitive case, and so was not known to them.

Suffering annihilation from Miltons was the only result, if the conspiracy got found out.

So even in hundred chances, the higher authority wouldn't divulge this sensitive matter to a measly soldier.

So these soldiers were naturally ignorant of the assassination mission, and feared that their boss might have killed the honoured guest in impulse.


Just when they finished getting up, an another tremor slightly paler than the former had shook the entire mansion.

The former windows, through which these soldiers used to peep the battle had cracked out at a faster rate.

At the same time the reinforced array on the glass crumbled down to pieces, later shattering the window to bits.

The tall vertical walls had developed few cracks over it, which slowly spread to the adjacent walls.

Many tiles on the floor started to shake violently, before being dislodging out the floor.

Catching the vertical walls as a support the soldiers managed to stay standing. But the third counter by mark which tossed senyou to the ground was devastating.

So it necessarily had bounced them above the floor, while few lighter ones had reached the ceiling of hall way at once.

Surprisingly, the supporting beams in the basement had crumbled down at once, which made the entire mansion to tilt backwards.

A curious one among the soldiers, tried spectating the scenes which was happening outside.

He had to crawl down on the inclined floor, before reaching the window, which now had reached few meters above his head line.

After the last tremor, few after shocks still persisted, so he barely managed to reach the broken window at hair breath, before falling down back to the original place.

" Three strong blows from boss! Even General Heartrick finds it difficult to face him when he goes berserk!

Just how did that little kid managed to force three blows out of my boss?

Let's see what's happening out there? " With a look of curiosity, this brave soldier once again walked up the inclined slope and tried peeping through the broken window.

" Fuck! " He exclaimed loudly, after spotting the garden which was now beyond recognition.

The large garden which almost was the size of a football ground, now worsened to a desolate battlefield.

Deep trenches, wide craters and thrown up soil. Beautiful plants and trees on the outside had long since buried deep into the ground.

The mansion gate near the exit, that looked exclusively designed had been thrown out while the beautiful sculptures designed next to the walking pavement were no longer found in single piece.

The ponds and luxuriously designed fountains had been thoroughly devastated by piles of mud, which made them no longer recognizable.

The current spar between them looked like the aftermath of a great battle which devoured multiple souls.

Comming back to the present.

" Rover! What did you spot on the outside? " Shortly following Rover who climbed first, few others mustered their strength and climbed the inclined floor.

They had long since lost the interest in the women, and pitied them for being caught in the jaws of their hungry team mates, that were going to tarnish them thoroughly.

" What if authority finds us doing these inhuman acts? " A soldier asked a fellow mate, nervously, that was removing off the belt off his pants.

" Haha! It's the fate of these maid to serve their masters! " He laughed out, then continued stating.

" These maids can't help but blame themselves for being one!

They be grateful that we masters had fancied they bodies and ate going to grace them with our seeds! " Making a lecherous smile, he laughed out, while unzipping his zipper on the pants.

Shortly following him the others started unzipping and started removing their pants, staring at the prey which was lying in front them unconscious.

Near the window.

" Bo...Bo...boss! " Spotting the huge build of red skinned senyou, whose face was now kissing the ground, Rover stabbered in fright.

" What Bo...Bo...Boss? " The ones that climbed the inclined floor had questioned Rover who was stabbering in confusion.

Extending his index finger, he pointed out a spot where a big red skinned person was lying over the floor.

His hands were shaking in confusion and he couldn't believe his own eyes to begin with.

His boss's body was trashed to floor. But right now he had entered the berserk mode, and only few fortunate ones in the western warlords palace might control him.

If the honoured guest of their palace is capable of defeating senyou.

Then marks true strength may equal the top figures of the palace they serve!

Thinking that they had actually offended this demon, their legs shuddered down in fear.

After the three consecutive blows, senyou was some what damaged, but the last hit had snapped senyou and made him lost his consciousness.

By now, mark had reached next to him and was ready to pierce his blades into Senyou's chest.

Pierce! Pierce!

Mark had pierced both his blades into Senyou's heart and twisted it round to make it beyond healing.

Ah!~~~ Senyou bellowed out in pain

Puchi! Puchi!

After removing the blades out the Senyou's chest, the blood traced out the edges of his blade in a round arc.

With a fading heart beats senyou stopped moving.

" Haha! Finally this bastard is dead! Though I should thank him for this Two point warp ability, this bastard deserves death for his henious actions! "

With an exhausted face, mark muttered out these words, before going back to his mansion to take those three maids of him, and get the hell out of this western warlords palace for good.


Mark traversed back to the hallway only to spot his maid Delphine and Clara, to be butt naked.

By this time, rudia had already been taken away by Karl to Senyou's quarters. So she naturally was not present at the scene to begin with.

The lower pants of the soldiers were thrown aside, and the disgusting part between their legs was standing stiff.

Some had even lowered their bodies to make their way into these defenseless maids bodies.

" Ah!~~~ " A sense of unknown anger, deep within his body tremendous amount of mana was surging out.

All of a sudden, Mark's eyes turned red, his hair had pined up like sharp nails, canines had grown till his lower chin. Golden glow of mana was gushing out him like a devastating tornado.

His coiling mana had almost poked out many floors before piercing out the mansions top floor.

At the time of midnight, a thick pillar of golden light had attracted the attention of many strong spirit cultivators around.

" A strong abnormal? And this blood line it feels familiar! Looks like the western warlords palace is going to turn lively! "


Like a speeding jet, mark reached the centre of these brown soldiers, jumping directly above Delphine and Clara, and started unleashing his blades wildly.

Slash! Slash! Slash! Slash!

Slash! Slash! Slash! Slash!

More than fifty hungry beast like soldiers, ganging on two defenseless ladies, how could mark control his temper.

He even had to partially blame himself for putting them into this situation.

Earlier, few malicious people had entered his room while he was just awakened, how could he not guarantee that they wouldn't harm him maids?

Right now each of his slash were filled with rage, which was slicing off these soldiers to pieces.

Right now the effect of the way of strength is intact, yet to be faded. So mark was in an overpowered state.

The soldiers with their measly cultivation of the bottom feeders were not sufficient to challenge mark.

They couldn't even block a random attack from him, and some died on spot while standing.

Fifty soldiers, all down in seconds. They died a cruel death unable to discern clearly what cut them down, and made them to bleed to deaths.

The blood gushing out their bodies had drenched the naked bodies of Clara and Delphine thoroughly.

A thick warm and viscous layer of red fluid had soaked their long hair and covered their bodies like a coating.

The four fortunate ones that had reached the windows to spectate the scene had thanked their god merclaive for changing their mind at the last second.


After bathing with the blood of his enemies, mark howled out like a frightening beast, looking at the bodies of the two, whose pulse was lowering down.

Pouring some parts of his mana into these women, mark temporarily stabilized their pulse and prevented them from death.


Suddenly the tension in air started to increase.

The bodies of Rover and the three, who were standing near the windows had frozen all of a sudden.

Mark was feeling that he was missing a thing, figured out that Rudia was not present around to begin with.


Like a gale of wind, mark reached next to the Rover, who was having beads of sweat rolling down his face.

" Where's Rudia? " Mark asked in a commanding tone, his aura had still not diminished, present as lively as before.

The four had almost collapsed to the floor after hearing that words.

Under fright they were not able to exclaim it out.

" The first one to say shall live! " Mark stated an offer before them, which had almost temped them to exclaim out.

" That maid is... " Before the person next to Rover could exclaim out, rover gave a tight slap at his face and bellowed

" Idiot! Don't spout our life line so fast, what if this boy kills us after getting that piece of information he wants? "

Mustering a large amount of courage, Rover roared out, which started the others around him.

" My words are precious, and don't make me repeat myself again, where's Rudia? " Exerting a large amount of pressure mark questioned again.

Gritting their teeth hard, the four decided to stay silent and not give out their life line easily.

" Promise us, that you won't make a kill, after getting the information! " Rover bellowed out which started the three around him.

" Give me one possible explanation for leaving your bodies intact? " Mark questioned back.

" Sorry but it's letting us live not leaving out bodies intact? " Standing face to face against mark, rover bellowed out, he then continued stating.

" Clarifying things, are we four the ones that tried raping your women? "

Is it wrong being a soldier who had to follow their vice general for escorting you?

And to clarify an another fact, we four are the only ones alive that knows the where about of your woman named Rudia! Do you dare kill us? The innocents of this improper incident! "

" How did this cowards turned brave? " The soldiers that were still lying over the floor, unable to stand in the pressure of mark exclaimed out in disbelief.

" Yeah! Seems like an experience of near death had changed his personality! " An another one that lying over the floor exclaimed out in a weaker voice.

After a brief pause of five seconds mark opened his mouth and exclaimed " What's your name? "

" Wait! Why does he wants to know my name? " Rover exclaimed internally.

He looked around, seeing at the faces of his friends that were lying down and answers back after taking a deep breath. " My name is Rover! "

" Rover! Say where's Rudia, on the honour of my house Milton, I promise to leave you all alive! " Mark said domineeringly.

" Milton! " This single word had almost caused these four to faint in fright.

" Milton! The one before us is a damn Milton! " Now they even started praising Rover for his courage.

Not only had he offended a Milton, he even had the cheek to negotiate with him as equals.

" Aaron... Aaron mansion! " Rover exclaimed lightly.

He was surprised to believe that he could mutter out a words, after knowing that the person he offended was a Milton earlier.


The second the word "Aaron" came out his mouth, a silvery dagger pierced into his chest, that thrown him down, lifelessly.

" Death to the traitors! " A figure in loose black clothing popped out of no where.

He was wearing a black hood that almost covered his eye line, while a clean black cloth which almost covered his face was present within.

" Rover! " The three that were lying over the floor had catches the body of their friend who was taking his last breaths.

Shortly following the figure in black robes, many other such silhouettes started popping from the shadows, as if they were present hidden within shadows of these walls to begin with.

Cough! Cough!

" Run! We can't win against them! Even if it was for our vice general, he would turn back his tail to escape for life! " The Rover who was taking his last breaths bellowed out, warning his friends.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Three daggers which were aimed at the heads of Rover's friends were thrown out.

" So, at last we are all going to die! " The three exclaimed out in unison before closing their eyes, unwillingly.

Catch! Catch! Catch!

Mark appeared in between the trajectory and caught the three daggers at once.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

He returned those three daggers to the attackers, before adding a boost with his mana, that accelerated it's speed.

Pierce! Pierce! Pierce!

These three daggers were returned back to the attackers by mark, which hit their vitals, killing them on spot.

Bringing back the unconscious bodies of the Delphine and Clara wrapped in white blankets, mark entrusted them to the friends of rover, before trying to deal with the new enemies.

Now that he had nothing to feel threaten, mark could exert his full might and fight against these death soldiers without a worry.

" What are you waiting for? Bring it on you darn bastards? " Mark bellowed out in rage, before surging his mana to top.


At the same time when mark was busy killing the death warriors in black robes, a change was occurring to the corpse of senyou.

The initial small cracks at his head had started to widen out.


A dark viscous fluid in black was pouring out his cranium, which seemed to be alive like a strange creature.

It was releasing a strange mysterious aura, that was sucking the remaining life essence of senyou, shrinking the corpse at the same time.

Author's notes:

Characters added

1. Rover = A righteous soldier, that's gonna play some roles in the comming chapters.