

For as long as humans have known, creatures like Demons, Fae’s, Shape-shifters, Witches were things of myths. Until one night, the selfish sacrifice of two people caused the four portals of the underworld to become unlocked. The veil that kept humans ignorant of the existence of supernatural’s lifted, and it plunges the world into utter fear and confusion. As expected of humans, they reacted first, causing more wars than need be and enforcing more havoc and misery on everyone. To stop the growing death that plagued earth, two sides banded together to attack one. Humans and supernatural’s were free to roam together day and night, surviving, working, and rebuilding to make earth the prosperous blue planet it once was. Only, this fairytale didn’t exactly start in peace… and well, we’re still waiting for the end of the story. As with every obstacle one overcomes in life, there lays another just a few feet’s away. Before true victory can be attained, both sides need to learn to work together for the safety of all. ~*~*~*~ Ten thousand years ago, I lived a happy, comfortable life with my granny who provided everything for me, only I was uprooted out of that life by the hands of a hardhearted man, and was forced into service for another man and his Kingdom which has done nothing good for me. I experienced life’s true brutality under his service and ended up losing my life. Given a second chance at revival, I promised myself to get back at the man who is responsible for the death card I was handed. At one point in my life, I had the chance to meet him and get my revenge, but I was too weak and immature to succeed. Instead, I got to experience an even bigger hell by his hands and suffered a traumatic fate. He tortured me to my very last breath, and my new body now has countless scars to show for it. He shaped me into the cold-hearted monster I have become today, and I’m going to make sure he gets a taste of his work. I’m going to make him pay for the lives he’s taken. I’m going to shove a hand deep into his chest, rip out his cold dark heart, and crush it in the palm of my hand with great satisfaction. I am Reed, and I am out… for Blood!

Blessing_Ewetumo · Huyền huyễn
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31 Chs


"I am," I reply, and glance her way briefly. "Are you an alumnus of the academy?"

"Yup," She nods once, her face pulling into a slight grimace. "I started schooling at the academy from Elementary so I guess I'm an oldie." She laughs, but somehow, I don't think she said it to be funny. Her laugh sounds forced.

"Right." I nod again, unsure of what to say, and we lapse into an awkward stretch of silence.

"So," Desiree runs a hand down her cropped jeans nervously, her lower lip coming beneath her upper teeth. "I know we just met and all but do you have plans when your done settling in?"


"Great," She beams, her aura lighting up due to her enthusiasm. "I and a few friends were going to wander around the school and get ourselves more acquainted with our new environment. Do you want to come?"

I thought about declining, but knowing I wouldn't be doing much but hiding out in my room anyway, I reluctantly nod. "Alright, let me just finish arranging my clothes and then I'll be ready to go."

"Great," She grins, even more, her light brown eyes twinkling excitedly. "We're meeting them in the lobby in 30mins so take your time, I'll just freshen up a bit."

She disappears behind a door on her side of the room and I took that to be the bathroom, a couple of minutes later I'm done with my clothes so I decided to send a quick message to my aunt, telling her I arrived at the academy safely.

She replies immediately and reminds me to call her later tonight so she can hear my voice, replying with an affirmative I look up when the bathroom door opens and Desiree walks out dressed in a different outfit.

Her maroon shirt is knotted at the back to show off her midriff and the black jeans she's wearing hugs her small curves nicely, her blonde hair is no longer in a ponytail but gracefully down her shoulders in waves to frame her heart-shaped face. "I'm ready to go, are you?"

Nodding, I stand from my bed and slip my feet back into my sneakers, not feeling the need to change I follow Desiree out of the room still wearing the light blue sundress I wore before I left home.

Down in the lobby, Desiree walks towards a pair of red-haired twins with Asian features, and I hung back as they greet each other cheerfully. Their auras are a light shade of pink which identifies them as vampires, but the bits of colours swirling around in some areas let me know they're turned and are still maintaining their human side.

A pureblood vampire is a rare species many avoid because of their lack of humanity or heart, and their aura which is blood red constantly glows with power. I do not know how I developed such an ability, but it has come in handy in detecting predators from preys.

Turning to me, Desiree grabs my hand which jolts me from my thoughts and I stumble when she tugs me forward to introduce me to her friends.

I didn't want to seem rude by pulling my hand back and stepping away because having close contact with people puts me on edge, so I uncomfortably stood by her side with a stiff smile. "Guys this is my roommate Aurora, Aurora these are my close friends Tatiana and Ever. They're alumni's like me."

"Hi," I wave. "It's nice to meet you both."

"You too." They reply simultaneously and smile, and when they do sharp fangs flash through white pearls.

The girls are completely identical with cat-like green eyes, red blood lips, and slightly pale skin. Thankfully though there's a difference between them if no one will probably be able to tell them apart.

One is 5'7ft while the other shares the same height with Desiree at 5'5ft. "So, if you're a transfer what school did you go to before coming here?"

"Uhh, a private school called Magic Harbor High."

"That's a school specifically set up to train witches, right?"

"Yeah, it is," I reply.

"Cool. My twin and I are turned vampires, while Desiree here is a Banshee spirit." Ever states.

"That's nice." I nod with fake intrigue.

"Alright, enough talk of our marks. Let's head out." Desiree changes the subject. "I want to check out the activity centre before it gets too dark."