

For as long as humans have known, creatures like Demons, Fae’s, Shape-shifters, Witches were things of myths. Until one night, the selfish sacrifice of two people caused the four portals of the underworld to become unlocked. The veil that kept humans ignorant of the existence of supernatural’s lifted, and it plunges the world into utter fear and confusion. As expected of humans, they reacted first, causing more wars than need be and enforcing more havoc and misery on everyone. To stop the growing death that plagued earth, two sides banded together to attack one. Humans and supernatural’s were free to roam together day and night, surviving, working, and rebuilding to make earth the prosperous blue planet it once was. Only, this fairytale didn’t exactly start in peace… and well, we’re still waiting for the end of the story. As with every obstacle one overcomes in life, there lays another just a few feet’s away. Before true victory can be attained, both sides need to learn to work together for the safety of all. ~*~*~*~ Ten thousand years ago, I lived a happy, comfortable life with my granny who provided everything for me, only I was uprooted out of that life by the hands of a hardhearted man, and was forced into service for another man and his Kingdom which has done nothing good for me. I experienced life’s true brutality under his service and ended up losing my life. Given a second chance at revival, I promised myself to get back at the man who is responsible for the death card I was handed. At one point in my life, I had the chance to meet him and get my revenge, but I was too weak and immature to succeed. Instead, I got to experience an even bigger hell by his hands and suffered a traumatic fate. He tortured me to my very last breath, and my new body now has countless scars to show for it. He shaped me into the cold-hearted monster I have become today, and I’m going to make sure he gets a taste of his work. I’m going to make him pay for the lives he’s taken. I’m going to shove a hand deep into his chest, rip out his cold dark heart, and crush it in the palm of my hand with great satisfaction. I am Reed, and I am out… for Blood!

Blessing_Ewetumo · Huyền huyễn
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31 Chs


This market is the one place every supernatural creature could peacefully patronize their various products out in the open without having to worry about shadow creatures.

Once we crossed through the barrier safely and came upon the other end, a crowded market square greeted my sights. Well, a crowded square and the lovely feeling of fresh air.

Everything became a flutter of activity and excitement, my boredom vanishing for enthusiasm and intrigue as I stuck my head slightly out the window to stare at the excited wonder before me.

There are so many varieties of shops and tents crowded around the place, from rumours I heard the busy market used to be open 24/7 but ever since the presence of shadows began to become a growing problem the market was only allowed to be opened from 12:00 am – 4:00 pm.

Staring around there is so much array of activity that I don't even know where to look or which direction to turn towards. The street is divided into two, one side for peddler's and hawkers beneath their various tents and the other side for local shop owners.

It was a little saddening when we finally made it to the other end of the market and before our path is once again a stone bridge with a shimmering barrier. Once the carriage crossed through the barrier, I lose interest in the outside world as we came upon a rocky road with a sunny desert and blazing heat.

Dragging the short curtain closed to cover the window, I lean my head against the cushioned seat behind me and stare down at my dress.

I let my thoughts wander and a sudden idea flashed through my mind, since the heat is becoming unbearable again no one will see me if I simply pulled off my bloody dress for a few minutes.

The driver of the carriage rides up front, and because I'm from a small village I needn't the aid of a lady maid. Besides, what would a future guardian heading for the battlefield need with a ladies maid?

Till we get to the Kingdom of Galore I should have a brief moment of freedom, brief enough for me to shrug off the little propriety I have within my bone and become a little naughty wench.

Smiling mischievously, I sit upright and reach behind my back. Tugging violently at the laces behind my dress I let out a small moan of relief once the knotted bow tied at the end gave way easily and freed me a little from its suffocating tightness.

Shrugging out of the dress until it pulls down at my feet, I'm left in just my corset and undergarments. I would have done away with them as well but, I have no idea how to put them back on.

We mostly wear furs in my village and females aren't stopped from wearing pants along with men, but there are a few young ladies who have a dress or two for a trip to the mainland. Thankfully, Amelia is one of those young ladies and she had been kind enough to lend me a few dresses for the trip.

Staring down at the show of my ample breasts almost spilling out of my corset, and my slim waist, I feel like a scandalous wench and can just imagine the kind of expression on people's face if they saw me like this.

Just the image of it sent me into a fit of giggles, though those short snorts of laughter are soon cut off when the carriage comes to an abrupt stop a lot earlier than I predicted.

Tensing with wide eyes, I lift the curtain over the window a little to find myself facing the view of a large courtyard circling a dominating stone castle.

The sight of several guards in military amour coming closer to the carriage sent me into a fit of panic and I reached down for my dress with my heart practically threatening to beat out of my chest.

I hear laughter and the chatter of male voices, making the situation even more frightening, and just as I was getting my dress halfway up my waist the carriage door was jerked open and I'm greeted with the startled expression of two young males.

Maybe sometime in the future I would look back on this moment and laugh about it, but right now all I could think was how I'd be in such deep shit if more males find me in such a fashion. And how utterly embarrassing this fucking situation is.

The three of us were tensed up like frozen statues as we stared at one another, the sharp contrast of their handsome features not completely gone unnoticed by me even in a situation like this.

It wasn't until the carriage door was abruptly snapped shut, that I pulled out of my trance and hurriedly slip into my clothes. Thanks to the fact that I couldn't see my own back I tied up the laces however I could and hurried out of the carriage once I heard the inquiring questions being fired at the males possibly standing guard in front of my door.

Slipping on a bright smile I made sure to avoid looking at the two young males standing to the side of the carriage as they watched me descend and face the number of males standing before me, putting on an air of femininity I faced off the challenge before me like the future guardian I would be.