
Demon King's Multiverse Adventures

Alexander's life was ordinary until he saved a mother and child from a drunk driver. Suddenly thrust into a bewildering world, where he discovered the Ultimate Demon King System. With it, he could bring anything to life by exchanging souls. Alexander embarked on a thrilling adventure, crafting fantastical creations and facing both allies and enemies. But as he delved deeper the darkness kept calling to him. Will he succumb to the darkness and become the Ultimate Demon King? Stay Tuned To Find Out. ========== Do you want to read ahead? Explore more chapters filled with sizzling encounters, and heart-pounding adventures. Then what are you waiting for Join my Patreon right now. Link : patreon.com/thebookaddict

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The Decend

As thousands of little demons poured in from the crater, the scene was utterly shocking, like a chaotic swarm of mischievous creatures. Alexander couldn't help but gawk at the bizarre sight before him. But curiosity got the better of him, and he ventured down to the bottom of the volcano to observe them closely.

To his surprise, the first little demon to arrive at the bottom didn't plunge deeper into the volcano. Instead, it scurried along the inner wall, as if on a secret mission. Alexander furrowed his brow, trying to decipher their peculiar behavior. Before he could even hazard a guess, a little demon yelped in excitement and started digging frantically into the wall.

"What in the devilry is going on here?" Alexander wondered aloud, his eyes widening with intrigue. The little demon's enthusiasm was infectious, and soon, more of its tiny comrades joined in to help. It was an unprecedented show of teamwork from these usually solitary creatures.

"You know, this is the first time I've seen them cooperate like this," Alexander mused, addressing no one in particular.

As the little demons worked fervently, the wall gave way, and small holes started to appear all around. The demons celebrated each breakthrough with jubilant cheers before eagerly venturing into the newly excavated tunnels.

Alexander scratched his head, now understanding the little demons' cunning plan.

"Aha! They're exploiting the volcano's weak points. These caves keep getting sealed off by magma after every eruption, but these crafty little devils have figured out how to reopen them with their relentless digging."

He decided to join the adventure, following one of the demon groups into a dark, mysterious cave. The atmosphere was eerie and thrilling as they scurried along the narrow passages. Alexander's eyes darted around, fully alert for any surprises.

The little demons, for their part, seemed to have calmed down after leaving the chaos of the hatchery behind. Their once aggressive demeanor now resembled that of focused explorers on a shared quest.

Deeper and deeper they went, their path illuminated only by the soft glow of luminescent crystals lining the cave walls. Alexander couldn't help but marvel at the breathtaking sight.

"By the fiery depths of the volcano, this is spectacular!" he exclaimed, in awe of the mysterious underground world they had discovered.

As they ventured on, the sound of rumbling magma grew louder, reminding them that danger still lurked nearby. But the little demons remained unfazed, focusing on their mission with single-minded determination.

At the moment the volcano erupted, it was like the whole demon world decided to have a wild dance party! Magma was flowing like a lava fountain, and the little demons were like mischievous dancers, jumping and dodging around it, having the time of their lives. They had this incredible luck that none of them got hurt, not even a tiny little singe!

As the magma finally stopped pouring in, Alexander thought, "Phew, the party's over, right?"

But oh boy, he was wrong! The little demons in front were like the energizer bunnies of the underworld, they just wouldn't stop moving forward! It was like they were on a mission, and Alexander had no choice but to keep up, or else he'd get a friendly push and some enthusiastic yelling from the little demons behind him.

Alexander was starting to feel like this cave would never end! He felt like he had walked for an eternity. And the weirdest part was that the cave seemed to be slanting deeper and deeper into the ground. It was like they were descending into the demon world's secret lair or something!

With each step, Alexander's heart pounded louder. He had no idea where these little demons were taking him, but a sense of foreboding crept over him.

"Could it be that they're leading me right into the heart of the demon's territory?" he wondered nervously.

Time seemed to lose all meaning, but suddenly, there was a strange cry mixed with cheers from the little demons in front. It was like they had just found the hidden treasure! And boy, did they get excited! Their cheers made the demons in the rear all fired up, and Alexander found himself being pushed and hurried forward even faster!

Finally, the darkness gave way to a dim red light. Alexander shielded his eyes, squinting as he took in the breathtaking sight before him. It was like a mesmerizing underworld carnival! The ground was scorched black, the twisted trees were black, even the river that flowed with lava was black! But it was beautifully haunting.

And those lava waterfalls! They were like cascading blue fireworks, injecting life and power into the river, making it flow with a fiery grace. The hot air danced with black ash, making the whole scene feel mystical and dirty in the most enchanting way possible.

"This is unlike anything I've ever seen," Alexander thought, his awe and fear mingling in a strange dance within him. But it was also captivating in a way he couldn't explain; he felt drawn to this fiery spectacle.

As Alexander gazed out into the vast expanse of this underground realm, he realized this was only the tip of the underworld iceberg! The horizon stretched on and on, making him wonder just how colossal this world was. And to think that he, little Alexander, was going to live in this extraordinary and infernal place!

A bittersweet feeling engulfed him as he felt a mix of reluctance and excitement. But the heat from the demon skin on his back pulled him forward, almost like an irresistible magnet.

"Well, here goes nothing," he mumbled, taking a deep breath, and began descending the cave wall alongside his energetic demon companions.

The winged demons soared through the air, and the newly hatched ones crawled out like ants, scattering into the underworld like they were off to a grand adventure. It was a sight that left Alexander speechless, realizing he was just one tiny speck in this vast underworld.

He couldn't help but wonder, "How many of these little demons are there? How many big, bad demons are lurking around here?"

It was both exhilarating and daunting to think about the scale of this mysterious world. As Alexander made his way down, he couldn't help but feel a mix of trepidation and fascination.

Little did he know, this was just the beginning of the abyss of the demon world....