
Deleted Novel!!!! Check out My other Book 'Super Thief'

Check out my other book 'Super Thief' this book is a failure and would be rewritten soon!

Justin_Gabventure · Kỳ huyễn
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52 Chs

My Witch System

"Who are you"

The woman suddenly feigned a shocked expression...before giggling softly.

"You don't know me"

"No, were have I met you before"

"Me!, I am you a part of your soul, your system"




<System Awakening>

<System Awakened>

<Analyzing Host>

<Analyzing Complete>

Name: Rose Gavriel

Physique: Mana and Qi Royal physique

Cultivation: Can't Cultivate (Level up!)

Legacy: None

Bloodline: Locked {Witch Queen Super bloodline}, **** (trigger bloodline to open)

Physical Strength: 78

Physical Defense: 113

Mental Strength: 245

Mental Defense: 324

Soul Strength: 2000

Soul Defense: 2550

Stamina: 93

Health: 99

Weapon intent: Aura of the Witch.

Aura: Overbearing [needs nurturing]

 Soul Spirit: Soul Weopon [

Regeneration abilities: Level up! Lv 5

First acceptance mission: Kill 20 demons 200 magic point

Thinking speed: 1 action in 5 seconds

Battle experience: no real battle experience only past memories.

System Skill:

Analyzer: Ability to analyze both yourself and the thing in your environment

Danger Warning: Warns you 60 - 5 seconds before any surprise attack you are not aware of reaches you, also Warns you of any one lurking around you with the intention of killing you

Transparent Status/ Home page: you can see your ability and strength etc in the status panel and also some of the ability including name of an object or creature. It also grants you the title, function among others.

<Dungeon> tap to enter

Shop: <Locked> 500 mp to unlock shop

System Level_______Lv 1 Level up

Earn 1000 mp to level up.

The floating blue text appeared and Rose stared at it even forgetting to blink,

'what is this is this the same system that I have read from webnovels and all these light novel...are system real, even though that I cultivate during my past life and cultivation is also in webnovel it doesn't mean that Systems are real, but what is the heck is happening right now!, today is really weird from that stupid son of general to now!...System!,...Wait is this a dream?, I just hope that I wake up from this stupid dream because all this is driving me crazy' She was starting to have a head ache from this things she felt like fainting right now. 'If Systems were real why the heck did God not give them one during their first mission, something must be wrong'

She still managed to control herself from falling and fainting.

"What's that text"

"Those things!, They are a part of my body"

'What is she insinuating! those text are part of her body!, No! she really is going drive me crazy with this her nonsense talk, even dungeon exist, someone should explain to me what is happening right now'

"Don't think to much about it, just take me as you guardian, the enemies you four are going to fight is no longer the same, he has not only the brains but also the brawn...so all this is giving to you as an aid for you to get powerful quickly, because if not you will be dead before you even have the idea of what killed you, he is dangerous and I'm pretty sure that chaos is heading our way as we speak"

"Yes I'm pretty sure he will be stronger but how strong is he"

"He is billion to trillions time stronger than his previous self"


'How will we manage to fend off such a powerful person, just how strong will we be for us to be able to beat him, how many years will it take for us to catch up to him when he took 65 years cultivating waiting and preparing deadly plan for us' Rose wondered. during their first mission he was so powerful that the fight between them and him ended up in utter defeat despite it being that it was four against one, and they were pretty sure that he was still holding much of his power, they were Naive and foolish to think that they could defeat him at that time with their newly found power and no one warned them and with that they died failing everyone and everything that both trust and we're entrusted to them. it's not as if they could do anything. There plan thoroughly thought plan failed in a wide margin, it was then they knew that against true power all this plans are nothing. They swords that they would be powerful at all cost in their next life.

< Ding! You should get ready you will get teleported to an unknown place in 2:00>


it was then that she noticed that the woman is no longer there a ring was on the exact place she sat.

'Where did she go'

"I am right here"

Rose instinctively turned around but she saw no one.

'Were did she go...wait a minute how did she know what I was thinking'


The count down have started but she was too confused to think about the text.

"You fool, I am a part of your soul, so I am inside you"

A familiar voice said to her.

She began to understand everything and calmed down a little.









Warning you will be teleportating in <5>, <4>,<3>, <2>, <1>...

immediately a white vortex appeared sucking her in to a dark environment before she appeared at a familiar place.

Is this the unknown place she said to herself walking backward... admiring the beautiful place, she walked backwards for sometime before her back and the back of a person met and...

"Ouch!, you! what are you doing here!" she asked with a shocked expression.


after this chapter the leading protagonist will be Justin.

Guyz give me something, this insatiable hunger for power has overwhelmed me will you be able to satisfy my greed.

Yes! greed.

I'm very greedy.

I haven't even received even 10 powerstones!


Someone should break the record Please!!!

I'm hungry for power.

You can advertise for this book and make people add it to their library, please help me.🥺

Much love from Justin Gabventures.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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