
Deep In Your Veins

After loosing her family in a car accident, buried herself in work trying to forget the pain. She was running her mum's coffee shop which made the pain a little easier to bear cause she felt her mum in the shop with her. One-day, a strange man walked into her shop and her world came crumbling down. She felt it and the way he looked at her..... She knew he felt it too... Opal's dad was getting on his nerves. He kept bugging him to find his mate as if it was easy. He's been to three states and nothing. Maybe his mate was dead. Well that was the thought in his head as he walked into 'Lavender Coffee House '. The moment he laid his eyes on her her knew..... She felt it too.

Daisy_red · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs


Elle picked out a red sleeveless gown with a deep back. It was shiny and clung around my thighs.

I was so uncomfortable but she assured me she would leave me on my own if I wear anything different.

"Elle honestly.."

"Save it Addy get in" she gave me a stern look and I sighed. I entered the car without saying a word and earned a smile from her.

She was driving 40mph and my head was starting to spin. We got to the club and spent about thirty minutes trying to get a parking spot. Well I spent almost thirty minutes because Ellle went in to get us seats or whatever the hell she said I stopped listening at seats.

I settled for a spot not far from the building just Incase I had to carry Elle which I'm sure I would. I got out of the car and the place was pitch black. The evening breeze hit me and I felt my insides shiver.

I felt uneasy like... Someone was staring at me. I turned around squinting trying to detect anything but I saw nothing. I sighed as I walked to the club.

I tried to distract myself by looking at the lights change colours from the club. But I still couldn't shake the feeling of someone's gaze on me.

It unconsciously rubbed the back of my neck as the uneasiness was getting much. The only sound was the faint sound of music coming from the club and the murmurs coming from the line.

I knew calling Elle would be hopeless so I texted her instead. She came out few seconds later looking wasted as fuck.

"Really.... You left for like what, twenty minutes and you're already wasted" I sighed as I got inside the club .

"No.....I..I'm. Just tipsy" she giggled as she slapped my arms. I shook my head as I let her lead me. We walked through smelly and sweaty bodies as the music bounced off the walls which was so irritating to my ears.

"Elle.." I warned her as we got close to the bar. She was smiling happily as she handed me a red cup

"Common Addy don't be a kill joy and drink drink drink!" She laughed and clapped. How she can be so happy while drink I'll never know.

"Yeah drink!" I blonde guy I didn't notice said loud enough for almost everyone to hear. I smiled shyly as I nodded at the bar tender. Elle screamed as I took the mixture the bartender offered.

"Thanks" I smiled downing the contents of the cup at once. Elle hooted as she passed me another glass. I downed it too and I screamed this time.

I felt my body begin to get lighter as I downed another glass then another. After like three more glasses, I was already wasted.

"Addy our song!!!" Elle dragged me to the dance floor nearly tripping on her own feet as 'work bitch' by Britney spears began to play.

"Whoo.... This is our soooooong" I screamed as I waved my hands above my head like a maniac

After some time, Elle dragged me off the dance floor. Yeah I was just as surprised as you.

"I'm boreeeed Addy let's go to the coffee house" she whined throwing her feet like a child.

"Great idea! Let's go!!"

We went back to the bar got our bags after tipping the bartender who smiled sweetly. Urg ... He was so good looking. We walked outside the cold laughing and talking about absolute nonsense.

Then I heard footsteps.

I searched for my key in my bag which seemed deeper than usual.

"I need to pee" Ellle said jumping up and down. I finally found the key . Elle ran in immediately the door unlocked. I don't know what was funny but I laughed really hard. Then I turned immediately and saw a man behind me smiling.

Not just any man but the man that held my hands when I burnt myself. My legs began to move on thier own as I ran into the kitchen.

I fell on my own as I pushed the pots and pans with me. The sound of them falling made my ears ring.

"Fuck " I cursed as I pushed myself up. I turned back and saw the man looking at me with an amused look. I took a pan and threw it at him. He just chuckled as the pan hit him hard.

"You know we can just talk" he smiled. Screw his handsome face and bewitching smile. I threw another pan which earned me another chuckle. "Sweetheart drop the pot let's talk" he said as I picked a pot ready to throw.

"Fuck you" I said as I flung the pot. He dodged it easily in a flash, he was in front of me with his hands over mouth like he knew I was going to scream for Elle.

Speaking of Elle where the hell is she.

"Calm down love let's talk" he said in a sweet sweet tone that made me a little but dizzy. I mentally slapped myself as I looked him deep in the eye. He has gorgeous blue eyes.

"Let me go!" I said as he let go on my mouth.

"Now now... Love calm down"

"I'm not your love and if Elle get's here.. she'll..."

"Oh... You mean the brunette? She's with my men" he smiled sweetly . I gasped as I slowly stopped struggling.

"Don't..... Hurt. Her please" she's all I have .

"I won't if you calm down and cooperate" I nodded weakly as I looked at my feet.

He smiled as he stroked my hair. I honestly I think I'm dealing with a psychopath here. So i think I'll just do what this freak wants.

" Now you'll go home pack your bags and wait for me ok?" I nodded "cat's got your tongue?" He chuckled and I just stared at him blankly.

He let me go and I slumped on the floor. I looked up and he wasn't there. He disappeared. What the hell. Elle .... I hope she's ok cause she's... I tried to control the tears but I couldn't at all.

The tears fell as I sobbed on the floor of the coffee shop kitchen.

I honestly don't know how I got up and got in my car all I know is I saw myself driving down the road.