

"Don't you have anything to offer either than just being plastic" l retorted not in the mood for stupid childish games. I placed Akia back in her booster seat, thankfully the mess on the table and chair had been cleared

I placed her prepared plate in front of her, and she took he little plastic spoon and started feeding herself as a way to keep herself company while the grown ups were speaking. Not that any talking place as everyone was focused on their meals, breaking the silence when they needed someone to pass them a certain dish. I picked at my food not having an appetite, as the negative thoughts of my first day at work consumed me.

As soon as dinner ended, the maids came to collect all the excess food and dirty dishes while clearing the tables. While this was going on my mom introduced John to my father who quickly hit it off discussing soccer and rugby. Feeling left out, Mr Keys joined the conversation. 

Adam, Keira's brother excused himself, but finding the relevance of him staying for the meeting. 

"Adam, sit down. This involves you as well" Mr Keys spoke 

"I don't see how sports talk it the death glares have anything to do with me" this caused Celia's cheeks to flare up at being caught red handed while sending death glares my way 

"As the heir of the business, you need to know the sacrifice others are committed to doing to save your company" Adam sat down, knowing there was no way he could leave

"Now that we are all familiar with each other, let's get down to business" l wouldn't call a casual 'hello' here and there us being familiar with each other but who am l to say anything 

"As we all know, Hilden and Aurora are engaged to be married. We need to set a date" he started

"I think the 5th of April" Sasha suggested. That was exactly two weeks away

"That's not enough time to prepare everything" l said hoping to prolong the inevitable 

"That's what wedding planners are for" Delia said while rolling her eyes and mumbling under her breath 

"Shouldn't this be a decision between Hilden and l" 

"Nope, if we leave it to you two, it will never happen. And we need the money ASAP" Mr Keys said. 

"Okay, now that the date has been set, we need to go shopping for your dress. Will you have any bridesmaids?" Sasha asked 

"No, why dragged innocent people into this lie" l said nonchalantly 

"If you continue to look at things in such a negative way, this marriage will never work out" l was shocked to hear my father speak so casually about this wedding considering that not long ago he was ready to murder the Keys. 

"Now that you are working, you should set a day aside for your dress, we don't want you waiting till the last minute" Sasha suggested

"You got a job" my parents and Hilden asked at the same time

"surprise" l said awkwardly. I could my mom was upset about being last to find out but it was never my intention

"I thought you were going to work for my company, l even fired people so that when you accept the position you wound be able to assemble your own team" Hilden said, l could hint a bit of betrayal in the way he spoke but chose to pay it no mind

"It's still my company son" John said laughing

"A little presumptuous for you to assume that l would work for you without even offering me a job. And because of our relationship, l don't see how us working together will work. And anyways l didn't want to get a job because my fiance owns the company" he didn't even reply, just simply got up and left leaving everyone in the room stunned

"Now that's sorted out, can l take my exit or do l have to sit through lingerie talks" Adams said cheekily. He didn't wait for a response and was already halfway up the stairs when Mr Keys agreed

"Don't worry about him Aurora, he is not used to things not going his way. He'll come around" John offered with a small smile trying to console me for his sons actions

"I'm not even worried. Hilden must grow a pair and start acting like a man" l said shaking my head. 

"Well we must take our leave. I hope to see you again soon" John said directing the last part his sentence to my parents. My mom got up to give him a hug while he shook hands with my dad. Celia's behaviour tonight minus her little insult in my direction made me question a lot of things. Was it because my parents were present that she was on her best behaviour or was there something more to it.

"Is it okay if we spend the night here, l want to see Aurora off on her first day of work" my mom asked the Keys

" We are practically family now. You are more than welcome to stay. I remember doing the same for my Keira since she was a little girl. She would always cry for me to take her to school on the first day of every school year." I could tell she was about to cry at the memories of her dead daughter, so l rushed to show my parents to the guest room while taking Akai to my room so she could calm my nerves

She didn't put up a fight like she did on most night, the events of the day must have tired her out. I sang her a lullaby

" Sleep little baby, mommy is by your side

chasing away all the monsters

with her arms filled with love"

Just like my mother had taught me and she was out like a light before l could end the song. Kissing her forehead goodnight, l slid under the covers saying a little prayer and calling it a night.