

Following the release of the official trailer that was released on the day of my date with Darce, life has been crazy. I officially moved back home and l am still settling in to the new reality. Living on my own has provided me with a lot of independence and the ability to make my own choices concerning the standard of living l uphold but now having moved back home that's all changed 

My mom is the typical 'my house my rules' parent and that limits the movements l make and the input l can have. Thankfully to the newly created schedule, work schedule, l can easily avid the curfew but that does not mean l don't help out with the house chores, regardless of us having a helper or not

Darke is busy with exams and hardly has time for anything because it's his final year and he set a target to graduate this year, top of his class. Mom respects education and exams so she let's him be and because he is exempt from everything, it all falls on my hands