

"Are you sure the person's name is Amy? Amy Adams?" l ask my mind refusing to come to terms with the recent scandal handed over to me on a silver platter. But who am l kidding, Amy had told me what she was in prison for, just not how she got caught. Leaving a foetus in a club seems a bit cruel but who am l to judge when l had promised her that l would help her 

"she didn't tell you?" he asks sounding rather surprised 

"She did mention it when we first met in the prison cell thanks to Celia"

"You met her in a prison holding cell and you befriended her, how stupid can one be?"

"watch your tone, you abandoned your own baby, you are not one to judge" l said and immediately felt guilty. The wound was still fresh to be reminding him of his careless actions

"There it is, l am sure you've been waiting all night to use this on me. l thought you were on my side but l guess l thought wrong" he says victimising himself