

"what would you like to order" the waiter asked after bringing our drinks. I settled lemonade while Isabel got a milkshake, vanilla to be exact

"can l have a seafood platter for one" l said handing the menu over to him while her wrote down my order while waiting for Isabel's order 

"can l have a prawn wrap with a garden salad and French dressing" 

"you know you can eat as much as you want. Don't let Hilden control how much you eat" l said to her. 

" If l don't listen then he will leave me. I love him too much to lose him" 

"So you would rather suffer just to keep a man? One who doesn't even value you, who only wants to keep You as a trophy to parade around on his arm" the disbelief in her face because of my words was clearly evident. I wasn't sure is she wanted to slap me or leave 

"have you ever been in love?" she asked 


"then l don't see how you can lecture me about something you know nothing of. My relationship is none of your business so stay out of it" l couldn't help the smile that broke out on my face because of her words. So the push-over had a little bark in her

"why are you smiling" she asked creeped out

"you are right. I shouldn't put my nose where it doesn't belong. It's just that l have seen a lot, helped people through a lot for me to make up opinions about things l see. I am sorry" l said 

"if l want your advice, l will ask you" she finished off as our food was brought to our table. 

The smell made my stomach rumble in excitement, a few heads turning to look in my direction. But l wasn't one to be embarrassed. I knew how to appreciate a masterpiece when l see one

"what are you looking at?" they all looked away, talking amongst themselves. Most probably gossiping about what they had witnessed 

"if you don't mind me asking, why have you never been in love?" 

"l love my family and daughter" l said slyly knowing that's not what she was referring to

"l'm serious" 

"l guess guys don't find me attractive. Plus l have seen a lot to know that love is not child's play" 

"you can't live your life off if people's experiences. We all have different journeys. And maybe they did find you attractive but were intimidated" she tried reasoning but l was too set in my beliefs for them to be changed but a simple let me make you feel better about things lecture

"intimidated by what?" that was the first l had heard of that alternative where l was concerned

"by you" she simply stated

" and why would they be intimidated by me. I don't eat people" l joked, trying to steer the conversation in a different direction. Keira had often told me about my RBF, also known as resting (bee with an itch) face. And l wasn't in the mood to have a conversation that wouldn't trigger bitter-sweet memories 

"You don't have the most welcoming face" at this l raised an eyebrow at her statement causing her to squirm in her seat, her face turning red.

"What l mean is, you don't look like you have time for nonsense. No guy or girl unless they aren't easily intimidated can easily approach you" she corrected herself.

"why, because l am black" she was raising a glass to her lips before l opened my mouth. I don't know if it was from the bluntness of my words or my tone that caused her to spit out her milkshake on the pure white table cloth.

"That's not what l meant, you race has nothing to do with it" l couldn't help but laugh at how easy it is to make her sweat. I made a mental note to tell her any classified information cause she definitely cracked under pressure.

"relax, l'm just messing with you" at this she let out the breath she was holding, breaking out into a grin. It was at that exact moment that the waiter brought in our food but the sight of shoulder length curly brunette hair that didn't belong to anyone either than Hilden, at a table a few feet from our had me raising my eyebrows

'Did he know that we were meeting up? Is he spying on us? Or is he here for leisure like everyone else?' so many unanswered questions

"Does Hilden know that we are meeting up today?" l asked

"He is the one that suggested it. But he doesn't know that our get together is today or at this restaurant. Why?" she asked taking a bite of her food

"Here l was feeling special, thinking you wanted to meet up with me but Hilden put you up to it" l joked

"I was already planning on it because l really want to get along with you. You are like those easily likeable people that you come across once in a while. I can't help but want you to like me. Why were you asking?" her words were very flattering and made me a small bit noticeable change on my outlook towards humanely interactions. But before l could respond, an unfamiliar figure took a seat opposite Hilden. A female companion for the night? Maybe.

He hasn't noticed us, that much was clear but l couldn't bring myself to tell the woman in front of me. Looking back at his table, l could see that him and his lady friend were very familiar with each other, if the peck wasn't proof enough, then then hand holding on top of the table did the trick. I couldn't tear my eyes off of them 

Noticing that my attention was no longer on her or the food in front of me, she followed my line of vision and nearly choked on her food. I could tell it was a matter of seconds before the water works started and l new we had to leave. 

Before l could do anything, she called the waiter over 

"That man over there will take care of our bill. Thank you for your service but we are taking our leave" she said pointing in Hilden's direction. The waiter nodded in understanding. This most probably wasn't his first rodeo.

She grabbed my hand, pulling me in the direction of their table but all l could think was how hungry l am and the sight of my delicious untouched food

"Thank you for the meal you bastard" she said to him, slapping him across the face and pulling me out of the restaurant leaving him amazed and gaping like a fish out of water