

They say three times a charm but l say twice is the luck. Once again, standing before the double glass doors that lead to Stardom Inc. Things are different this time around. 

The sun is shining bright, kissing my skin highlighting all my prominent features. I look at my reflection through the glass doors to see a confident, upstanding citizen. The cotton navy dress paired with a white blazer and red heels makes me look slightly unprofessional but nothing can make my confidence waver. 

Taking one last look at myself, l smile and open the doors but not before stepping aside to ensure that no coffee will ruin my attire. The thought of coffee reminds me of the scar that sits proud on my collarbones, with flesh waving gently at the masses. Covered in a white slimy substance to reduce the scaring 

Making my way to the unfazed and non-workerholic perched behind the wide table of the reception, she doesn't even acknowledge my presence. 

"Goodday, l am Aurora and l am here for an interview" l say politely regardless of the pungent smell that tickles my nose and makes me sneeze rather loudly 

"All interviews were conducted two days ago" with a cringe and glare thrown my way, l release a sigh knowing no help will come to me from the sleaze bag in front of me

"Please check on the calendar, there is a scheduled meeting for Aurora Bellaire"

"Are you telling me that l cannot do my job. I told you that there is no scheduled interview today. Now go before l call security on you" was it possible that l hadn't heard correctly. Had l been played and manipulated into coming here, wasting my time. I was growing impatient and frustrated and the woman was not doing anything to help the situation

"Could you at least check with your superiors. Maybe there is a misunderstanding." l said politely not wanting to cause a scene. But my patience was wearing thin

"Look lady, l don't know how many times you want me to repeat the same thing. I don't know if you are dumb or stupid. Or maybe both. But you being here is causing me to miss an episode of Gossip Girl. So please leave" her hand made a waving motion signalling that she was done with the conversation. I didn't want to make a scene but neither was l leaving without getting into the interview room. I went over to the chairs organised into the shape of a C close to the entrance waiting.

The telephone at the front desk rang but Mrs-l-don't - want-to - do-my-job paid no mind to it. It rang again a couple of times falling on deaf ears.

The sound of footsteps echoed all throughout the reception area and l could see the woman perking up at the sound. Fixing her hair and lip gloss in front of a small convenient mirror. 

"Miss Declaire" the mysterious man whose back was turned to me spoke in a barritone voice causing the woman to let out a professional greeting, showcasing her wide grin

"Sir, how can l help you"

"Mind telling me why you have not been picking up my calls?"

"I apologise for that, l was using the restroom. How may l help you?"

"I have an interview and wanted to tell you that when she arrives you send her straight to my office"

"An interview, l wasn't informed of this" she said frowning slightly at the revelation

"If you did the work you were paid to do then you would have known"

While they were still preoccupied with their conversation, l used that as an opportunity to go back to the front desk. They both were unaware of my presence

"excuse me" l said breaking their conversation. The receptionist flashed me a grateful smile before she realised it was me

"Lady, l told you that there are no interviews" she said exasperated

The man simply rolled his eyes before eyeing me up and down. He let out a sigh

"And who might you be" he said flashing me a smile. Up close l could see just how handsome the fellow was. Clad in an all black suit, with the top buttons of his shirt left open. His hair was slicked back in a quiff and the smell of lemon grass overpowered my senses. Man did he smell nice

"Aurora Bellaire" l said politely, stretching out my hand for him to shake.

"This is your final warning. Next time you won't be so lucky" he said to the receptionist whilst shaking my hand.

"Follow me" l couldn't help sticking out my tongue at her, simply because l won. She just rolled her eyes at my childish antics before l got started with the interview 

His office was very typical. All black furniture, a huge table that faced the glass walls of his office overlooking the city, a long black leather chair sat in the middle of the office with a small glass coffee table and grey fluffy carpet 

"you may take a seat Mrs Bellaire" he said gesturing to the seat in front of his desk. Taking the seat, l couldn't help as my eyes scanned the room again, appreciating it's simple but sleek interior.

"it's Miss" l said flashing a smile. He looked at me confused gesturing to the ring on my left hand before shutting his mouth and nodding at me

"engaged" l said answering the question that l was sure was dancing in his mind

"tell me about yourself Miss Bellaire?"

"I am a mother, and very dedicated, hard-working, optimistic and a problem solver" l said, lying in some parts because let's face it who doesn't lie in an interview

"if you were stuck in a deserted  island, with a jet that didn't have enough fuel to leave the island,  a small canoe boat, weed or a drone. Which would you use to leave the island?" he asked

I thought over his question 

"the jet will run out of fuel before l make it far, crashing and killing me in the process. The canoe boat will not take me far and the drone will not prove to me useful because l wouldn't even know which direction to fly it in. With the possibilities, l will die either way. I will rather stay in the island fending for myself until l die smoking the weed" l said. He flashed me a smile before writing on his note pad.

"why did you choose this company?" he asked in all seriousness

"I could lie and say l want to improve the company or myself but in all honestly, l saw the job post in a newspaper and thought to try my luck because a girl has got to fend for herself" l said and l immediately regretted it. I could very well kiss this interview goodbye. Before l could retract my statement he asked

"And why did you think you could be a good creative director, one that the company needed"

"Because l did my investigation on the company and it doesn't have the best reputation especially when it comes to diversity and inclusivity. I knew under my control l could rebrand the company" one thing l know is that the race card will never fail me