

The best prestige is being the best offspring of a great dynasty. Some offspring are luckier than others, some are despised and others conceived for the sole purpose of being the best, but could those rejected become the best offspring and form a new dynasty? Betrayals, secrets and mysteries cover the life of young Mateo, banished from his family and abandoned to his fate due to his homosexuality. Destiny will lead him to meet Ezequiel, together they will discover the secrets and mysteries that surround their families. Ezequiel is strong and dominant and Mateo is eloquent, they will both have to live together. Mateo will have to survive Ezequiel's constant demands, jealousy and fetishes. Will they manage to become the best offspring or will their desires be stronger than power?

carly75 · LGBT+
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20 Chs

Chapter 7: First day in the company

Ezequiel went to work, so I have the house to myself. I lie down on the living room sofa to enjoy the silence. I almost get used to living this way, without servants, bodyguards, or cooks. Now I realize that I was never alone, I was always under surveillance. The only people who were good to me were the maid Mérida, who taught me to be self-sufficient behind my father's back; my uncle and his secretary Arnold. I loved being with them, my father forbade me to talk to them and now I can't be with my mother because of my father either.

I would like to meet my uncle now that I am free. I take my phone and try to remember his number, suddenly I receive a call, it's Ezequiel. I answer the call.


"I need you here with me, come to the company, I will send you the address and the keys are in the living room."

"I don't want to, I can work here," I insist, I don't want to go.

"Come, you can't run away your whole life."

"I'm scared, come find me," I hear Ezequiel sigh.

"You're a headache. I'll come for you, in 30 minutes."

"Thank you," Ezequiel hangs up.

I rush out and open the closet. I can't wear uncovered shirts because the marks on my neck would show. I choose a turtleneck shirt, light pants, and my winter hat with bear ears.

 I dress as quickly as I can, adjust my grown hair. It's starting to curl, I pull out some blonde strands from the winter hat. 

I put on perfume, a lot of perfume and a little balm. My lips are a little bruised because I bite to keep from moaning. What else should I bring to work? I start walking in circles in the room until I remember my laptop, I walk quickly and grab it from Ezequiel's office.

I go down the stairs just as Ezequiel opens the door, he looks at me.

"Are you going like that?" I look at my clothes and nod.

"It's somewhat casual," he touches my bear ears.

"Your bites are noticeable, I can't go like this."

"Behave normally and don't leave my side at any moment, and above all, no flirting with anyone else."

"I'll behave ", it's incredible that he still doesn't trust me.

We leave the house in silence, Ezequiel has a different car and we leave. The journey feels long, I had never been to Ezequiel's company, I'm very nervous. I see a huge building, it has to be that one, it's very nice and modern. Upon arriving at the parking lot, I get even more nervous.

"Let's go," I obey and walk by his side. I see Ezequiel walking, he is very confident and intimidating, I grab his shirt, I don't want to go anymore.

"Let me go."

"I don't want to go."

He takes me by the arm and forces me in, as we enter, everyone looks at us discreetly, I don't know if it's because Ezequiel is leading me by the arm or because they know who I am.

"Good morning, Mr. Chadburn," says a formally dressed man with a big smile.

"Good morning. Mateo, let me introduce you to Andrés, he is my secretary. If you need anything, ask him," he says and lets go of my arm.

"Pleasure to meet you, Andrés," I say timidly and we shake hands. He's a very handsome man, with freckles and green eyes.

We say goodbye to Andrés and Ezequiel takes me to his office, which is huge and has an incredible view. We start talking and doing all the work he needs. After more than three hours, my stomach growls.

"Ezequiel, I'm hungry," he ignores me and continues working.

"Ezequiel, I'm hungry," I insist again.

"You promised to behave," I look at him pleadingly.

"Order whatever you want, they'll bring it to you," he hands me his phone and I take it triumphantly.

"Don't snoop through my phone," I pout and ignore him.

I'll order a peach cake, chocolate cookies, ice cream, and ramen, with strawberry and orange juice. Later, I'll download some apps on my phone for ordering from Japan.

"Do you want anything?" Ezequiel shakes his head.

I place the order and return the phone to him, I walk around his office and look at the impressive view, it's beautiful, I'm on top.

I walk across the office table, it's very large and has some metal balls, I touch them. There are plants, some expensive ornaments, and a photo. I pick it up, it's a photo of a woman who looks just like the one in his room.

"Didn't they teach you not to touch other people's things?" I leave the photo and walk to the sofa, lying down.

"I'm bored," I shout and take off my shoes.

"Work," he says without taking his eyes off his computer.

I lie down on the sofa and put a pillow on my face. I hear a knock on the door.

"Come in," it's my order, they place everything on the table and leave, not before giving me a once-over.

"Time to eat," I say excitedly and sit on the floor to eat. I take a cookie, it's delicious; then I try the cake, it's delicious, one of the best I've ever had.

"Shouldn't you eat the ramen first? Your stomach will hurt."

"I don't care," Ezequiel stops working and sits on the floor with me.

"I didn't order anything for you."

"If you're not going to eat the ramen, I will," he starts eating, it looks delicious, now I want some.

 "Can you give me some ramen?"

"No," he eats my ramen and doesn't share, I finish my cake and drink my strawberry juice.

"Did you only order juice?" I nod.

"I don't drink alcohol, I'm underage, remember," I say as I continue to drink my strawberry juice.

"Look for a bottle in the drawer of my office," I hesitate to go, but Ezequiel stares at me intently, not leaving me a choice. I reluctantly get up and go where he told me. There's a bottle of sake, I bring it and place it on the table.

"All your siblings have been drinking since they were younger than you," he uncorks the bottle and pours himself a drink.

"They are different, it seems unnecessary to me," it bothers me that he compares me to them, I sit on the floor. 

He takes a sip of sake, Ezequiel stares at me, he has a calculating look. I start eating my ice cream, it's very good, they make good desserts.

"You want to try?" He offers me a drink.

I shake my head, Ezequiel dips his finger in the liquor and then puts his finger in my mouth, I shudder and wrinkle my forehead because of the new unpleasant and strong sensation, my eyes begin to water, "how can you drink that, it tastes horrible." I uncover the orange juice and start drinking to try to get rid of that unpleasant taste.

Ezequiel wipes a tear from my cheek, "You are very innocent," I remove his hand, he forced me even though I said no.

He puts his hand on my cheek again and caresses it gently, "don't be mad," I don't answer.

"Come sit next to me," that idiot. Annoyed, I obey him, he places his hand on my waist and pulls me closer to him.

"Ezequiel, we're working, I don't think it's a good time for your games."

"Maybe you're right," he puts his warm hand inside my shirt.

"Ezequiel, we're working," I try to reason.

"Then let him bite you and we work," he is very insistent, it is best to give in. I slide my hand up the collar of my shirt, exposing my neck. Ezequiel bites me.

"Good boy," he leaves for work, leaving me sore and confused as usual. I grab my laptop and start working. Now I have to come to the company, it will be a different experience.