

The best prestige is being the best offspring of a great dynasty. Some offspring are luckier than others, some are despised and others conceived for the sole purpose of being the best, but could those rejected become the best offspring and form a new dynasty? Betrayals, secrets and mysteries cover the life of young Mateo, banished from his family and abandoned to his fate due to his homosexuality. Destiny will lead him to meet Ezequiel, together they will discover the secrets and mysteries that surround their families. Ezequiel is strong and dominant and Mateo is eloquent, they will both have to live together. Mateo will have to survive Ezequiel's constant demands, jealousy and fetishes. Will they manage to become the best offspring or will their desires be stronger than power?

carly75 · LGBT+
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20 Chs

Chapter 8: The new secretary

I'm on my way to work as usual, I don't like being forced to go every day, this is torture. I get out of the car calmly, greet the people as I enter, they are very kind to me, I'm starting to get used to working here.

I enter Ezequiel's office and he is with what I think is his new secretary, she's tall, with large breasts, and Asian. I feel uncomfortable, I feel like I shouldn't have entered.

"When you come in, knock," he says angrily. He had never told me to knock when entering, he's angry about it.

I nod and leave them alone. How could he do this to me? Now that we work together, I'll have to meet all his lovers. This angers and saddens me, it's a mix of feelings that I can't distinguish.

I want to go home, I go to the bathroom, wash my face to think clearly. I used to work in Ezequiel's office, now where will I work? He will surely treat her like he treated me in that office., it bothers me to know that I am just another unimportant person in his games.

I don't want him to touch me, it disgusts me to become his whore after he even screwed my sister.

I take my phone and write a message, "Ezequiel, I need an office to work, you're delaying me and we need everything ready in a week," I send the message.

I hear my phone ring, I open the message: "Look for Andrés, he will give you an office."

Perfect, I'm going to look for him. He is one of the secretaries, he is a good person and very kind. I look at him from a distance and approach him.

"Hello Andrés, do you know where my new office is?" I ask him somewhat embarrassed.

"Of course, follow me. It's not very big, but it has an incredible view," I follow him, it's impressive that Ezequiel has given me a small room, now also an office.

Andrés opens the door, revealing my office, it's much bigger than my room. I approach the window, the view is incredible.

"The view is beautiful," Andrés comments.

"Thank you!" I hesitate a little to ask, but I know he knows Ezequiel better than I do.

"Can I ask you a question?"

"Of course," he says very calmly.

"Who is the girl with Mr. Chadburn?"

"She's the new secretary, he changes often, can I ask you a question now?" I nod.

"What kind of relationship do you have with Mr. Chadburn, sorry to bother you?"

"It doesn't bother me, we're just work partners," that's the reality, I'm nothing more to him.

"I'll leave you to work in peace." He leaves leaving me alone.

I can't take it anymore, I start to cry and try to wipe my tears as I walk to my desk and start working. When I achieve my goal, it will be best to part ways, I'd rather leave than be pushed out, that's the business world: manipulation, hypocrisy, and betrayals.

I start working after a few hours. Ezequiel didn't even come to see me, I walk around the office.

If this is going to be my workplace, I'd better personalize it. I take my phone, I'll order many plants with cute bear-shaped pots and a pastel blue carpet. I don't like those black curtains, I'll change them for pastel blue as well, everything here is black and gloomy, it reminds me of dad's office.

I'll also change that desk for a white one, and a one-meter plush bear will look amazing in the corner.

I'll send another message to Ezequiel, since he's with her, he'll let me do whatever I want so I don't interrupt him: "I'm going to remodel my office."

The phone rings: "Agreed."

I would have met her long ago, now I can do whatever I want.

I call Andrés, "Mr. Andrés, I'm going to remodel my office, so some people will come in to remodel."

In a matter of hours, I had my dream office, "Everything is perfect!" I shout with excitement.

"I'm leaving, it's late," I check the time, it's eight o'clock.

"Have a good night," says Andrés.

I go home very excited and prepare dinner, I go up to take a shower and realize that my small room is not personalized. Ezequiel was upset about the gardening and did it himself, I don't think he'll allow me, but since he's with her, I'll take the opportunity to ask him.

I go downstairs to have dinner alone, Ezequiel hasn't arrived and this saddens me, it's the first time in my life that I have dinner alone.

I finish dinner and slowly walk to Ezequiel's room, I lie down and fall asleep. I wake up and he's asleep beside me, I don't know what time he arrived. I leave that room, take a shower, and put on my sweatshirt, since it doesn't bite me, the marks start to disappear and nothing that makeup can't cover. I go downstairs to the kitchen and throw away Ezequiel's dinner. I won't save him any more food, he didn't even let me know he wouldn't be coming. I eat his cupcake, it's very delicious, it's chocolate with strawberry.

I take my car and leave without him. At some point, I thought we were going to get along, however, I see that I was wrong, I don't like being alone. I need mom, she hasn't called me since the day of my exile and I can't call her, if dad finds out, he would get her into trouble. I still don't remember my uncle Frederick's phone number, but I do remember Arnold's, his secretary, I forgot two digits. 

 I enter the company, greet everyone, and go to my office. I didn't see Andrés, how strange, he always arrives early. I sit in my new place that I love, my precious office. There's a knock on the door, "come in."

 It's Andrés with coffee and a box, I think he brought me breakfast, my eyes lit up.

 "Thank you, you're the best," I say excitedly.

 "Here's your coffee and some sandwiches," he takes them out of the box and they look delicious. 

"Thank you," I give him a hug and he reciprocates.

 "Do you want to have breakfast with me?" He nods and we sit down to eat at my office table. 

"Tell me something about you," I don't know anything about Andrés.

"I'm 34 years old, I'm gay, and I'm in a relationship that I don't think is working," he says, crestfallen. I don't think I'm the only one in a toxic relationship.

 "I know how you feel, it's hard to love someone and not have them feel the same way, I'm gay too," I say and try the delicious sandwich.

"I had already suspected," he takes a sandwich and starts eating. I blush, I didn't know it was so obvious. "It's a bit difficult to be gay, and some prefer to keep it a secret".

"It's very sad to face rejection and to look for a partner."

"Don't worry, you're very young to take it to heart. I have to go to work," he finishes his sandwich and gets up, I don't want him to leave.

"Goodbye, Andres," I say sadly, he gives me a smile before leaving. He's a good person, maybe he's right, I'm young and I'm taking everything too seriously, I should relax for a while and enjoy the life I didn't have before.

I close my eyes for a moment and the missing numbers come to my mind. I take my phone and dial the number, they answer instantly.

"Arnold?" I ask nervously.

"I'm sorry, you have the wrong number," a feeling of disappointment runs through my body.

"Excuse me," I hang up the call, I thought I remembered, that makes me sad. At some point, I have to remember.

I sigh, I go to the bathroom, but to my surprise, Andrés comes out a bit strange. I hide behind a wall and after a while, Louis, Ezequiel's accountant, comes out adjusting his suit. I cover my mouth, I think there's a secret romance in this company, maybe working here isn't so boring after all.