
Death Tone: Revenge of the strongest race

Constantly entangled in a never-ending cycle of reincarnation, Finn Adrian is determined to make it in a world that has been forged to go against his progress. Finn believes no one can be trusted. Dying a thousand times has impacted him strongly. A strong, cold-hearted, hateful at the same time calculated villain he turns out to be. Now blessed by the gods with a system that at first turns out to be a nightmare, *[You will now be reminded of your roots. Memories will be played while the host is asleep] “What?! Memories?" Finn stutters as the only memories he had and knew about were of him dying not once, not twice but a thousand times!!...* Eventually, things begin to look up for him. The system would become the only one he shared a connection with that didn't involve his dubious plans. *[Blood/Flesh ratio equilibrium has shifted beyond marked point] [Blood/Flesh > 70:30] [Consume flesh to maintain equilibrium!!] Now with the various powers that come with the system, Finn is determined to change his Fate by any means necessary. But along the way, he will meet obstacles that would pose an existential threat to him. What happens when the prey becomes the hunter? Because his main target isn't a target at all. His target is all!!! Check out my other work if it turns out you like this one. MY DEMON SYSTEM: IMMORTAL WARS A/N:- .The chapters are being updated continuously. I would appreciate your input so I could better the novel. ........... Note:- For mass release and bonus chapters:- 15 Golden Tickets= 1 bonus chapter. 150 power stones= 1 bonus chapter. 1 Magic Castle= 3 bonus chapters. Other than that, any gifts to the novel will have bonus releases to them. ... February (Valentines) Event:- Events are going on!!! So join the dicord and help the novel as much as possible with your contributions to earn the rewards I have set up for you all. The top 3 fans would be rewarded with coins while there will also be specially commissioned chapters and some spicy bonus chapters for all of you. More info on discord, so don't forget to join the discord community. Also, don't forget to vote for the novel with power stones and Golden tickets as this would increase your chances of winning by a lot. Have fun ;) Discord Channel Link:- https://discord.gg/yA7EV7cT Art cover : DC max

Dark_knight234 · Kỳ huyễn
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97 Chs

The power of the great beast

Kan had nowhere to go and wasn't planning to anyway. He watched as fifty vampires came leaping from one tree top to another while others remained running on the ground. In their midst were furry humanoid creatures with sharp claws tearing down small trees and damaging bigger ones with their claws as they approached him. These were the werewolves following closely all charging at Kan. Multiple hisses and deep growls were heard by Kan as they approached him.

The area he had landed on was cleared of all trees from his sheer weight. Kan sat at the top of a hill watching what he could only see as ant-sized beings approaching him in this form he took.

Kan in a bid to stop them in their tracks then spread his wings. Taking both large wings back, he had cast a shadow large enough to cover an entire city with it. But then he released a giant flap. One that not only pack power, but the sound from it was like thunder being released in the heavens. Immediately after flapping his win one time, he released a huge gust of wind rivalling the power of a tornado that swept all the trees around off from the ground.

This in turn caused the werewolves and vampires that rushed towards him to be swept off their feet, tumbling several times in the air and being knocked into themselves.

After what was counted as an hour, the wind caused by the wings that he had flapped seized and finally gave rest to the vampires and werewolves. Many of them were injured from this single action that Kan had taken. But none of them suffered any fatal injury.

Half of the trees in this newfound settlement of theirs were completely destroyed. The ground had multiple areas with cracks in it. Some vampires and werewolves were unfortunate enough to get stuck in it. While they spent their time tying to get one another out of their individual struggle, like those stuck in between rifts made by kan, others were just beginning to recuperate.

But at the sight of Kan's opened mouth, they all feared it was the end. They feared Kan was going to unleash his fury on all of them. While they braced for the punishing effect of a dragon's fire breath, they weren't prepared for the loud voice of that same dragon.

"What is it I have done that you seek to fight me?!!!... I haven't come to wage war. So go and fetch my brothers to meet me at once!!!"Kan spoke to the vampires and werewolves alike. Though it was a short statement, it had taken several minutes for the large dragon to finish this. And several minutes more before the echoes died down.

The vampires and werewolves were all humbled. They had come to attempt to fight a great beast but were instead put to shame. Their powers could never match that of Kan. Not a hundred of them measured up to Kan. Not even the entire settlement stood a chance at surviving Kan's fury should he have unleashed it.

The werewolves and vampires sent back a representative each from their race who returned to the settlement to inform their leaders of the great beast's request. While the remaining ones stood guard at the edge of the settlement with hopes of stopping Kan should he decide to force his way into their abode.

But Kan planned no such thing. Already, Kan knew his presence was what brought about the hostility. He didn't plan to cause any further chaos than the one he had already.

So to keep the vampires and werewolves who kept watch of him at ease, he turned his backside, curved his large spiked tail to the front which went around his body twice and with his giant head shoved in between his body and his wings, the great beast began to nap.

This had come as a surprise to the werewolves and vampires who watched him. The snores from kan caused their hearts to tremble. Each snore caused stones on the ground to vibrate and move from their spot. This sight alone reminded them of how foolish they had been some time ago to attempt to have a tussle with the great beast.

But while a lot of them were mesmerized by Kan's actions, not all of them shared this belief. A few of them felt insulted that Kan had taken them too lightly and found his actions to be disrespectful and demeaning.

While they stood vigilante watching his every move, the beast had completely ignored the threat they posed and was sleeping with his back turned against them. This group were poised to make the great beast regret his arrogant choice.

Quickly coming up with a plan amongst themselves, the few werewolves and vampires who felt disrespected by Kan were poised to seize the opportunity the great beast had foolishly allotted to them. They planned to take care of the great beast before their leaders would even arrive. This deed was sure to be rewarded should they succeed.

They all snuck up in their numbers on Kan. When they felt they had closed in enough, they charged up an attack. One, unlike any other one that Kan had seen before. On the werewolf end, a yellow aura flew from their hands and on the vampire end, a blue aura travelled from their hand. The yellow aura that left the werewolves was in the shape of a half-moon. When all these attacks left their hands, their bodies were thrown back, tumbling down the valley from the force it had taken to create such a powerful attack. But when the attack hit Kan, multiple explosions went off in different areas of Kan's large body. The attack was a massive one that they created using the core charge of their essence. This in turn was a huge sacrifice on their part. In the attempt to slay kan, they had used up their life essence to perform one big blow. This was not unintentional in any way. This was a preplanned move. A noble deed it appeared to be as they had all died.

Surprisingly, as these attacks hit, something had happened to Kan.

The constant snores from the great beast seized. For a moment, it seemed as though the beast had been slain. The beast had grown quiet. The snores from Kan that caused the earth and their hearts to tremble constantly was put to a stop by the combined attacks of the werewolves and vampires.

But then out of nowhere, the snores continued again, louder and more terrifying than before. That was all the reaction they had gotten from Kan. Kan neither stirred back to his feet nor did he pay mind to their futile attempts.

The vampires and werewolves were all in shock. Fear overcame them as their feet became stuck. They were being introduced to power. Something they had only seen a few individuals they respected being capable of. Something the werewolves only associated with their alpha, their prime alpha, TAN.

And the vampires only knew of one person who possessed power strong enough to leave them speechless as Kan did. This person was their king, Lan.

Fortunately, as their minds thought of these people, the same people were making their way to the scene. And there wasn't a need for any prior announcement. They could feel a wave of power approach them from afar. The two brothers were united as one against the great beast. A King and an Alpha united against the beast of them all, a napping Dragon.



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Also, the next few chapters highlights very important events. I suggest you all be patient and read through it. i also understand a lot of people complain the fights are drawn out but this is my style of writing and I do it to tell a story. Please be entertained and polite with your comments.

I am not perfect and neither are you...thank you