

Enna drove us to a mall of sorts. It was clear it was a place for the rich or dumb to shop at. In a few corners I could see people watching the shops for targets. Likely to capture and beat up the dumb who shop here and don't have a backing of some kind.

Shopping went pretty smoothly, I found and bought multiple pairs of underwear. I chose to just buy simple sporty underwear. I liked it and it reduced jiggle. Hopefully it would reduce the back pain I hear about. I trashed the pair I was wearing before and just wore a pair I bought.

Enna was texting on her phone when I raised an eyebrow. "What's up?"

Enna jumped and looked down, "Sorry just messaging my father."

Recalling some memories I was pretty sure Enna was raised by her father alone. I nodded, "You can continue if you want. I just wanted to know if it was work related."

Enna smiled and nodded, "No it is fine my lady. He was just asking about the funeral."

Enna's father was an unawakened who ran a maid cafe. I think the Niece worked their on the weekends. Though I can't understand why, the girl had money, didn't need work experience. I shrugged it off and walked to the next store.

The store I wandered into next was actually a little strange, though I guess with some awakened making a ton of money certain brands are bound to rise above others. I sorted through the casual shirts and pants. I picked up a dozen or so jeans. Each one were well fitted, which sure may get me some lecherous stares I was well and strong enough to break those who move on said stares.

Shirts were easier, I kept my old style from my life on earth. Plain collared shirts that could be worn under a over-shirt or jacket. I thought about it briefly and decided to expand my selection to some crop tops that exposed the midriff and some v-necks that could expose cleavage. This was mostly for personal enjoyment.

Buying these clothes to match my figure really made me understand why girls like shopping and dressing people up. Finally however I had to buy the over-shirts. I may find enjoyment in the clothes I bought, but I didn't want everyone else to as well.

I picked of flannel shirts as well as a jacket or two. I even found a really cute jean jacket that matc-... Hmmm that's a stray thought. Best to finish buying the clothes I want before my thoughts wander to far from normal.

Changing into the clothes I bought I put the dress I was wearing into one of the bags. Enna chose to carry them, I rubbed her head and thanked her. She was really too perfect. "That's about all the clothes I want, do you wish to buy anything Enna?"

"No, My La-" Before Enna had a chance to respond a rather short pink haired girl scoffed.

"Why would you even suggest a thing. You should let them know their place."

I had to truly question who the hell this girl was. She had a small band of similar girls. They all clearly rich girls, but I blinked when I realized they were awakened. So I analyzed them further looking over each carefully recognizing one or two faces.

The pack leader, the pink haired girl was from a family called Yvett. I knew her due to interactions from the Niece. The second girl I recognized was from a lesser family, but was making some decent waves. She had the most defined body, clearly trained in martial arts and body building at a young age. Didn't know her name though, the last however. Her name was Maria Le-Fei, which wasn't her real name. A stupid named she took like Providence.

I gave a short smile, "Miss Unbrem Yvett, Can I call you Ube like Artem did?"

She froze and looked at her friends, before shaking it off. "I no longer go by that name!"

Rather cute she was, childhood friends always change though, it was a cliche as old as time. Except this one could easily occur in real life. "Well Ube, Enna here is my most loyal confidant. I'd call her family even. So I will give you some advice, you want people in your life like Enna. Your parents teach you that don't they?"

Her ego deflated a bit and her friends loss some confidence as well. My eyes paused and darted over the crowd. I then looked at Ube and her friends, "Do you want to attend the funeral?"

Ube's eyes widened and I had to roll my own. Was everyone this innocent? "All three of you can come, I know you two may not know Artem. However you can comfort Ube here. It seems she may need it in time."

I placed a hand on her head and rubbed it slightly. "Come on Enna, I think we can go home now."

Enna smiled as we walked off, "You are very kind. I am glad you are my lady."

Kind? I could scoff, I needed awakeners for a guild and three just walked into my lap. Like hell I wasn't gonna pull on their strings. I however kept my own bright smile, "Now that I have the clothes I want. Enna how about we go visit the family. I need to take something back."

Oh, how coincidence feed me sweet memories. That girl Unbrem may not know it, but she gave me something I needed. Unfortunately it would make me have to leave the family guild. Eh, but perhaps with it I wouldn't have to pay any fines.

I grimaced as I opened the car door. A memory of a few documents, it was short, sweet and left in a desk at the family guild. It was technically illegal to have, or at least in my old world it was. However if I were to give them over to the association.

Ah, skirting some rules would be too easy. I didn't even need to threaten anyone.