
Death is not the end!

First things first I don't own the cover art, obviously, but is it click baiting enough? ------- So this guy named Alistar is screwed over. He is dying and he is pissed off. So he kills this guy, and he feels good about it. So he becomes a serial killer on earth. Killing people with super powers all the while he is considered as nothing. He gets famous for his killings and people just don't understand how he did it. Specially since they never see him use any skills other than one. It wasn't even special a ton of people had storage space skills. Well, as it turns out. His oldest enemy is on his tail. So he kills one last time, and lets the News figure his identity out. As a big fuck you to his enemy. Though Alistar's life isn't done yet, as his own unique skill screws him over. Making him wind up stuck in his own storage skill as just a soul. -------- Okay so like there's more. I'm on debate about adding harem and r-18 tags/chapters. It doesn't fit the character and their background, but their will be times he reacts to character appearance. The villain tag is questionable, I might change to to anti-hero or just add anti-hero tag.

ZeOwl · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

Getting into place

Waking up in the morning I stripped off the armor I was still wearing. normally I never wore the stuff. Even light armor like this bothered me. It almost always had a price and most of the time was recognizable.

The bathroom was pretty big intergrated closet as well as a separate shower and bath. A single large washing sink that dipped into to smaller sinks. The washing sink was for blood, I'd seen similar sinks in awakened only hotels. Though only spent a night or two in any of them.

I showered and 'inspected' my body. Afterwards I got out and walked to the closet. I frowned at the variety. From the memories I obtained this was expected. However as I looked them over I was more irked than I thought I'd be. The closet was split in two sides, one side was filled with armors, weapons, and accessories.

The bright side they were all mass produced types. It was clear this was due to not wanting to stand out or be special. Fear of her family retaliating because she had something they coveted. On the other side though was just as bad.

Several sets of dresses, all with different patterns or designs. What was worse was that they were basically all formal wear. A past commitment when the family was important. However after backstabs and betrayals they were left to the moths.

I wasn't gonna wear chain-mail or leather armor as causal clothes. So i found the most non-formal dress and put it on. I realized my mistake instantly. I sighed and took it off. I dug through the small shelf below the dresses and found what I was looking for. Undergarments.

The armor had built in padding and support while the dress didn't. With this new body being... Bountiful. The dress I picked made it so one could see through the chest area without proper measures. However looking over all this underwear I sighed. None of them fit. It seemed a growth spurt occurred between the time of dresses and the time of armor.

I shook my head. I picked the most loose fitting one which was also the most demeaning one. A frilly lace that I recognized from memories. A gift from mother, or should I say this body's step-mother. The intent behind it was a cruel one. No doubt making the decision on wearing just armor easier.

I finished changing into all the best clothes I could find. Going around the house inspecting the it again. Last night I only ever looked for the obvious now I was just getting used to it. Once I was done i searched the fridge. Collecting the items for a good old fashioned sandwich.


Enna unlocked the front door and I stared up. For her part when she saw me eating a sandwich, "Oh, you are awake." Though once she saw my attire she made a happy look, but it quickly shifted.

I nodded, "Enna I have a few things I wish to have clarification on. Sit down."

Enna scurried over to the seat and sat down. She seemed meek, but I have seen plenty like her. Meek and Loyal to her Master, while blunt and opposing to anyone else. A girl like this followed Providence, she was originally a private eye, she ended up a corpse though.

I tapped the counter and Enna looked confused. I put down the sandwich, "Enna how connected would you say me and Artem were to our family."

Enna took a second and asked, "In what regards?"

I smiled, this girl was smart. "Business, Relationships, Politics, Hell if you know talents and skills that would be great too."

Enna paused, "Don't you know these better?" In a way she was right I had vague ideas of all of them. However, "I want a second opinion."

Enna lowered her head and thought about things. I moved a notepad and a pencil closer to her. "If you need to write your thoughts."

Enna shook her head, "No, uh, I got it. Let's see, starting with business. If you referring to your business, its going somewhat well. Since its just a minor monster butchery, the Athea family business has no connection to it. If based on the Athea branch businesses you really only are connected family guild. You and Artem were Reserve members, so you really only had a 20% tax for guild privileges."

Right, the family guild, another thing I had to handle. "Enna how would I quit the family guild and create my own?"

Enna paused, "Uh, you can leave after paying a 50,000 Tal. Do you want me to put in our leave?"

I nodded, "Go ahead, you have access to one of my accounts?"

My wording was simple and relative. Enna nodding on, misinterpreting it. "Yes, the account you provided me to manage your daily funds has enough to pay the guild fee."

I rolled my eyes realizing she'd pay her own fee. I knew she didn't have the money for it. "Is it enough for both of us? Make sure you don't use your won money."

Enna's eyes gleamed, "Thank you for your kindness my lady!"

I tapped the counter, "Our own guild, the requirements, what are they."

Enna rolled the idea around, "I don't mean to question, but are you sure. The requirements are simple, its just. You never reall-"

I looked into Enna's eyes and she turned away. "I understand my lady, the requirements are simple. A total of 8 members are needed. I imagine you don't want the basic guild inductions. So the association would require a 350,000 Tal fee. Finally we would need approval of a guild associate. So a recommendation from another guild or a direct member of the association must approve of it."

Taking all that in I put it in the back of my mind. So no starting my own guild until we have the members. "Enna, don't pay the fee the fees to leave the family's guild. Let's hold off until we have the 8 members guaranteed. As you can imagine some of the people I would've invited are..."

Enna nodded a glum look growing on her face. "Ah, the funereal for Enna is prepared, I got it sorted out all of last night. I am gonna miss her..."

I got up and walked over to Enna, I rubbed her head and gave her hug. I wouldn't miss the Niece, but I lied through my teeth. "She was a good kid, just like you Enna. I know you two were growing to become best friends."

Enna was younger than me about 10 years matching that of near the Niece's age. Though she was even younger. Enna was 22 while Artem the Niece was 19. I let go of Enna and saw her face beat red.

My eyes sparkled, no wonder she was so loyal. It seemed she had a crush on her boss. Enna really was the perfect dog, the perfect dog indeed. I had to speak though, "Once the funeral is over we will need to get started on revenge Enna. I'm sick of looking over my shoulder. So Enna let's continue..."

With Enna's mind away from her current thoughts she began again. Enna pulled on her hair slightly and her face was still recovering. So I spoke first, "I know the relationship with... Well all of them is rough. However that isn't what I am looking for Enna. So take your time."

She got up and and paced around. "Well, only Impero Athea would support us. However if we got into contact with the Reigh family. They may help you establish yourself."

The Reigh were my mother's family. I paused, "Would mother not wish to help? I know she doesn't have much power. She loves my father though does she not?"

Enna rubbed her arms, "Lady Andrea would unlikely be able to convince your father since he is... Not a good man."

I sighed knowing how true that was. He had small pond power, with a low moral compass. The Athea family was only really a big deal in 2-3 cities. While the Reigh family was closer to being interactive on multiple nations on Terra.

Enna was right, but... "Enna what actions do you think the family may decide on if we were to strike gold?"

Enna shifted side from side. "My lady they would be like leeches or eels. Slimy bastards who would try to steal said gold while drowning us in an abyss. The first to take action would likely be your half siblings or Artem's mother. Her father may be convinced as he is better than some of them. However at most it would be to shame his wife and Artem's 'mother'."

Artem was illegitimate so that made sense. Artem's father was the only half sibling I had a remote chance of having a good relationship with. As he liked being the big fish, but never planned to grow himself. From memory he even liked Dionysus when they were young. Only stopping when his older siblings stopped him.

This also gave me a vague idea of the politics of the family. So I stopped Enna from explaining that. "Tell me about the family talents. Who has good potential, the rising stars."

Enna nodded, "Well one is your cousin who had the unique trait Coppermancy, since copper is conductive in multiple ways. She is seen highly by most of the family. The Athea director, uh your grandfather views her the highest. Since Coppermancy is a unique skill that has potential to grow.

I nodded, mancy skills were like that. A person with Bonemancy might unlock fleshmancy and soulmancy as well. From there gaining necromancy. Coppermancy could include similar metals.

I wrote the name and skill down. Looking to Enna to continue, who did. "Eh, another is a boy named Murim. An orphan named by the tower, which is... Rare."

My eyes sparked. That was rare, it meant the boy was born in the tower and his parents died inside. Enna went on about his talents, having varying martial arts based skills. Even having the unique skill called peerless martial path. The perfect skill for a monk or swordsman.

I wrote his name down as well, if I ever gained the chance I'd make him mine. The only thing I required was to see his looks and then I'd truly decide if I could make his body mine. Which sounded perverse, but if I could put in a little work. I could have a extra body to control.

The last talent needed no real mention, however Enna mentioned him as well. Her face was one of disgust, "The last is your younger brother..."

Ah yes, the youngest brother. A truly disgusting little creature. Having a been born with a special blessing. An elder god's blessing, one that corrupts a person completely. I had only ever heard of said blessings. A shady organization tried to woo me on earth to receive said blessing. However I killed them all and used them to lure in an awakened.

Enna shook her head, "He has the blessing called Chosen of the Unspeakable. This gave him multiple powerful skills and even more than one unique skill. Sadly I think he even holds a Personal skill. Hence why he is not treated poorly by your siblings."

The bastard was a half-elf as well. It was funny, the memories on him were quite clear. being so powerful that I could feel the emotion in them. I don't blame the original Dionysus for this however, as the little shit tried to hit on her. Despite being half her age and being direct siblings.

I got up, "Well then, I got a good idea of just how exactly we go further Enna. What level of the tower are you on?"

Enna looked surprised, "Me?" She pointed at herself and I nodded. "I only ever climbed to the 5th floor. As I never had any drive to climb it."

I gave a curt nod, "I want you to meet me on floor ten. From there we will race up the tower. I think we should dig up some secrets that not even the most powerful of climbers know of."

Enna stopped, "What of the the rift dungeons?"

I shrugged, "They hardly have anything truly useful right now. After all any rift that has the potential will be taken away from us."

Enna nodded and smiled, "Very well, I shall me you on floor ten! Do you want me to start climbing now or?"

I shook my head, "No, today we go shopping."

Enna looked at me curiously, I however just wanted better everyday clothes.