
Deadric GOD of the Abyss

Zane Cole is an average Joe working in a customer service call center for rental cars, one day he was zoning off while crossing the road and out of nowhere a truck lost control and struck him, sending him on his way to the afterlife, or so he thought. Follow Zane or Ominous as he is called in his new-found life as he struggles to survive in the abyss. NOTICE : I hope you like this book, if you have any comment or wish to communicate with me do not shy away from commenting. --------------------------------------------------- You can have a peak at what some characters look like in one of my comments below --------------------------------------------------- patreon.com/AtlasWolf381

BIG_BAD_WOLF2000 · Kỳ huyễn
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Arch types

The Arch type creatures are the creatures that break their genetic limits and stand tall at the for font of their races without an evolution, let's take angel's as an example, an Archangel is an angel that holds unimaginable power in his hands

some Archangels are so powerful that they break free from their god's command and become god like beings themselves, just like Lucifer, one of the demon gods in the abyss who was once an Archangel of light.

Now let's get back to demons, for demons there is something called an Archfiend or Archdemon and an Archfiend is a demon at the Apex of what a demon could ever achieve before becoming a demon lord, the best Guards of a demon lord are Archfiends who lost hope of Evolving into demon lords.

Sometimes there are exceptions because of miraculous circumstances, like in the case of our dear Ominous, some people find loopholes and become Arch creatures before they are supposed to

Fundamentally an imp is not the same race as a demon and a demon is not the same race as a demon lord, the Evolution tree might be related but before evolution they are not the same

an Arch imp is the Apex of imps, the only imp capable of giving a lesser demon a fight and even gaining victory, it is one of the secret evolutions that only demon gods of old got to have before either dying or achieving their demonic godhood.

In the Abyss many races and Demons live, fallen angels, Minotaur's, succubi, Demonic elves, Balrogs, Abyssal Dragons, Fallen Titans, Gray dwarves, Beholders, and some Evil gods, humans, vampires, Undead....

Of the many demon lords and evil gods of the abyss, many are not even Demons why you ask, because only strength matters, mages, gods, demons or else are all welcome in the abyss as long as they bring enough benefits to satisfy it.

All this info kept pouring into Ominous's brain while he was evolving, from the small crack in space a small fraction of the abyss consciousness was aiding in his evolution and keeping him up to date with what he needed to know

it was making a deal with him, as he had demonized many creatures on this plane wish made the abyssal influence grow and attract the abyss into this plane, the abyss rewarded him with coming all the way over here to aid and assist in his evolution

the deal was for the abyss to inform a powerful demon lord to be at the ready once Ominous performed a great sacrifice to open a world gate strong enough to allow a demon lord and his army to invade this plane.

For Ominous it was Great as he couldn't Fight Against the gods in this plane, and he needed support, plus the Abyss would reward him handsomely

The abyss informed him that it was a fair trade and that the demon lord would have to reward him too and would be prohibited from ever harming Ominous or his interest unless provoked, this Exchange between him and the abyss didn't even take a second in reality but felt like hours in his mind.

With the deal made, and his Evolution completed, the small crack in space closed and the Blood cocoon exploded, revealing a 4 m Giant with 2 gigantic horns on the front of the head and 2 smaller horns on the back of it forming a majestic crown full of abyssal runes, his crimson hair was floating because of the energy he radiated, his face looked like a human neither ugly nor handsome, he liked the feeling of towering over his men.

His heart and magic core had fused in a miracle never seen before in demons, making him a magical creature like dragons, his blood was now mixed with magic and faith giving him more control over his believers and his magic, his blood has become what he called Deadric blood

normally, a creature that was worshiped would have Their magic core slowly change into a faith core, that stored faith and used it as energy and would later on become a godhead

when the creature fulfilled some criteria and became a god, pure magic creatures had a magic heart which made them superior in magic, in Ominous's case his heart was now a mix of a faith core and a magic heart, he would call it a Deadric heart

he remembered that in the game Skyrim that he used to play some Deadric princes like Molag Bal looked like Demons, but they were gods that wielded magic as their Devine power, so from now on he would build himself in a way that would make him a true Deadric God having the advantages between a demon and a god.

Bringing his attention back to reality, all the abyssal lizard men felt the connection between them and Ominous strengthen multiple times with awe in their eyes they looked at him knowing that he would be their full-fledged god, with a mental order all the lizard men went back to their business as Ominous retreated to his tent to rest.

Word spread among normal lizard men in the desert of a Big tribe of tall dark lizard men that hunted and killed orc tribes and shamans, that was the handy work of some non demonized lizard men spies sent by Ominous to bate more lizards into his army

slowly but surely the number of lizard men in his army grew from more than 20 000 to 100 000 lizard men, witnessing the change his Deadric energy had on them when they got demonized it was like a miracle performed from a god to them, they soon joined the others in the worship of his name.

What amazed Ominous was that the stronger the faith gathered in his Deadric heart and blood, the stronger his magic and vitality and the opposite was true

it was as if there was a symbiotic relationship between his energies keeping a balance in his power, a simple fireball spell was now like firing an RPG at the enemy

mixing his emotions with his Deadric energy trying to imitate what the shaman did in the past he could make small miracle's just like a wishing spell

for example when demonizing a lizard man he could add some properties to it making it bigger and stronger, or making it faster and lighter, if he focused on objects he could somewhat change their appearance, he could also buff or curse someone heavily, this wishing ability was very taxing as it consumed his Deadric energy more than anything else and needed to be trained further.