
Chapter 7:Family Dinner Part 1

Location:Planet Apokalyps Darkseids palace

I did as I always did around dinner time and walked to the grand dining hall after taking a bath Alpha trailed behind me loyal as he always did I passed by many servent lowlies and parademons alike that stood out of my way out of fear, they knew their place.

It was honestly surprising since no one treated me this way in my old life and never did I expect to be treated like this before but neither did I hope to be the son of Darkseid but here I am.

I'm just even more surprised that baths are a thing on Apokalyps but then again it is an advanced world even if it looks like hell but bathing is a luxury and one I so happen to enjoy just like the dinner I am about to have.

I pushed open the massive red doors that must have weight a couple of tons leading into the dining hall where I saw Darkseid's top subordinates some sitting on a massive long table others standing in corners planning and plotting against each other,some stared as I entered.

As I entered I met a very short but noble-looking military man Virman Vundabar he is one on the elite and a shrewd military man who has great ambitions and must be compensating for something.

"Ahh, young Mal Valtrex it is a pleasure we haven't had the chance to talk no?

"No Vundabar i don't believe we had, you are usually so busy with your duties that i wouldn't want to disturb your important work".

"Ohh nonsense all i do is oversee the training of many of the lowlies hehe"

"Ans what an important job it is and im sure you do it better than a certain old hag i know of"

I looked at Granny Goodness who had a grin on her face as she set while Barda stood by her side with another female fury.

I grinned at her "well old lady shouldn't you be taking a nap? wouldn't want you to hurt your old bones".

"No need child, Granny still has some kick left in her.

I winked at Barda and moved on to a certain blond-haired man with blue eyes and a charming smile typing on a certain phone-like device.

Hello there Godfrey any news on the street?

Godfrey stopped typing and grinned as he looked up at me

"Ahh if it isn't Mal-Valtrex, the favoured son of our lord Darkseid himself!

This caused Kalibak who was already helping himself to some food to look up from his plate and growl at Both me and Godfrey.

"Ohhh my seems like I struck a nerve on poor Kalibak, it is known that he hasn't been able to receive much respect or attention from our lord for years, and in seventeen years a young son was born from a traitor and is said to be a prodigy and potential successor to Darkseid himself despite being much, much, much, younger...


Kalibak threw his trey at Godfrey who dodged it by mere seconds Godfrey slowly raised his head and stood up while combing his hair with a smile on his face.

"It seems like not only is Mal More talented, but has better table manners as well" This only angered Kalibak even more as he was about to attack Godfrey for real but I quickly decided to act.

"Okey, Godfrey, as much as I love hearing how spectacular I am, maybe we could discuss this at a place with fewer breakables and...

"Idiotic brutes of course Mal of course hahaha!!

I sighed Godfrey was honestly someone who would poke a sleeping bear knowing it will maul him all he ever wants is a reaction from people and honestly that made him so dangerous not his physical strength, but the power of his words.

I then turned to a different person a horrid little creature known as Dassad Darkseid's number one ugly fanboy and his equally horrid sister Bernadth

I grinned at the two horrid siblings."So Dasad how have your torture methods been going these days?

"Hehehe why Mal I never thought you would be interested in torture"

"Well, I have noticed I tend to be a little sadistic...especially with lowlies"

Dasaads eyes widen for a while then his face twists in what must be his attempt at a smile

"Hehehe I too find great joy in making the already miserable lives of the lowlies, even worse I especially enjoyed torturing that lowlies whose arm you had ripped off and fed to your hound hehehe how fun it was as he screamed"

(oh gosh he is enjoying this conversation I better stop him now)" well, Dasaad I'm sure you came up with the cruellest methods of torture...

Oh yes yes I did hehe I took inspiration from you feeding the lowly arm to your hound but this time the im feeding mongovi wasps that usually slowly break apart skin targeting wounded animals and putting toxins on the flesh causing pain to last longer and the wounds to open up, even more, they then lay their eggs in the open wound then place them in there for a few weeks as they continue to keep the creature alive to provide enough nutrients for their young, it is quite the interesting method not only do they coz the creature pain but they keep it alive as well...

(Ohhhh gish I only made it worse why did I make this antisocial freak more comfortable with me why why why????)

Just as I was about to say something to have him stop talking there was a loud slam on the table, it was Steppenwolf signalling for everyone to get into place, Dasaad seemed to have a look of slight disappointment on his face as he heard this.

Alas, Mal-Valtrex I must move to my place, you should come by my lad sometime so we could continue our discussions on future methods I would love to hear more of your methods.

"Same here Dassad same here" (thank goodness he stopped talking)

I then moved to my seat as I met Kanto the chief Assasin it was rear to see him around but here he was goatee and all I also met a few others but they were not so important.

I then moved to my seat close to the head of the table where Kalibak was set at the other side facing me angrily. and I sighed and put on a smile to my unwanted guests and my angry brother, usually dinner would just be Me Kallibak and Steppenwolf with the occasional elite visit here and there but when a large majority of Darkseid's subordinates set at the table it meant one thing Darkseid was coming and called for them.

And just on time, the doors burst open as a massive figure walked in with his hands behind his back he was massive and intimidating I could never get used to this aura he exhibited it made me both fearful and excited as if I wanted the power he had, I kept myself calm as he walked to the head of the table while everyone stood in fear and respect he set at the head of the table Kalibak and I at his left and right,steppen wolf set at the other heard of the table and rose a glass of wine into the air as everyone was quiet and tense.

He looked around the table, There are many of us in here that despise each other with a passion, there are some here who would rather kill each other than spend another day knowing that that person is still breathing, but even then there is one time we can all agree to something and may you raise your glasses and say it with me.

The others did so as they raised their glasses they each said in unison