A DC fan is reborn as the son of Darkseid after being killed by the wheels of a certain black air force menace that travels between realities. After death, he then meets the soul guide who helps him on his path to a new life. join Mc as he spends his time in the DC universe as the genius son of Darkseid. Will he rebel against his new father or help him rule the galaxy or will he be a hero of justice and fight against him will he do both or just enjoys his new life with all his childhood heroes and villains
In a quiet suburban area in the nicer parts of town, inside one of the many cream houses a teenage boy around 17 years old set in front of his computer enjoying one of the most fantastic creations of mankind, no it was not smut you sick fu*k, he only did that at night, no he was currently watching another Justice League animated movie, with Darkseid as the main villain of course but even tho he lost, in the end, the young man always enjoyed seeing the villain in action.
This young man was Joe Mamanly, he was like many teenage boys his age he liked playing video games, watching Anime,reading comics and fanfiction he always found it strange how he could read and finish a fanfiction with hundreds of chapters but struggle to read a single school book.
Although he wasn't your straight-A student he did enough to not get in trouble with the school meaning to say he was average, currently, he was on summer break and was binge-watching DC movies and Tv shows since he currently just got interested in them he just caught up with young justice as well as many justice league movies he was thinking of reading the comics next but remembered he was going to meet up with some friends of his.
Yes, he had friends, although he wasn't a social butterfly he at least had a few close friends who he could call nerds just like himself, although if you were to look at him you would not think he was a nerd, since he had a fit body due to playing rugby for his school, even tho it was a compulsory sport he was never one of the star players but he did show up for every practise session and grew to like the sport so long as he was playing with a couple of people he thought were cool.
Joe grumbled and groaned as he stood up from his chair to his closet where he put on the comfiest summer outfit he could find and left for where he would meet his buds.
He finally arrived at one of the only proper old-timey Arcades left in his town and there he met his friends Benny and Freddy they did their super-secret handshake and they went inside.
"So Joe" Benny said as he sipped on the milkshake he ordered "you've done anything interesting as of late?
"Oh you know another day another DC series watched and enjoyed, really enjoying it, I believe they call it the soft life".
"Oh really? Freddy said as he struggled on his current level "who is your favourite villain mine is Lex Luthor,I always liked the cunning bastard"
Benny grinned "Luthor is cool and all but reverse flash is the best right Joe?
Joe munched on his burger before commenting "Mine's Darkseid"
Freddy took a glance before returning to his game and seemingly considering it "you know now that I think about it he is pretty cool, isn't he?
Joe grinned, "of course, he is I recently found out that he has a bunch of cool overpowered kids, like Orion, Grayven, Grail and Kalliback".
Hehehe Benny chucked "the rest, yes but I wouldn't call kallibak overpowered bud but Orion, Grayven and Grail are beasts, just wish they were used more".
Joe looked at Benny with disbelief "c'mon man don't do my boi Kalibak like that, sure he's not the brightest tool in the shed and sure his younger siblings outclass him in every way but he tries his best okay.
Freddy chuckled at Joe's reaction "could it be you see some of yourself in Kalibak Joe?
"well I would if I had daddy issues,I just like characters who try their best but never get it right, makes them relatable to me"
"Wow, so you like the guy coz you feel you never get things done right? your weird Mr dose everything great"
Hehehe Freddy chuckled again "well I didn't even know Darkseid had other kids besides Kalibak so ill just support him.
Benny then moved closer to Freddy "you know grail is pretty hot and she is super powerful as well"
"So I'm more of a wonder woman and Revan fan, for me it's amazons for life boi.
Joe then leaned closer "yeah but her mom was an Amazon as well"
"what!! tell me more"
Joe and Benny chuckled as their friend kept demanding to know more about Grail.
After a few hours, Joe was walking back home when he saw something strange by the road, his neighbour Thomas who he had spent much time talking about Dragon ball had pushed some kids off the road saving them and was hit by a truck that was going to hit them but the strangest thing happened afterwards when a helicopter fell on his body. (Mc from my other story if you are wondering)
The truck seemed to have lost control as it didn't stop and went straight for Joe, he didn't have time to react to anything as he lost consciousness after feeling a strong pain spread all over his body, he had taken many hits in his rugby games but never one this hard.
The next thing Joe knew he was standing in a villa that looked akin to a Greek or Roman temple and in front of him was a being with an ever-changing appearance they changed from an old man to a man in his 30s to a young child less than 10 years old.
For some reason, Joe did not feel scared only calm as he had read way too many fanfics to not see where this is going.
The being spoke first "Hello there my name is soul Guide and I am here to help you reincarnate".
Joe did not waste time and began shouting out all his wise but soul guide raised a boney finger which turned into that of a child "sorry young one but the rules have changed your can only choose the world you want to be reborn in not your boons"
Joe's face lost all its light after hiring the soul guide's words he was about to say something but the soul guide seemingly already knowing spoke first.
Although you cannot directly wish, you can still spin the three wheels one for a special ability, the second for an item the third for a bloodline.
"Oh, how are those chosen, to be on the wheel?
"Well, they each depend on a show or piece of fiction you have watched for example let's say you spin the power wheel you could get Thors or even get the flashes powers it can be from Anime to comics and for items you could get the Omnitrix or even the death star.
Bloodlines can range from a Saiyan to a normal human anything. Usually, your bloodline can give you an additional power if the bloodline is good that is
"Oh I get it it's pretty simple so can I choose my world?
Of course young one what will it be?
Joe scratched his chin for some time and finally, a lightbulb appeared on his head "I would like to be reincarnated in the DC world please"
Soul Guide was a middle-aged man again and he looked deep into Joe's soul and smiled "okay" not the weirdest some other guy who came before you decided to go to Dragon Ball little psycho is conquering worlds and making an Empire right now.
Joe didn't know what he would do with that information but he didn't think about it as could guide guided him to the wheels where he would pull them to gain power. Joe spun the wheel as hard as he could and bit his fingernails in anticipation as the wheel finally stopped on something that surprised him
(Saturn Gravity from Edens zero)
My eyes widened and I jumped so high I could fly I ran around dancing I was able to get one of the most powerful abilities ever Saturn Gravity allows the user to freely control their gravity, enabling them to perform various feats; such as levitating in midair, falling sideways clinging onto walls and ceilings, altering the density of their body, shooting off blasts of compressed gravity, and repelling incoming projectiles with a field of anti-gravity among others. This effect can also be applied to any person or object the user makes physical contact with
It is one of the most awesome abilities ever I then turned to Soul guide with stars in my eyes as if to confirm what I was thinking
He sighed "yes you can also use overdrive"
And that was the icing on the cake for me. Overdrive can only be achieved when the user pushes their Ether to its critical point, thus changing their physical appearance. In some cases, their hair changes colour it also boots their power immensely.
I then moved on to spin the second wheel of an item when it landed on something I never expected
(The infinity gauntlet with infinity stones-marvel universe)
The Infinity Gauntlet is one of the most powerful objects in the Universe. It was designed to hold six of the soul gems, better known as the Infinity Gems. When used in combination their already impressive powers make the wearer able to do anything they want.
soul guide scratched his long grey beard in deep thought while I was celebrating he then stopped me as he began to talk "okay I'm sure you're happy about such a gift but I'm going to have to spread the infinity tones through the DC universe
I was about to protest when he raised his hand Hey don't worry you can keep the gauntlet plus you mostly find them at key spots well most of them anyway.
I grumbled out loud but I remembered I would have to be some kind of supreme being to even hold a stone so I let it go for now as I spun the last wheel. I closed my eyes and when I opened them I didn't know what to say or do I was stunned at my results I didn't know whether to scream or jump in joy I just stood there.
(Bloodline of the DC New god Darkseid)
A New God and one of the most powerful beings in the DC Universe He is a merciless and tyrannical member of an extraterrestrial race of deities known as New Gods. He rules over the nightmarish world of Apokolips alongside the multiple other worlds he has conquered. He seeks to conquer all life using the Anti-Life Equation to bind all living things to his will. As a New God, his true form exists outside the universe in a realm called the Fourth World.
Soul Guide smiled as he looked at me "quite interesting he said as he flashed me a smile seems you are to be a child of Darkseid hmm.
This is concerning I said to him with worry on my face I loved Darkseid as a villain but now I had to be his child I was something else.
Should guy patted my shoulder don't worry joe it will be well better yet how about this since I know of the irritations of being a baby again what say I have you transmigrated to when you are 17 years old?
That would be great oh also what will I look like? I asked with a nervous smile.
Like a new god he said with a chuckle I followed suit awkwardly.
"So are you ready he asked?"
Although I was a little nervous about the whole thing I nodded my head "yeah I'm ready"
Good and then Soul Guide touched my head and everything went black