
Dc: The Brother of Superman

Follow our protagonist without memory of his past self he woke up in a normal family....wait isn't that Martha Kent.....why is she calling me son?. (Disclaimer, First fanfic to learn how to write.)

Refaim1992 · Tranh châm biếm
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75 Chs


"Ugh, my head...where am I?" Looking around, I noticed that I was in my house.

"Did I die?"

[Dungeon Quest Complete]

"I guess not..."


[Personal level: +8]

[Class level: +3]

[Passive skill: Curse Resistance]

[Funds: 500,000]

 [Bonus Reward]

[Active Skill: Flame Skull (Create a flame-like skull that deals fire and necrotic damage) (2-second cooldown)]

[Soul Orb (Empty)]

"Huh? Bonus rewards, why?"

[By completing bonus kills and objectives, you will receive them.]

"Ah, I see. Urgh. My head. I better rest."

The next day, I woke up refreshed and started to reflect on my actions inside and outside the dungeon.

On how I treat the system magic, and skills, which are totally different, but I just treat them as if they were the same.

Also on how useful offensive talismans and runes are, and there's probably more things that I'm missing.

I understand why I'm missing those details. I'm always worrying about time and my growth, so to fix that, I will need to do something that I personally don't like. I need to cheat.


On a busy street in Oscaloosa County, Florida, there's an office located in one of the many buildings on this street, and in that office, a conversation is taking place between two interesting individuals.

"So, mister, what can I do for you?"

A chimpanzee wearing a little suit and a simple coat, with a magnifying lens on his right eye, was sitting behind a worn-out desk.

"There's important information that I need from you, detective."

In front of the chimpanzee was a man wearing a dark blue suit. He was sitting on one of the chairs in front of the desk.

"And what could it be, mister?"

"Isaac, Detective Bobo, as for the information, it has something to do with that intelligence of yours."

As soon as Detective Chimp heard that, he was taken aback, only for a couple of seconds, but he played out as if nothing was wrong.

"I don't know what you mean by that, mister Isaac."

"Then let me put it more simply: I want to know the location of the fountain, Detective Bobo."

Now he really couldn't play out like nothing happened; the first thing he felt was fear. After all, many people were searching for that mythical place, but nobody was supposed to have known that only he and his friend knew of that place.

"Why do you think that I know something like that, Mister?"

Still maintaining a composed attitude, he tried to deny anything.

"Detective, please, I'm not here to play games; I'm here for the information, and I have the means for compensation. Also,  you can ask Master Giovanni about my background."

"Hmm...so you know Zatara...still..."

"A hundred million for the information."

"Do you..have that much money?" He almost fell off the chair.

"Of course"


 "Two hundred" 

*Crash* He really fell.

"Let me make a call..." He stood up and went to another room on the right side.

"Take your time, Detective." ______________________________________

*Ring* *Ring*



"Hi Giovanni, it's been a while."

"Ah, Bobo, indeed, what a surprise! What can I do for you, my friend?"

"I have in my office someone who says he knows you."

"Oh, and who can be?"

"He told me that his name is Isaac."

"Oh, is Isaac with you? It's been a while since I've seen him."

"You really know him."

"Short dark hair, green eyes, and white tan skin?"

"Yeah, so is really he..."

"Why? What happened,  Bobo?"

"He came here to buy the location of the fountain, Giovanni; how much do you trust the kid?"

"Although I have only been with him for a year, I know that he is a good kid. Maybe try asking about his intentions."

"Everybody lies, Giovanni."

"I know Bobo, but maybe he will surprise you."


 *Creak* *Click* 

"Well, mister Isaac, your identity was probed correctly; now the question is, Why do you want to know?" The detective asked as he was taking his place behind the desk.

"I'm in need of time, and unfortunately, this is the only method that I could use without suffering any major consequences."

"So what do you say, Detective?"

"Five hundred"

I stood up from my seat.

"You have a deal."


After the transfer of money, he told me the location of the fountain and even offered to guide me, which I declined. 

According to Detective Chimp, the fountain was located in the Bahamas, in a district called Bimini.

It was easy to get there, and as I expected, when I arrived, Detective Chimp and Giovanni were there.

"It's been a while, Isaac."

(Sigh)Indeed, master." I looked at Chimp with resentment.

"Sorry, kid, he insisted on coming."


*Humm* *Humm* 

We are currently going to our destination in a truck that I rented for this occasion.

"Isaac, you know that fountain isn't there anymore." (Giovanni) 

"It doesn't matter, Master; if it was there before, that is more than enough." I was driving the truck to our destination.


"(Smile) Correct, Detective."

It took us two hours to reach our destination, and like the master said, if there was a fountain here at some point, well, it didn't look like it.

"Detective, if you please."


We followed the same route he and his friend followed at that time. Although the place has changed a lot, from a rich jungle to a semi-arid place, he remembered the place correctly, thanks to his intellect.

After a couple of minutes of walking, we finally reach a clear, what looks like a dried-up river.

"It was here," he pointed out in front of him.

"Thank you, Detective."

I walk out to the middle of the dried-out lake, pull out five runes, and put them in line with the four cardinal points, then connect them, making lines in the ground with my rune carver. Last but not least,  I draw a circle in the middle of the star figure.


"What is that?" (Bobo) 

"His magic"(Giovanni) 

I started chanting, "[Escolta aquestes paraules, escolta la rima, faig cas de l'esperança dins de la meva ment. Envia aquesta terra a on la trobaré, el que desitjo en el lloc i el temps]"

(Hear these words, hear the rhyme, and heed the hope in my mind. Send this land to where I'll find what I wish in place and time.)

The [Space Runes] sealed the space, and the lines connected the time. When I finish my chant, the whole figure started to glow up.



In the middle circle, something was changing. From a dried piece of dirt, it was starting to change rapidly.

With each second, the circle was getting wet, until a circle full of water was there.

"...!?" Shock—it's the only thing that Bobo was feeling.

"Very clever, Isaac; instead of traveling back in time and risking many things, you only reverted the ground time."

"Thank you for your compliment, Master."

I approached the circle as I was pulling out a little vial to store the water in it.

Once the water was collected, I dispell my magic, and with it, the water was erased from this place.

After collecting the runes and cleaning the lines, we left the place.

I told the detective that I would also need real detective work, and he agreed to help for the right price.

As for Zatara, he just said his goodbyes and left with a portal, which Bobo followed.


Now that I'm in one of my houses in Florida, I will prepare for what I'm about to do, but first, my attributes.

[Name: Isaac Kent (lvl. 47)]

[Body: 35] [Mind: 100(+15)] [Soul:53] Luck: 15] [Faith: 15]

{I would like to put fifteen on the body, fifteen on the mind, and two on the soul}

[Warning Body Achievement Unlocked...]

[Activating the Special Trait]

[Troll's Blood: Your health regenerates 50% faster]

I felt a tingle in my body as I was admiring my status window.

 [Status window] 

[Name: Isaac Kent (LVL 47)]

 [Class: [Wizard(lvl.15)] 


[High Wizard(lvl.15)] 

[Forbidden Arts User (LVL.15)]


[Arcane Summoner(lvl.5)] 

[Job: [Enhancer (lvl.30)]] [Scribe(lvl.20)] 

[Rune Crafter(lvl.11)]

 [Body:50] [Mind:115(+15)] [Soul:55] [Luck:15] [Faith:15] 

[Magic: Kèter'elyon] 

[Equipment: Expert Robe Set (Rare)] [Expert Staff(Rare)] [Ring of the Fighter (Unique) (left hand)] [Necklace of the Initiate (Rare)]


[Artifact: Unavailable]

[Active Skills: [Fireball]] [Wind Slash] [Shadow Bind] [Rock Golem] [Sacrifice] [Dark Vision] [Lightning] [Ice Spear] [Repulsive Blast] [Drain Touch] [Dark Bargain] [Hex] [Minor Protection] [Flame Pillar] [Crackling Lance] [Flaming Skull]

[Job Skills: [Enhance]] [Boost] Polyglot] [Photographic Memory] [Author] [Binding] [Infusion] [Carving] 

[Passive Skills: Damage Transfer] [Resistance (Poison, Bleeding, Element (Earth), Curse)] [Multicasting]

 [Arcane Creature]

 [Nayru (Pixie)]

 [Level: 20]

 [Skills: [Dia] [Zio] [Patra] [Companion]


Now the main event: I pull out the vial that contains the water.




[Warning: A supernatural enhancer has been detected...] [Initiating assimilation.] [Assimilation Complete]

My whole body, mind, and soul started to feel as if I were on fire. I didn't scream because I was careful not to attract attention.

{F**k, I should have put a sound barrier...}





[All resistances (+50%)]

[Immortality: As long as a part of you survives, you can't die]

[Warning... Multiple Achievements Detected... Initiating]

{A F**k...}