
Dc: The Brother of Superman

Follow our protagonist without memory of his past self he woke up in a normal family....wait isn't that Martha Kent.....why is she calling me son?. (Disclaimer, First fanfic to learn how to write.)

Refaim1992 · Anime & Comics
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71 Chs

Elder Litch...

"Now where the hell am I?"

I was teleported into the middle of a bridge between a death forest and a giant crypt-like castle.

{Well, I guess I need to go to the castle}

Approaching the castle made me realize that it had signs of battle.

{Better hurry up...}

The castle was a little spooky; it was dark and narrow, and it had large empty spaces filled with blue candles, bones, a lot of bones, humans, and whatnot.

From the occasional bones that I found on the corridors, I guess they destroy every monster in the castle.

Then, after a couple of minutes, I finally found the end—a huge bone-like double door—and I could hear battle on the other side.

{Hmm...will it open?} I put my hands on one side of the door and pushed.


{Ah, it opened...}

What greets me is a huge throne room made out of bones, and the party fighting ten litchs and a couple of dozen skeletons. I could see a litch sitting in a throne of bones at the end of the room; it had a crown made out of some dark metal, black regal robes adorning with gems, and bones, but what caught my attention was the staff that it was using.

The staff had the black skeleton of a horned creature, but I could feel pure darkness and cold, but not physical cold, but a cold in my soul.

{[Minor Protection] (Tannya), [Stone Armor] (Eric)} I first started by supporting the party.


"Isaac, you're late. Thanks for the armor. Concentrate on the litch." (Eric) 

"Got it, Mary, come stay behind me."



[Randomizing Curse... (Curse of Mind)]

[Curse of Mind: Applied Confusion, Vertigo, Dizziness, and Mind Recovery Down]

The litch immediately stopped supporting and conjuring more skeletons.

This brought the attention of the litch on the throne.

~"Interesting, a fellow art user."~


[Warning Curse Detected Checking Mind Attribute: 100(+15), Curse Automatically Nullified]

~"Ho, so a low-level curse doesn't work on you."~

{Sh*t, I need to do something fast.}

"All of you retreat, and get down now!"

From my inventory, I pull out an offensive talisman—the one I didn't use—on the cathedral.

As soon as they heard what I said, they retreated, and before the litch on the throne could do anything,

I threw my talisman; it was called "Light Nova."

A concentrated ball of light was conjured from my talisman, and I felt my mind getting dizzy.

The ball of light went to the middle of the room, where the litch and skeletons were.

~"You brat!!... [Wall of Bones]+ [Dark Coat]"~

A dark wall of bones covered only the throne. As soon as the ball of light touched a skeleton, it exploded in a white light that engulfed the whole room.

[Litch killed 5/5]✓

[Bonus Killed] [Litchs 5/5] ✓ 

When my vision returned, only the litch on the throne was left.


He started to laugh; it was creepy to say the least. I looked at my teammates; they were fine, only a couple of scratches here and there.

"[Mass Healing]" (Mary) A golden circle appeared below them, and it began to heal their wounds.

~"Ha,Ha, ha, ha, to think that you will have a high-grade talisman is my mistake; I will now take you all seriously."~

He stood up from his throne, and I couldn't believe it; he was at least 9 feet tall. He pulled his staff up, and then he slammed to the ground.

 ~"[Unholy Ground]"~

From the staff, the ground began to corrupt, becoming black and green. I knew that was trouble.


A holy circle covered the party and me, but when the circle got in contact with his spell, it began to shrink rapidly.

"He is too strong!" (Mary) 

"[Boost](Santurary)" I immediately reinforce her spell, giving us time to do something about this.

"Mary, what is a better light or holy attribute to kill him?"

"Holy, he is past the point of him being weak to light and fire" (Mary

"Do you have something, Isaac?" (Eric)

"Well, see?" I pull out a rune, a holy rune, to be exact, then squeeze it in my palm, and immediately a holy light engulfs us.

"It's done, but..."

"We need to test it(Tannya)

 *RAAAAGGHH*[Rage] Guts, just jump out of the circle, landing directly in front of the litch.

~"Troublesome."~ He focused his sight on me.

 Guts swung his big sword, only for the litch to intercept with his staff; he was holding perfectly fine.



With a push of his staff, Guts was sent a couple of feet backwards.


"Eric, he is strong." (Guts)

"I can see that, [Battle Ram]" Eric charged into battle.

"[Shadow Step]"(Tannya)

"[Major Protection], [Healing]" (Mary)

As the four of them were trying to fight him, and for what I can see, failing miserably, I began to search for something to kill him.

{Is there anything that I can use to kill him? ...wait, he is technically an undead, so I can exorcise him?}


~"[Dark Pulse]"~ 



Guts and Eric went flying into the walls, caused by his spell; luckily, Tannya was spared.

{System, can I use the magic that I used on earth?}

[Not completely; you can use some aspects of it.]

{Then, can I use it to exorcise him?}


{Wort the shot}

"[Supreme Crown]" {Huh?}

"Hell threw you from its inner core."

~"You...what is that magic?" ~

"But Earth won't hold you anymore." A strange arcane circle appeared below him.

~"What is this? What are you doing?" ~ His tone was getting fearful.

"Eric, Guts, Tannya, don't let him come here." (Mary)

"Since Heaven cannot be your place,"

From the circle, a bunch of hands came out, trying to trap him down.

"Don't let him escape!" [Chains of Light]" (Mary) 

"Got it, [Rathaar](Taunt)!" (Eric)

 "[Shadow Chains]"(Tannya)

 "[Brutal Slash]"(Guts)

 ~"Annoying Maggots!!" ~ He raised up his free hand and cast... ~"[Bone Golem]" ~

From behind me, I could hear something rising up, but it was too late for me and for him.

"Your soul and bones I will erase."

Thanks to their efforts, the hands finally reach him, immediately engulfing him.

~"No!!...leave me!!...No!!....I'm immortal!!...Noooo!!!" ~

The hands were pulled him inside the arcane circle; no matter what he was trying to do, it was useless.

As I was seeing that, Guts and Eric were running frantically to me. The reason was that a huge bone golem was taking a swing at me, and unfortunately, I was still using the other magic, so I couldn't use my other skills.

{I wonder if I'm going to die; what a bummer...}

That was the last thing that crossed my mind before being slashed in the back and being thrown a couple of feet forward.



I lose my consciousness...