
DC: The Absolute

In the DC Universe, Ken finds himself grappling with the reality of his new surroundings. As he navigates this unfamiliar world, he encounters Batman. Through their meeting, Ken begins to grasp the magnitude of his situation and the potential impact he could have in this alternate reality. Together with Batman, Ken embarks on a journey of self-discovery and heroism, determined to make a difference in a world unlike any he's ever known.

Black_Jesus_Christ · Tranh châm biếm
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13 Chs

A Malleable Future

In the relentless passage of time, each day seemed to stretch endlessly into the next, as if caught in an endless loop of training and exhaustion. For three long months, I toiled ceaselessly under Bruce's watchful eye, my every waking moment consumed by the relentless pursuit of martial perfection.

With each new fighting style I delved into—Muay Thai, Krav Maga, Judo, wrestling, taekwondo, karate, and capoeira—I found myself grappling with the complexities and nuances of its techniques, struggling to grasp the subtleties of movement and timing that set the masters apart from the novices. Every punch thrown, every kick delivered, was a testament to my unwavering determination and resolve, as I pushed my body to the limits of its endurance, seeking to master the art of combat in all its forms.

But mastering the techniques in isolation was only half the battle. To truly test my skills, I had to put them to the test in the crucible of combat. And so, each day, I found myself locked in a fierce sparring match with either Bruce or Dick, their skilled opponents pushing me to my limits and forcing me to adapt and evolve with each passing blow.

Yet, for all my efforts, progress seemed agonizingly slow, as if each step forward was accompanied by a dozen setbacks and failures. There were days when I felt as if I were fighting an uphill battle, my muscles screaming in protest as I pushed myself to the brink of collapse, only to find myself falling short of the mark time and time again.

And through it all, Bruce was there, a constant presence at my side, offering guidance and support when the burden grew too heavy to bear alone. His words of encouragement were like a lifeline, pulling me back from the brink of despair and reminding me of the strength and determination that lay within me, waiting to be unleashed.

But even as I struggled to find my footing in this new world of martial arts mastery, there was one obstacle that seemed insurmountable, a shadow that loomed over me like a specter of doom. For try as I might, I could not shake the gnawing sense of fatigue that clung to me like a shroud, a constant reminder of my inability to find solace in the embrace of sleep.

And so, as the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, I pressed on, my body weary and worn, but my spirit undaunted. For though the road ahead was long and fraught with peril, I knew that with Bruce and Dick by my side, there was nothing that we could not overcome. Together, we would rise above the trials and tribulations that lay before us, forging ahead with unwavering determination and resolve, until we emerged victorious on the other side.

In addition to my rigorous training regimen, I dedicated countless hours to the pursuit of knowledge, immersing myself in the study of languages from around the world. Armed with textbooks and dictionaries, I delved into the intricacies of French, mastering its melodic cadences and elegant syntax with a zeal born of curiosity and determination.

But French was just the beginning. Eager to expand my linguistic repertoire, I turned my attention to the rich tapestry of Spanish, exploring its diverse dialects and regional variations with an insatiable thirst for understanding. From the rolling R's of Castilian to the lilting rhythms of Caribbean Spanish, I reveled in the beauty and complexity of each new linguistic landscape.

Next came Mandarin, its characters and tones a formidable challenge that tested both my intellect and my perseverance. Undeterred by the daunting task before me, I embraced the intricacies of this ancient language, committing myself to mastering its nuances and subtleties with unwavering resolve.

Arabic and Dutch followed suit, their script and structure presenting fresh obstacles to overcome and conquer. With each new language I added to my repertoire, I felt a sense of accomplishment and pride, knowing that I was expanding my horizons and unlocking new opportunities for connection and understanding in the world around me.

And then there was sewing—a skill that, while not traditionally considered a language, spoke volumes in its own right. With each stitch and seam, I communicated my hopes and dreams, my fears and aspirations, weaving a tapestry of self-expression that transcended words and language barriers alike.

Alfred's guidance was invaluable, his patience and expertise guiding me through the intricacies of garment construction with skill and precision. Together, we explored the art of tailoring, fine-tuning each garment to perfection until it fit like a second skin.

As I stitched and sewed, I found myself conversing with the fabric itself, listening to its whispers and murmurs as it yielded to my touch.

As I honed my skills in the art of tailoring, I found myself drawn to the challenge of creating garments that not only fit perfectly but also reflected the unique personalities and tastes of their wearers. With each stitch and seam, I poured my metaphorical heart and soul into crafting garments that were not just clothes, but expressions of identity and individuality.

It was during one of these late-night sewing sessions that the idea struck me—a gesture of gratitude and appreciation for the mentorship and support I had received from Bruce, Alfred, and Dick. Inspired by their unwavering faith in me, I set to work on a project that would not only showcase my newfound skills but also serve as a token of my appreciation for everything they had done for me.

The result was three impeccably tailored tuxedos, each one meticulously crafted to fit its wearer like a glove. From Bruce's sleek and sophisticated ensemble to Alfred's timeless and elegant attire, and Dick's stylish and contemporary look, each garment was a testament to the bond we shared and the journey we had embarked upon together.

When I presented the tuxedos to Bruce, Alfred, and Dick, their reactions were priceless. Bruce, ever the stoic, nodded in silent approval, his eyes betraying a hint of pride at the craftsmanship before him. Alfred, always the gentleman, offered a warm smile and a heartfelt thank you, his gratitude evident in the twinkle of his eye.

But it was Dick who truly stole the show, his eyes lighting up with excitement as he eagerly tried on his new tuxedo. "This is awesome, Ken!" he exclaimed, his enthusiasm infectious as he twirled in front of the mirror, admiring himself from every angle.

And then, as if to top it all off, Bruce reached into his pocket and produced a small package wrapped in shimmering silver paper. "A token of my appreciation," he said simply, his voice tinged with warmth as he handed it to me.

I carefully unwrapped the package to reveal a length of 2 pieces of fabric unlike any I had ever seen before. It was pitch black, just like my transformations, sleek and durable, with a sheen of blue that spoke of their exceptional quality. "Indestructible," Bruce explained, his eyes meeting mine with a knowing gaze. "Perfect for someone with your unique abilities. When you make your suit out of them, they should theoretically stretch with you. You won't ever have to worry about your clothes spontaneously exploding again. Not only that, but as you continue to age, the nano technology within the fabric will adjust to your body size. And finally… it has a self repair function."

With a grateful smile, I accepted the gift, feeling a surge of excitement coursing through me. Here was the key to unlocking my potential, a tool that would allow me to push the boundaries of what I thought possible.

And so, armed with the newfound treasure, I set to work on creating my own superhero costume—a suit of armor that would not only protect me in battle but also serve as a symbol of hope for the people of Gotham City.

After weeks of meticulous work and countless hours spent perfecting every stitch and seam with sparer pieces of the material Bruce gave me, today marked a monumental milestone in my journey—the completion of my very own superhero suit. As I stood before the full-length mirror in my room, clad in the sleek and stylish ensemble I had crafted with my own hands, a sense of pride and satisfaction washed over me.

The suit itself was a marvel of modern engineering, constructed from a state-of-the-art, breathable fabric that provided maximum comfort and flexibility without sacrificing durability. The sleek black material hugged my form like a second skin, accentuated by vibrant blue trim that ran along the collarbone and down the sides, adding a pop of color to the otherwise monochrome design.

But it wasn't just the aesthetic appeal of the suit that impressed me—it was the advanced technology woven into its very fibers. Embedded within the fabric were a myriad of high-tech enhancements, designed to augment my natural abilities and provide me with an edge in combat. From the reinforced padding at key pressure points to the integrated communication system that allowed me to stay in constant contact with Bruce and the others, every aspect of the suit had been meticulously engineered for maximum efficiency and effectiveness.

As I admired my reflection in the mirror, I couldn't help but marvel at the transformation that had taken place. Gone was the timid man who had first arrived at Wayne Manor, replaced by a confident and capable hero ready to take on whatever challenges lay ahead.

But my moment of introspection was abruptly interrupted by a sudden disturbance in the air—a faint whistling sound followed by the unmistakable twang of a batarang hurtling towards me at high speed. Instinct kicked in, and with lightning-fast reflexes, I reached out and snatched the projectile out of the air, holding it aloft in my hand with a sense of triumph.

Turning to face the source of the attack, I found myself met with the amused gaze of Bruce, who stood in the doorway with a knowing smile.

Bruce watched with a hint of amusement as I effortlessly caught the batarang, his lips curling into a small smile. "Impressive," he acknowledged, his tone tinged with approval. "I actually tried to sneak up on you this time."

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at his attempt at humor. "Cut the bull shit," I retorted, unable to suppress a grin. "If you wanted to sneak up on me, I wouldn't have been able to hear you breathe or sense you with my sixth sense."

Bruce chuckled softly at my candid response, a glint of amusement dancing in his eyes. "You're not wrong," he conceded, his smile widening as our banter continued.

"So, I doubt you came to my room just to see the suit. What do you need?" I inquired, arching a skeptical brow in his direction.

"Well, for your information, I did want to see the suit a little," Bruce replied with a smirk, his tone playful.

I shot him a speculative look, prompting him to shrug nonchalantly. "I came to give you your mission."

Bruce then approached me with a sense of urgency, his expression grave as he relayed the details of the mission ahead. "Ken, we have a situation… Do you remember the Basil Karol case?"

"Yeah… the guy who I was calling Clayface, Right? He's the actor who broke into the Renu facility then got arrested. Isn't he still in the hospital?" I asked.

"He was, but he's escaped and is wreaking havoc as we speak," Bruce explained, his voice tinged with concern. "I've already sent Dick on his personal reconnaissance mission, but this will qualify your mission. I thought about handling it myself considering the difficulty of the task, but I then remembered I have you."

"Yeah… you do." I replied, stretching my arms.

"So, let me get more information on the situation."

Nodding, Bruce spoke.

"He's targeting his former coworkers from his acting days, blaming them for his failures. Only now, his body is even more deterareated than when I put him in the hospital. On top of that, he stole even more chemicals and is Now… well, I'll let you see for yourself." He said, grabbing the remote to the T.V.

Bruce turned on the TV, and the screen flickered to life, revealing chaotic scenes of Basil wreaking havoc on the streets of Gotham. Despite the chaos, he seemed to avoid causing harm to civilians or law enforcement, pushing them out of harm's way as he made his way through the city.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is Vicky Vale reporting live from the heart of Gotham, where former actor Basil Karol, known for his failed career and recent criminal activity, has transformed into a monstrous entity wreaking havoc in the streets."

Her voice carried a sense of urgency as the footage showed Karol, now unrecognizable in his grotesque form, moving with purpose through the city streets. "As you can see, Karol, now more commonly referred to as the Basil Beast, is causing widespread destruction, smashing through buildings and vehicles with apparent disregard for human life."

The images on the screen depicted scenes of chaos and destruction, with Karol's rampage leaving a trail of devastation in his wake. "Police and SWAT teams are on the scene, attempting to contain the Basil Beast, but their efforts seem futile against his immense strength and agility."

Vicky's voice rose in intensity as she continued her report, her urgency mirroring the gravity of the situation unfolding before the city. "Citizens are urged to stay indoors and avoid confrontation with the Basil Beast at all costs. This is a developing situation, and we will continue to bring you updates as they become available."

With that, the TV screen went dark, leaving the room filled with a tense silence as the reality of the threat posed by Basil Karol, now transformed into a monstrous entity, sank in.

"Now, Ken. My question is, do you think that you can believe you like I believe in you?"

Bruce's question lingered in my mind, a challenge and a call to action wrapped in encouragement. Could I believe in myself as much as he did? Without hesitation, I nodded, determined to prove my worth. "I'll get this over with in less than an hour," I affirmed, my voice steady with resolve.

Bruce's response, filled with confidence, only fueled my determination further. "I bet you'll have it done in half that time," he said with a hint of a smile.

I then put my helmet on, making sure to put my hair into a bun.

With a deep breath, I focused my mind, feeling the familiar surge of energy coursing through my veins. The transformation began, my body contorting and shifting as feathers sprouted from my skin. In a matter of moments, I stood before Bruce in the form of an imposing 8-foot all-black peregrine falcon, my sharp eyes gleaming with determination.

Without wasting another second, I spread my powerful wings, feeling the rush of wind beneath them as I launched myself from the ground. With a powerful beat of my wings, I soared through the air, the speed building with each passing moment. The air rushed past me, the sensation exhilarating as I pushed myself faster and faster.

With a sudden burst of speed, I broke through the sound barrier, a sonic boom echoing behind me as I streaked through the sky. The world blurred around me as I flew, my senses heightened to the world below. It was a feeling like no other, the freedom of flight filling me with a sense of purpose and determination.

As I soared over Gotham City in my falcon form, my keen eyes scanned the landscape below, taking in the sprawling metropolis in all its chaotic glory. The city stretched out beneath me, its towering skyscrapers casting long shadows over the streets below.

With my enhanced senses, I could hear the distant sounds of chaos and destruction echoing through the air. Sirens blared in the distance, mingling with the shouts of panicked civilians and the roar of flames consuming buildings. The city was alive with activity, but it was a frenzied and desperate kind of energy.

Flying closer, I could see the devastation wrought by Basil Karol, the former actor turned thief. Buildings lay in ruins, their shattered windows and crumbling facades testament to the destructive power of his rampage. Cars lay overturned and abandoned in the streets, their twisted metal frames serving as grim reminders of the chaos that had unfolded.

As I flew over the city, I could hear the frantic calls for help from those trapped beneath the rubble, their voices faint but desperate. The air was thick with smoke and ash, obscuring my vision and stinging my eyes as I pushed through the haze.

Despite the destruction, there were signs of hope amidst the chaos. Emergency responders worked tirelessly to aid the injured and evacuate those in danger, their selfless actions a beacon of light in the darkness that had descended upon the city.

With each passing moment, I felt a growing sense of urgency, knowing that I needed to find Basil Karol and put an end to his rampage before lives were lost. As I soared through the sky, I steeled myself for the battle that lay ahead, determined to protect the city and its inhabitants from further harm.

As I touched down before Basil Karol, the former actor turned thief, I felt a surge of resolution coursing through my veins. With a swift transformation, I shed my avian form and stood before him, clad in my sleek black and blue armor.

The suit hugged my form snugly, its reinforced plating offering both protection and flexibility. Blue accents traced intricate patterns across the surface, catching the light in a mesmerizing display. As I adjusted to the weight of the armor, I felt a sense of purpose wash over me, steeling my resolve for the confrontation ahead.

Basil Karol turned to face me, his expression a mix of surprise and anger. His features were contorted with rage, his eyes burning with a fierce intensity. I met his gaze head-on, refusing to back down in the face of his fury.

"That BatFucker sent a child after me?! Ha! This is ridiculous! You're the one they sent to stop me, huh?" Basil sneered, his voice dripping with disdain. "You think you can take me on all by yourself, bird boy?"

I squared my shoulders, meeting his challenge with a steely resolve. "It should be pretty easy. How hard could it be, getting rid of a cum monster?" I replied, my tone firm and unwavering.

Basil's laughter echoed through the empty streets, a harsh and grating sound that sent shivers down my spine. "You're a rug rat playing dress up," he spat, his voice laced with venom. "You think that flimsy costume can protect you from me?"

I remained silent, my gaze locked on Basil's as I braced myself for the inevitable clash.

As Basil and I stood locked in a tense standoff, the distant wail of sirens grew louder, signaling the imminent arrival of the authorities. I glanced skyward, spotting the flashing lights of police helicopters circling overhead like vultures.

Their voices crackled through the speakers, urging me to stand down and retreat. The urgency in their tone was palpable, a stark reminder of the chaos unfolding below. But I remained rooted to the spot, unwilling to abandon my mission in the face of danger.

"Get the fuck out my way you snot nose little bitch!"

As Basil towered over me in his grotesque, sludge-like form, I couldn't help but feel a surge of adrenaline coursing through my veins. Despite his monstrous appearance, I knew I had to confront him head-on. With my ability to transform into gigantic animals, I had the advantage of agility and versatility, but facing a 20-foot sludge monster was no small feat.

I took a deep breath, steadying myself for the battle ahead. Basil's roars echoed through the daylight, sending shivers down my spine, but I refused to back down. With a swift motion, I activated my transformation ability, morphing into a massive black grizzly bear, ready to take on the monstrous threat before me.

As I charged towards Basil, the ground trembled beneath my massive paws. His gooey form oozed and shifted, but I remained focused, determined to bring him down. With each powerful swipe of my claws, I chipped away at his slimy exterior, refusing to let up until he was subdued.

Unfortunately, although I could tell that the man's powers were new to him, he was growing to adapt to them, slipping out of my grasp, gaining space between us.

"Oh! So you think that you're strong, Huh? YOU THINK THAT YOU'RE SOMEBODY?! YOU'RE NOTHING!"

He roared, launching a car at me which I grabbed before it hit a building.

Basil then lunged towards me with a wave of sludge, trying to stagger my movements with his mass, but he just wasn't strong enough to hold me in place. Pulling each of my bear limbs out of his concrete-like body, I lunged towards him.

Drawing on techniques from my martial arts training, I combined the raw power of my bear form with the precision and agility of a skilled fighter. Using moves reminiscent of Krav Maga, I delivered devastating strikes to Basil's neck, colar vine, and liver. With each impact, he flinched, coughing up a mixture of blood and clay. Then, with one calculated and precise elbow aimed at his forehead, the man was dazed, falling to the ground, turning more and more viscous.

Despite his monstrous size, Basil was no match for the strength and speed of a bear trained in the art of combat. With each swipe and strike, I could feel his resistance weakening, his sludgy form starting to break apart under the force of my onslaught.

As the battle raged on, I maintained my focus and determination, never wavering in my resolve to defeat the threat posed by Basil. With each passing moment, I could sense victory drawing nearer, the culmination of my training and experience propelling me towards triumph.

But Basil fought back with a ferocity of his own.

In the midst of our brutal confrontation, I seized upon an opportunity, executing a daring suplex maneuver that sent Basil crashing to the ground with a thunderous impact. For a brief moment, I felt a surge of triumph as I asserted my dominance over my formidable foe, but my victory was short-lived.

As I struggled to maintain my grip on Basil's slippery form, I felt his sludgy body begin to shift and warp, his malleable form oozing between my fingers like liquid. Despite my efforts to restrain him, Basil's amorphous body seemed to defy all attempts at control, his form becoming increasingly fluid and unstable with each passing moment.

With a sense of growing desperation, I redoubled my efforts, seeking to subdue Basil before he could unleash further chaos upon the city. Yet, even as I applied all of my strength and skill to the task at hand, I found myself locked in a relentless struggle against an adversary whose very essence seemed to elude my grasp.

As Basil's body continued to swell and expand, it seemed as though he was transforming into an endless sea of viscous, brown flesh. The mass spilled out onto the streets, engulfing everything in its path, and soon, I found myself ensnared within its grotesque embrace, my entire body encased in its suffocating grip. Emerging from the amorphous form, a twisted face contorted with rage glared down at me.

"YOU!!! YOU!!! YOU'RE JUST LIKE HIM! GETTING IN MY WAY KNOWING DAMN WELL YOU HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS!" His booming voice echoed through the air as his colossal form began to shift and writhe.

Reverting to my human form, I sought to reason with the tormented man before me.

"Basil, all I want is to protect the city and its people. Please, stop this madness. You're only causing harm."


"What do you hope to achieve by perpetuating this cycle of violence? Is that who you want to be? A vindictive soul seeking to unleash your wrath upon the innocent like a petulant child? What about the people you've harmed today who had nothing to do with your pain?"

"I-I DIDN'T HURT ANYONE!" Basil stuttered, his resolve faltering.

"Oh, is that so?" I retorted, my tone laced with sarcasm. "Take a good look around you. See the devastation you've wrought. Look at the lives you've shattered."


Basil then unleashed another torrent of sludge, plugging into a desperate struggle for survival. The thick, viscous substance engulfed me, dragging me down into its murky depths with relentless force. Each movement felt like fighting against a tidal wave, the pressure crushing in on me from all sides.

As I fought to break free, the suffocating embrace of the sludge threatened to overwhelm me. Panic surged through my veins, urging me to surrender to the darkness closing in around me. But I refused to give up, clinging to the flickering hope of escape with every fiber of my being.

With every ounce of strength I could muster, I pushed back against the relentless tide, clawing my way towards the surface with desperate determination. The world blurred around me, the roar of the sludge drowning out all other sound as I fought for every precious breath.

As Basil's form began to completely enveloped me, I felt an overwhelming surge of power coursing through my veins. With a primal roar that shook the very ground beneath us, I unleashed the full extent of my strength, breaking free from Basil's grasp in a burst of raw energy.

Transforming into an all-black 108-foot T-Rex, I towered over the cityscape, my towering form casting a shadow over the streets below. With each thunderous step, I could feel the earth trembling beneath my massive frame, a testament to the sheer force of my newfound power.

Basil's once formidable presence now paled in comparison to the towering behemoth that stood before him. With a triumphant roar, I lunged forward, my jaws snapping shut around his sludge-like form, tearing through his defenses with ease.

As Basil felt his form being torn apart with each bite, panic overtook him completely. He began to beg for mercy, his cries a desperate plea for salvation from the relentless onslaught.

"Please! Stop! I'll do anything!" he pleaded, his voice choked with fear and pain. "I-I'll surrender! Just let me go! I'll go to jail! Wherever you want me to go! Just stop eating me!"

Feeling the weight of Basil's surrender, I paused, the immense power coursing through my T-Rex form gradually subsiding. Beneath me, Basil trembled, his once towering figure now reduced to a mere shadow of its former self. Despite the chaos and destruction he had wrought, there was something pitiful in his brokenness.

I then felt the familiar tingling sensation wash over me, signaling my transformation back to human form. With a shimmering cascade of energy, I returned to my normal state, standing amidst the wreckage with a sense of weary resolve.

Walking up to Basil who was now in a strange state of being sludge and partially human, he then started to cry.

As Basil's sobs echoed through the air, his words carried the weight of a lifetime of disappointment and despair. Tears streamed down his face, mixing with the muck and grime that covered his once-human form.

"All I ever wanted... was to be someone," he choked out between ragged breaths. "An actor... a star. But every time... every damn time I tried... life pushed me down."

His voice cracked with emotion, the pain of countless failures etched into every syllable. Despite the chaos and destruction he had wrought, there was something undeniably human in his anguish.

"I never wanted... any of this," he continued, his voice barely above a whisper. "I just wanted... a chance. Is that... too much to ask?"

As I listened to his words, I couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy. Behind the monstrous exterior, there was a man who had been beaten down by life, his dreams shattered and his spirit broken.

"It's never too late... to start again, Basil… I don't know if you realize it yet, but now, you have powers… You just went about using them the wrong way," I replied softly, my own voice tinged with compassion. "You still have a choice... a chance to make things right. You can be an actor. The best in the world. It just has to be after you sever your time for the actions you made today."

"How… How!? I'm a monster now… Just look at me… I look like someone ate an entire human being then had diarrhea. How would I even start to live a normal life?" He asked.

"By taking your time. Just think about it. When me and I were fighting, you were able to somewhat control your form. If you can master that, just like I mastered my powers, you could even learn to shapeshift into the most handsome version of yourself. Just think about that. With enough practice, you could stay like that. Probably not for a whole 24 hours… not without practice… but you can get there." I voiced.

As Basil's tears began to ebb, replaced by a glimmer of hope in his eyes, I felt a sense of relief wash over me. Leaning down to his level, I offered him a reassuring smile.

"You're stronger than you think, Basil," I said, my voice firm but gentle. "Life may have knocked you down, but it hasn't beaten you yet. You still have the power to change your path, to forge a new future for yourself. There will always be a tomorrow."

Basil looked up at me, his expression a mix of gratitude and disbelief. "Thank you," he whispered, his voice hoarse with emotion. "I never thought... I never thought anyone would care."

I placed a hand on his shoulder, offering him a supportive squeeze. "We all make mistakes, Basil. What matters is what we do next. You have a chance to make things right, to be the person you want to be."

With a shaky breath, Basil nodded, his resolve firming with each passing moment. "I'll do my best," he vowed, determination shining in his eyes. Basil then passed out on the floor, exhausted from our battle.

As I stood amidst the aftermath of the battle, the chaos around me began to subside, replaced by a sea of faces and flashing cameras. The press had arrived, eager to capture the story of the day's events.

Reporters clamored for my attention, shouting questions and thrusting microphones in my direction. I could feel the weight of their scrutiny bearing down on me, but I remained composed, ready to face whatever inquiries they had.

"Can you tell us what happened here this afternoon?"

"Are you responsible for stopping Basil Karol?"

"Is it true that you have superhuman abilities?"

The questions came rapid-fire, each one more probing than the last. But I held my ground, choosing my words carefully as I addressed the crowd.

"Yes, I was involved in stopping Basil Karol," I replied, my voice steady despite the cacophony around me. "But I couldn't have done it without the help of the police and the people of Gotham."

As I spoke, I could see the police helicopter circling overhead, its spotlight trained on me like a spotlight. I knew they wanted to arrest me, but with so many civilians surrounding me, they couldn't risk causing a scene.

Ignoring the helicopter, I turned my attention back to the press, answering their questions with as much honesty and clarity as I could muster.

Amidst the flurry of questions, one stood out above the rest: "Can you tell us about your abilities?"

The crowd fell silent, hanging on my every word as I considered my response. I knew I couldn't reveal the full extent of my powers, but I also couldn't lie to them.

"I have... unique abilities," I began cautiously, choosing my words with care. "I can turn into a few different animals like the T-Rex you may have just saw. With my powers, I can protect the city of Gotham, Just like the heros that inspired me, Wonder Woman and Batman. Without them, I wouldn't be the person I am." I remarked.

The reporters leaned in, their interest piqued by my cryptic answer. They pressed for more details, but I remained elusive, skillfully dodging their inquiries without outright lying.

As the questions continued to pour in, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. The spotlight was on me now, and with it came a newfound scrutiny that I wasn't entirely comfortable with. But I knew that with great power came great responsibility, and I was determined to use my abilities for the greater good, no matter the cost.

"Can you tell us how you acquired these abilities?" another journalist called out, her voice cutting through the din.

I hesitated, unsure of how much I should reveal. "It's... complicated," I replied carefully. "But I'm here now, and I'm ready to do whatever it takes to make a difference."

The crowd murmured with anticipation, sensing that there was more to my story than I was letting on. But for now, they seemed content with the vague answers I provided.

As the press conference drew to a close, I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over me. I had navigated the sea of questions without revealing too much, and for now, that was enough.

Turning around, I picked up Basil and made my way through the crowds of people.

As I approached the police, their unease was palpable. I could see the tension in their stance, the way their hands tightened around their weapons. But I paid them no mind, my focus solely on the unconscious form of Basil at my side.

"Stop right there!" one of the officers shouted, his voice laced with apprehension.

I ignored their commands, my steps steady and purposeful. Carefully, I knelt down and gently placed Basil on the ground, ensuring he was in a safe position. Despite the chaos around us, there was a moment of quiet as everyone watched, waiting to see what I would do next.

"He's no longer a threat," I stated calmly, meeting the gaze of each officer in turn. "He needs medical attention."

The officers exchanged hesitant glances, unsure of how to proceed. But eventually, they lowered their weapons, recognizing that the immediate danger had passed. With a nod of gratitude, I turned away, leaving Basil in the care of the authorities.

As I walked away from the scene, I couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction knowing that I had done the right thing.

Turning into a Falcon, I flew up into the sky, and made my way to the diamond district at full speed, evading any camera or set of eyes that witnessed me at the scene.

Landing on top of a building, I transformed into a human, hearing the communicator in my helmet buzzing.

"Ken, it's Batman," his voice crackled through the communicator. "I've been monitoring the situation. You handled yourself well out there."

I couldn't help but feel a surge of pride at Bruce's words. "Thanks, Batman," I replied, my voice tinged with relief.

"But there are always things to improve upon," he continued, his tone serious. "Your approaches with Basil and the public was commendable, to say the least. I truly think that your words got through to the man in a way that mine couldn't."

"Batman, let me stop you right there. The words I used with him were your words that you used with me. I just rearranged them. I appreciate the compliment, but you're giving me too much credit. In truth, all I did was take a few bites out of him then gave him a pep talk. Without you, I wouldn't be the person I am right now."

"Ha… even so, you still completed the job effectively, without having any casualties, at that. Your performance was splendid." He replied.

"Thanks, Bats. Means a lot… but I know you have a but in there. Go ahead and say it." Even though he didn't speak, I could tell that he was smiling on the other side of the phone.

"But you need to be more mindful of the authorities. They may not always see things the way we do."

"I understand," I said, nodding even though Bruce couldn't see me. "I'll keep that in mind for next time."

"Good," Bruce replied. "You're learning quickly, Ken. Keep it up. And after today, you can start patrolling on your own… You've earned that. But that doesn't mean that you're done with your training."

"Got it. I know that I don't know a lot, but I'm always ready to learn."

"Good. When you come back, I have another case for you that you might be interested in handling. Bring it back home to base. Batman-out."

With that, the communication ended, leaving me to ponder Bruce's words as I made my way back to the Batcave.