
The Count

As I wandered through the cavernous expanse of the empty Batcave, a sense of triumph surged within me. "I really did it... today, I actually became a superhero," I reflected, a grin creeping across my face.

After enduring three months of confinement within the walls of Wayne Manor, I finally spread my wings—quite literally—and soared into action, debuting as a bona fide superhero. Surrounded by the silence and darkness of the Batcave, I stood in awe, reflecting on the remarkable journey that had led me here. It was a testament to countless hours of training, unwavering determination, and an unwavering belief in justice and truth.

As I observed the advanced gadgets and state-of-the-art equipment around me, I was reminded of the humble beginnings that shaped my path. From the tragedy that befell my parents, fueling a desire within me to protect the innocent, to the years of relentless effort and sacrifice, each step had paved the way for this pivotal moment.

The Batcave was a testament to my transformation, embodying my evolution from ordinary to extraordinary. It served as a secret sanctuary, where I honed my skills and became the symbol of hope that Gotham City desperately needed.

However, amidst the magnitude of this achievement, I couldn't ignore the weight of responsibility. The Batcave was more than a hideout; it represented my unwavering commitment to justice and served as a constant reminder of the sacrifices I had made and the battles I had fought to safeguard the innocent.

As I breathed in the cool air, I recognized that the road ahead would be challenging. Gotham's darkness would always present new obstacles, villains, and trials. Yet, standing in the vast emptiness of the Batcave, I felt a renewed sense of purpose and determination.

No longer an ordinary individual, I had become Batman. With the next chapter of my never-ending crusade awaiting, I stood tall, prepared to confront whatever darkness lay ahead. This defining moment in the Batcave had been shaped by the journey I had undertaken.

Taking a moment to think about surroundings, I noticed subtle changes to the cave's layout. Where Bruce usually displayed his impressive array of suits, there now stood two empty manikins, reserved for me and Dick.

A soft chuckle escaped my lips as I observed the scene. 'He said he wouldn't give us a case until we proved ourselves... I guess he knew we'd pull through, even before we finished our task… the fuckin softy,' I thought, a sense of pride swelling within me.

After defeating Basil, I felt like I truly earned my place in the soon to be Batfamily. Not only did I prevent Basil from causing further harm to the property of the city, but I also had the opportunity to forge a deeper connection with Basil. I feel like he actually took in the words of encouragement that I gave him. Perhaps… With enough time, I could really help turn the man's life around.

Approaching the displays of suits, I couldn't help but feel a swell of pride at the sight. Each suit represented a chapter in the legendary legacy of the Batman—a legacy I now played a part in. Pausing before the glass, I caught my reflection and couldn't help but smile at the person staring back at me. The journey to becoming a hero had been arduous, but standing here now, I knew it was all worth it.

Glancing over at Dick's display, I couldn't help but feel a sense of fondness wash over me. Dick was more than just a colleague; he was almost like a little brother to me, even though we had only known each other for a few months. As I studied the suit meant for him, a pang of concern gnawed at my thoughts. He would soon be out there fighting alongside me and Bruce, risking his life every day. Shouldn't I do everything in my power to ensure his safety?

The idea of crafting a new suit for Dick began to take shape in my mind. It wasn't just about fashioning another piece of armor, even though that played a slight part because he had already shown me his suit; it was about protecting someone I cared about deeply. As the sense of responsibility weighed on me, I resolved to do whatever it took to keep Dick safe—after all, that's what family does for each other.

Lost in my thoughts, I didn't notice Bruce approaching until it was almost too late. Just as he attempted to sneak up behind me with an elbow, a sudden surge of instinct propelled me into action. In a flash, a sleek black tentacle shot out from my back, wrapping around Bruce's wrist with precision, halting his momentum completely.

"Good job," Bruce remarked, his tone approving. "I didn't think you'd see it coming."

"I almost didn't," I admitted, a sense of relief washing over me. "But luckily for me, before you almost took my head off, your breathing pattern changed."

Bruce's lips twitched into a small smile. "I wasn't talking about you catching the elbow, just so you know."

"Neither was I," I replied, a grin spreading across my face.

As Bruce and I made our way towards the Batcomputer, conversation flowed easily between us, turning towards our recent battle with Clayface.

"You handled yourself well out there," Bruce praised, nodding in approval. "Even when you transformed into that giant black T-Rex, you managed not to destroy anything."

"Again, I learned from the best," I quipped with a grin.

Bruce smirked, acknowledging the compliment. "Indeed, you did. But I also noticed something else—you have a way with words when it comes to the press. It's only been 10 minutes, and you're already trending all over the world on blogs. Everyone's calling you Chimera because of your ability to change into animals."

"Honestly, I don't mind it," I replied, a laugh escaping my lips at the silly nickname.

"It's a good name. It fits you well, which is funny because I was gonna suggest the same code name. The world works in mysterious ways," Bruce remarked, his tone sincere.

Changing the subject, I asked, "Did Dick come up with his yet?"

Bruce nodded. "He decided to go with Robin. It was a nickname that his parents used to call him. Did you see his suit?" He said with a slight hint of frustration in his voice.

"Ha… I did. It's… colorful," I replied with a smirk.

"He doesn't have pants…"

"Yeah. True. But didn't he tell you what the suit meant to him?" I asked, which prompted Bruce to sigh, changing the topic.

Bruce settled into the chair at the Batcomputer, his focused gaze fixed on the screen as he pulled up various files relating to the criminal Roman Sionis.

"This is Roman Sionis, as you already know from running into his disloyal lackeys," Bruce stated, his voice low and steady.

A knot formed in my stomach at the mention of Sionis's name. Memories of when I was lost months ago flooded back like a broken damn. His men, although they moved of their own accord, were responsible for the death of Anna, and the suicide. And for that, I killed them… and many others. I still had scars from not only what I saw at the Crime Convention, but what I did there as well.

But Bruce's next words broke through my apprehension. "The mission you had with Basil was proof that you could handle situations where combat is the only route. You've proven that you're capable of avoiding damaging your surroundings and de-escalating situations... but your real mission lies here on the screen."

I turned my attention to the screen, where Bruce began to explain the origin of the criminal on the street going by Black Mask—a persona adopted by Roman Sionis.

"Roman Sionis was born into wealth and privilege, heir to the powerful Sionis family," Bruce began, his voice taking on a grave tone. "But beneath the façade of respectability, there lay darkness. Sionis harbored resentment towards his parents and their legacy, feeling overshadowed by their success."

"As he grew older, Sionis's obsession with masks and identity only intensified," Bruce continued, his fingers flying over the keyboard as he accessed more information. "He eventually inherited his family's business empire, but his ruthless tactics and disregard for human life earned him enemies."

"It was during one of our first confrontations that Sionis had his Black Mask permanently welded onto his skull," Bruce explained, his eyes narrowing in focus. "After suffering disfigurement, Sionis donned a mask made from the wood of his father's coffin—a symbol of his descent into darkness."

"As Black Mask, Sionis became a ruthless crime lord, ruling over Gotham's underworld with an iron fist," Bruce concluded, his expression grim. "And now, it's up to us to stop him before he inflicts more harm upon the city."

Bruce continued, his voice grave with concern, "Recently, Sionis has been more active, and dangerously so. He's been ordering his men to bomb clubs and businesses associated with the Cobblepot family, seemingly unprovoked. These attacks have resulted in the deaths of not only members of the Gotham underworld but also innocent bystanders."

"Seemingly out of nowhere, he began targeting Penguin's operations more aggressively," Bruce added, his brows furrowing with worry. "Black Mask's men have been ambushing all of the trucks used by the Penguin to traffic drugs and guns, pushing Cobblepot to retaliate."

"This escalation in violence threatens to ignite a full-blown gang war in Gotham," Bruce concluded, his tone grim. "We need to stop Black Mask before the situation spirals out of control and innocent lives are lost."

"Alright, so what do you want me to do?" I asked, ready to take on whatever task Bruce had in mind.

Bruce leaned forward, his expression serious. "Apparently tonight, Black Mask is planning to gather all of his men in one of his warehouses. He's throwing a party."

"The party will be a grotto of drugs, guns, and debauchery," Bruce continued, his voice tinged with disdain. "I want you to gather evidence, make more than a few arrests, and contact Detective Jim Gordon so we can put the people who are deserving behind bars."

Bruce continued, "The warehouse where Black Mask plans to host his party is located in the industrial district near the Gotham River. It's a secluded area, perfect for his illicit activities."

As Bruce provided the location, I mentally noted it, preparing myself for the task ahead… But something bothered me.

"Bruce, I'm completely fine with handling the situation... But from what I'm hearing, something's off. Why would Roman want to start a war out of nowhere when he's been silent for so long?" I inquired, my brow furrowed with concern.

Bruce paused for a moment, contemplating my question. "That, I'm not sure," he admitted. "I speculate that he's being pushed to do so by a third party. Roman is clean in the way that he conducts illegal business, almost frustratingly so. He wouldn't normally be acting so reckless unless he was being manipulated. But that's for you to find out."

"Put those investigative skills to good use," Bruce added, a hint of encouragement in his voice.

With Bruce's words echoing in my mind, I resolved to delve deeper into the mystery surrounding Black Mask's sudden aggression. There was more to this situation than met the eye, and it was up to me to uncover the truth and put an end to the chaos threatening Gotham City.

"So far, you've been able to absorb my lessons like a sponge. You've proven that you can quickly adapt to your supernatural abilities. Most importantly, in these past 3 months, you've shown me the unyielding fire that resides within you. I have faith in you, Ken. And that's why I believe you're capable of going out on your own today." Bruce affirmed, his tone firm. "While you are on your new assignment, I'll be having my own. In the meantime, Dick will also be out on his solo mission." I nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation.

Now, I didn't exactly know what Dick's mission was, nor did I know what Bruce was gonna be occupied with. I didn't bother to ask. All I knew was that I had to get mine done, plane and simple.

"Now, even though Dick and I will be occupied," Bruce continued, his voice softening slightly, "In an emergency situation, the SOS beacon in your nano helmet will send me your location directly to my GPS. If need be, I'll drop what I'm doing and get to you as fast as I can. In the meantime, try to escape if you can."

"The SOS won't be necessary. I got this," I assured him, a sense of determination coursing through me.

"To be expected," Bruce replied, his expression serious.

(A few hours later)

5 hours passed and the sun had already gone down.

Perched discreetly on the wall of the bustling warehouse party, my tiny fly form remained hidden amidst the whirlwind of activity unfolding below. The thumping beats of EDM music filled the air, creating an electrifying atmosphere that pulsed with energy and excitement.

As I observed the scene with keen interest, I couldn't help but notice the distinct areas of the warehouse that seemed to be reserved exclusively for Black Mask's men. These sections were adorned with lavish furniture and adorned with beautiful women, creating an aura of exclusivity and privilege.

In these VIP sections, Black Mask's associates lounged on plush sofas and armchairs, their relaxed demeanor a stark contrast to the frenetic energy of the dance floor. Surrounded by an entourage of stunning women and yes men, they reveled in their status, their laughter mingling with the thumping bass of the music.

Despite the facade of luxury and opulence, an undercurrent of tension lingered in the air, heightened by the presence of armed guards stationed discreetly throughout the VIP areas. These men watched over their patrons with a watchful eye, their presence a silent reminder of the power and influence wielded by Black Mask and his associates.

As I continued to observe from my hidden vantage point, snippets of conversation drifted through the air, revealing glimpses of the activities taking place within the warehouse. People bantered and joked, their voices rising above the music as they reveled in the hedonistic atmosphere.

But amidst the chaos and revelry, there was an unmistakable sense of danger lurking beneath the surface. The exclusive VIP sections served as a reminder that this was no ordinary party—it was a gathering of criminals and miscreants, drawn together by a common purpose and a shared thirst for power.

Perched on the wall, hidden amidst the chaos of the warehouse party, I surveyed the scene below with a sense of determination. The pulsating beats of EDM music filled the air, but amidst the revelry, I remained focused on my mission.

'Alright. Time to put this nano tech helmet to good use,' I thought to myself, activating the advanced camera embedded within the helmet. It had multiple different functions. It was my communicator and it worked as a tool to capture photos. The most important aspect of it was that it grew and shrunk with me, just like my clothes.

As I scanned the crowd, my attention was drawn to a group of about five armed members of the False Facers, making their way downstairs. Obviously, they were my only lead, so I began to floor 'em.

As I flew down the stairs, into the depths of the warehouse, I found myself in a hidden sub-level, a secret chamber concealed beneath the main floor.

'I knew I sensed more people down here,' I thought as I surveyed my surroundings. Here, amidst the dimly lit corridors and echoing chambers, I discovered a clandestine operation in full swing.

There were around 42 armed assailants unloading 13 trucks with the name Cobblepot painted on the sides, their cargo consisting of caches of weapons, drugs, and valuable looking art pieces. Guns gleamed in the dim light, while stacks of cocaine glimmered like powdered gold.

Taking cover behind a stack of crates, I watched the scene before me play out silently. That was when I began to notice something strange in their behavior.

All 42 False Facers were moving too efficiently, like ants following the queen's orders. From what I heard from Bruce, Black Mask usually had a tendency to initiate people who had abrasive personalities, or in other words, hot heads. These people… They were too calm… Too collected.

"huh…" I muttered.

'This is too clean… I don't feel good about this,' I thought, yet, I still proceeded to take pictures with my helmet.

With a steady hand, I activated the camera function on my nano tech helmet, capturing images of the illicit cargo being unloaded by the False Facers. Each snapshot documented the guns, drugs, and members of Black Mask's gang in action, providing valuable evidence for Bruce and the authorities.

As I snapped photos, my senses remained alert, attuned to the movements of the criminals around me; The ones on this floor, and everyone up stairs. My sixth sense was on 10.

Feeling that I got enough evidence, It was tike to make sure that Mask and his crew didn't have a way of escaping.

I then began morphing my human form into that of a black 2-foot star-nosed mole with claws sharper than steel and muscle that could bend said steel.

With powerful claws and a keen sense of smell, I began to dig swiftly beneath the ground, burrowing my way under the rows of parked vehicles as quickly and stealthy as I could.

The earth yielded to my determined efforts, as I navigated the intricate network of tunnels and passageways beneath the warehouse floor.

When I knew I was right under the cargo trucks, I began digging upwards, carving out holes to where I sensed the tires. I then began to dig out more of the ground, weakening the structural integrity of the concrete as much as I could. I wasn't gonna allow any of the goods to escape.

It took me a while to dig under every truck, but I put in the effort to ensure nobody was leaving with money.

After finishing up, Crawled back to my original mole hole, and made my way back upstairs in fly form where I flew up a support beam, then shifted back into my human form, holding onto it with my tentacles.

I had taken enough pictures. When a False Facer would take off their mask to eat, I snapped photos. When they'd sell anything from a pistol to drugs, I got it all on camera. Now, Roman was walking up to the podium.

As the pulsating beats of EDM music filled the air, the crowd at the warehouse party danced and mingled, lost in the euphoria of the moment. Suddenly, the music screeched to a halt, leaving everyone in the room momentarily stunned. All eyes turned towards the podium, where Roman stood with an air of authority, his presence commanding the attention of the room.

Confusion rippled through the crowd as they waited in anticipation for Roman to speak. With a dramatic flourish, he cleared his throat into the microphone, his voice echoing through the warehouse.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, pimps and sluts," Black Mask began, his tone dripping with charisma. "If you don't know, this is my party. I go by Black Mask, but you all can call me Mr. Black Mask." His playful joke elicited chuckles from the crowd, showcasing his ability to captivate an audience.

"But in all seriousness, today is a very special day," Black Mask continued, his voice growing more serious. "I've made a lot of money today... A whole lot. And it's all thanks to my benefactor behind me. Give it up to Doctor Alucard!"

The crowd erupted into cheers as a black-haired man in a burgundy suit stepped forward, bowing to the crowd and waving in acknowledgment. For some reason… I couldn't shake the feeling of unease as I watched the exchange between Black Mask and Doctor Alucard.

'Why do I feel like I heard that name before,' I thought, crossing my arms in ponderance.

Roman's voice boomed over the crowd as he continued, his words laced with gratitude and ambition. "This man here made me realize the kind of power I could have in this city... Like, really," He voiced, taking a sip of champagne through his mask.

"He taught me that there's no need to be afraid of failure… Theres no need to worry about bein knocked down, even if it happens over, and over, and over again…. Why, because as long as you keep trying and don't give up, there's a possibility for success. You have to choose to succeed! And although I've only made small victories so far, I got a big one coming soon that's gonna shake the whole Gotham to the core. Right now, this party is just to show the little victories that we made in a short time. But be patient…. The big one's coming."

Raising a glass to the sky, Black Mask led the crowd in a toast. "Everyone with me now! To success!" The crowd echoed his words enthusiastically, their voices blending together in a chorus of celebration.

"For the next hour, drinks and all the blow you need is on me!" Black Mask declared, igniting another round of cheers from the crowd.

Amidst the merriment, I paid attention to all that was going on. Every-word that Roman said to all the members of the crowd. In doing so, I noticed a few alarming things…

The first: Roman's eyes—they had a faint red gleam that sent a chill down his spine. His eyes…. They looked soulless. Although he was sounding energetic, for some reason, I felt like he was reading off a script or something.

The second: At the mention of Doctor Alucard,my brain started to fog up. I felt like I was subconsciously trying to remember something, but I just couldn't put my finger on it.

The Third: There were a few people whose hearts I couldn't hear. But because the music turned back on I couldn't pinpoint the exact culprits.

Something was wrong… I needed to stop it before it got worse.

I then climbed out onto the rooftop, the cool night air brushing against my skin as I reached for my nano tech helmet. Activating the communication function, I dialed Detective Jim Gordon's number, taking a deep breath.

After a few rings, a voice crackles through the line. "Hello, this is Detective Jim Gordon, to whom am I speaking with?"

"Hey, Detective."

I was preparing to introduce myself, but before I could utter a word, I was abruptly cut off.

"Save it Rookie. I've been informed already that you were gonna call, Kid," Gordon's grizzled voice came through, cutting straight to the chase. "How do you want to do this?"

"Well, Firstly, with respect. Don't Call me a rookie. I don't care who you are or how long you've been doing your job, remember that this relationship is symbiotic. I don't have to be talking to you right now," I said with a frown on my face.

"Excuse me?" He voiced, surprised by my response, and slightly angered.

"I said what I said. You're not the only cop that I could've called, so watch your mouth. I could be working with Barnes, Bulluck, or Alvarez. You're not special, we are." I spat in a matter of fact tone.

This was the first time I talked to Gordon, but I had studied the GCPD for a while now. It was one of the tasks that Bruce had me do. I knew who was corrupt and who wasn't. I also knew Gordon, and I knew he had a habit of walking over people who didn't have back bones. Gordon wouldn't see my value if I allowed him to walk all over me like he just subtly tried to do, so I needed to make sure that wouldn't allow that to happen.

"You disrespectful little-."

"Respect is earned, not Given, Detective Jackass, lets get that situated right now."

"Ha… you got a real mouth on you, kid. The Bat teach you that?" He asked, rather snidely.

"To stand up for myself, no. I learned that on my own."

"I guess that's a good thing then. Keep that fire in you, Kid. It's gonna take you places." He chuckled.

"Anyway, Tell me your plan, Chimera, Right?"

"That's what they've been calling me as of today, Yeah." I replied.

"My plan is simple…I'm about to send you over all the evidence relating to what's all the Illegal activity going on here. There's weapons, drugs, and a whole bunch of stolen shit here. After we're done talking, check your work email, and texts I'm about to send you. While you do that, I'll be making use of this duffel-bag full of handcuffs . In a couple of minutes, send back up so you can pick up the scraps." I finished.

"I like the way you work. Let's see if that can stay consistent," He replied.

"It will." I replied.

"Alright, Chimera. I'm on board," Gordon replied in approval, his voice resolute. "We'll get some men over there ASAP. Stay safe out there, and let's put these sons of Bitches in cages."

"Got it." I stated, hanging up

I then made my way back into the warehouse, this time, with the duffle bag around my shoulder. With my tentacles, I jumped from steel beam to steel beam, avoiding the eyes of all party goers, stealthy navigate to the electrical sources I sensed with my sixth sense.

Making my way through a corridor, I arrived at a nondescript door tucked away in a corner of the warehouse, its surface bathed in the pulsating glow of the strobe lights. Reaching out and twisting the handle, I pushed the door open to reveal a small, dimly lit room beyond.

Inside, I found myself face to face with the backup generator, its metallic frame looming ominously in the shadows. The room was cramped and cluttered, filled with the low hum of machinery and the occasional clatter of tools.

As I stealthy approached the generator, I observed two guards stationed nearby, their attention focused on the task at hand. Clad in sleek black suits, they stood watch over the machinery, their expressions alert and vigilant… Strangely enough, as I observed them, I realized that they had the same red glow in their eyes that Roman had earlier.

'The hell is wrong with them?' I thought, taking note of how perfectly still they were. What was even more strange is that their heart rates and breathing were in sync. I didn't know what to make of it.

With a silent nod to myself, 2 thick black tentacles shot out my back while I sneakily made my way behind the two.

I then slowly closed our distance using the darkness to my advantage.

As I neared my targets, I could feel the tension in the air thickening, the guards growing increasingly wary of any potential threat beginning to scan the room with their eyes in suspicion, but before they could realize I was there, I launched towards them with a sudden burst of speed, grabbing them with my tentacles and squeeze their throats with a vice-like grip.

Caught off guard, the guards let out startled gasps as they struggled against my hold, but the thing was, I could bench press 700 pounds with my arms alone. My tentacles were much-much stronger.

As I began to lift them in the air, they began resisting less and less until they stopped moving. As they did, I dropped them to the ground, and promptly began handcuffing them.

With the guards incapacitated, I turned my attention back to the backup generator, its mechanical hum filling the room with a steady drone. Moving with precision, I began to dismantle the machinery, carefully disconnecting wires and disabling circuits with practiced efficiency.

'Backup's taken out. Now, The main one.'

The last generator was on the lower level where all the drugs and guns were. But because I had foresight, I had placed a remote-controlled EMP on it beforehand.

As the EMP unleashed its electrifying pulse, chaos erupted within the warehouse. The strobe lights, once illuminating the space with vibrant hues, flickered and died, plunging the room into darkness. Panic swept through the crowd like wildfire, igniting shouts and screams that reverberated off the walls.

Amidst the turmoil, voices rose in confusion and frustration. Some partygoers cursed and bickered, their complaints mingling with the panicked cries of those around them.

"Hey, what's going on? Someone turn the lights back on!"

"Is this some kind of joke? I can't see a damn thing!"

"Quiet down, everyone! We need to stay calm and figure out what's happening!"

In the midst of the commotion, Black Mask's men reacted with fury and aggression. Anger flared in their eyes as they barked orders and pushed through the crowd, their voices laced with menace.

"What the hell is this? Get those lights back on, now!"

"Find out what caused this blackout and deal with it, pronto!"

"Nobody leaves until we get to the bottom of this! If anyone tries anything funny, they'll answer to me!"

Setting down my duffle bag with a thud, I felt the weight of my mission settle upon my shoulders. With a swift motion, my body began to shudder, twisting and warping, transforming into a giant black lion with crackling electric energy riveting through my skin.

Blue arcs danced across my muscular form, casting an eerie glow in the darkness, while my glowing eyes pierced through the shadows, marking my presence with an intimidating aura.

I had to be mindful of the fact that there were innocents around so I needed to evacuate them. And I did so in the efficient way I could.

"Is this part of the show? I can't see anything! Except those blue lights," Voiced a woman in the crowd. Her perspective quickly changed.


With a thunderous roar that reverberated through the warehouse, I unleashed my primal fury, sending shockwaves of panic rippling through the crowd. The once vibrant dance floor descended into chaos as partygoers scrambled for the exits, their panicked shouts echoing off the walls.

"Get out of here! It's a monster!"

"Someone call the cops! We're all gonna die!"

"Run for your lives!"

Amidst the chaos, the False Facers reacted with frantic desperation. Fearing for their lives, they unleashed a barrage of gunfire at me, their bullets bouncing harmlessly off my impenetrable skin.

"What the hell is that thing? Keep shooting! Don't let it get away!"

"It's invincible! We're screwed!"

"Run, damn it! Get out while you still can!"

I didn't know who they thought they were running from, but it wasn't me. I planned on catching them all.

While I was in the midst of choking people out while simultaneously blocking stray bullets aimed at bystanders with my, in the distance, amidst the chaos and darkness, I caught sight of Roman Sionis, his silhouette illuminated by the faint glow of his bio electricity. Clutching a Tommy gun in his trembling hands, he shouted in frustration and anger, his voice laced with desperation.

"No-No-No! What the hell is that thing?!" Roman's voice echoed through the warehouse, a mixture of fear and fury seeping through his words. "It's screwing up everything for me! My party!"

Nearby, Doctor Alucard observed the scene with an air of detached amusement, his expression unreadable as he watched Roman's frantic gestures. Despite the chaos unfolding around them, the doctor remained calm, seemingly unfazed by the sudden turn of events.

Attempting to calm Roman's escalating panic, Doctor Alucard stepped forward, his voice soft and soothing. "Roman, please, you need to calm down. Panicking won't help us in this situation," He voiced with a bemused smile of intrigue.

But Roman's irrationality knew no bounds as he lashed out, his eyes wild with fear and anger. "What do you mean be calm! Do you see this!"

Undeterred by Roman's outburst, Doctor Alucard maintained his composure, his gaze steady as he met Roman's frantic stare. With a single word, he uttered a command that seemed to hold an inexplicable power.


The word hung in the air, its resonance carrying a weight that seemed to compel obedience. To my astonishment, Roman's demeanor shifted instantly, his frantic movements ceasing as he dropped to one knee, his expression one of submission and deference.

"My deepest apology, master," Roman murmured, his voice filled with contrition as he bowed his head in deference to Doctor Alucard.

As Roman knelt before him, Doctor Alucard regarded him with a calm demeanor, his voice carrying an air of wisdom and authority. "Life, my dear Roman, is not merely a pursuit of instantaneous gratification. This party, as extravagant as it may have been, served but as a facade—a mere spectacle to distract the masses."

With measured elegance, Alucard continued, his words weaving a tapestry of profound insight. "True power lies not in flamboyant displays, but in calculated moves and strategic decisions. It is in the shadows where our influence truly thrives, unseen yet omnipresent."

"As such, my dear Roman," Alucard remarked, his tone tinged with gentle admonition, "it is imperative that we exercise patience and prudence. The time for revelry has passed, and now we must depart. Let us make our way downstairs and seek our escape amidst the chaos."

As Alucard spoke, a sudden realization dawned upon me, the pieces of the puzzle falling into place with startling clarity. The elegant demeanor, the commanding presence, and the subtle aura of mystique—it could only be one individual.


Next chapter