
DBZ: Human Gaming Dojo

Yamcha had obtained a cube with a demonic voice that promised to help him in his quest to make humanity rise against Saiyans, angels, demons, gods, and omnipotent beings. Soon, all of them would come to know about the rise of humanity with the help of Yamcha or is it still him? Or Watchdog Man? Or someone else?

Lucky_Punch · Tranh châm biếm
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12 Chs

WatchDog Man

The soul now residing within Yamcha's body was jolted by the sudden appearance of a system screen message, causing shockwaves of surprise to ripple through its core. 

"Installation completed," the message proclaimed, leaving the soul bewildered and questioning its purpose. 

Furrowing his brow in a moment of recollection, Yamcha scratched his head, a gesture of fleeting remembrance. "Ah, right," he muttered in realization. 

"I almost forgot about this..."

It had slipped his mind that this was the reward for seizing control of Yamcha's body from the system. 

With a renewed sense of curiosity, he commanded, "Open it!" 

In response, a roulette materialized before him, its inscriptions a mysterious blur to Yamcha's untrained eyes. 

As the wheel began to spin, an option emerged, beckoning with the words, "Stop?" 

The arrow on the roulette rotated counterclockwise, gaining momentum until it whirled at a dizzying speed.

Yamcha's heart raced as he anxiously declared, "Stop!"

The arrow gradually decelerated, instilling within him a whirlwind of emotions.

Fear, anticipation, and confusion swirled like a tempest in his mind, as he incessantly questioned himself, "Are these truly anime? What kind of anime would I acquire and employ in this newfound world?" 

In that moment, every sensation within him erupted like a volcano, as the wheel settled upon something familiar. 



One Punch Man.


Announced system voice, signaling the soul's recognition of the show. 

One Punch Man, the anime that now occupied Yamcha's thoughts, was a tale of unparalleled power and a protagonist whose strength knew no bounds.

This is a show of a hero who could one punch anything.

"What kind of abilities would I gain in this show?" 

The soul contemplated, its awareness of the show prompting a smile of perplexity to play upon Yamcha's lips.

Suddenly, the wheel circled again. 

"What in the world?" 

He murmured, grappling with the unexpected nature of his selection. 

However, the wheel continued its rotation, accompanied by a directive.



Please stop the wheel to release the character it lands on.


Acting in tandem with the system, the soul controlling Yamcha's body pondered its options, initially considering Flashy Flash and his awe-inspiring abilities. 

Yet fate had other plans, as the wheel settled on a character the soul least anticipated. 



The host had chosen the mysterious and powerful Watchdog Man!


Seeing this, the soul inside Yamcha's body could only stare blankly, he was not well aware of this character, this is a mysterious character 

However, depending on the face of this character, he knew that the less effort the character designed the more likely for them to be strong in that world.

Fortunately, although he's not familiar with Watchdog Man, at least it's not Saitama.

There would be no thrill if he had Saitama's growth, for his power would exponentially expand with every passing second, rendering him invincible against foes both slightly stronger and overwhelmingly superior. 

If he had this, he wouldn't feel a thrill too.

The soul inside Yamcha's body would incredibly be disappointed if he wouldn't feel anything in life, juts like how Saitama live.


The sharp, metallic sound reverberated through the air, commanding attention. 

The rotating wheel, adorned with mysterious symbols, abruptly came to a halt, teasing the soul in Yamcha's body senses with anticipation. 

Anxiety gripped his soul, intertwining with the threads of his being, as he braced himself for the revelation that awaited him. 

"What is it this time?" 

He was scared and resigned, unsure about what the wheel was going to do next.

In his head, there were only two words. 

Watchdog Man…

Watchdog Man…

Watchdog Man…

Can his power be similar to Saitama because he had the same design?

Although Watchdog Man was not Saitama, their design were similar, so he was worried. 

Although Saitama has a very special power: removing his own limits. If he had this power, Yamcha would absolutely feel a gripping feeling of suffocation and helplessness.

Now, he's picturing himself feeling the same boredom and disinterest in everything that Saitama always felt, which will probably make him unhappy.

At first, Yamcha thought that the idea of becoming incredibly strong and invincible would make him happy.

But then he realized that a future filled with never-ending boredom and no challenges would be unpleasant even if he was in the DBZ world.

Yamcha's conflicting emotions made him feel even more troubled.

Finally, the wheel stopped, as if fate had made a decision.

The system's voice, cold and emotionless, spoke again, indicating something important.



The host's Territorial limiter was removed!


Upon reading the words, "Territorial limiter was removed!" Yamcha's soul was immediately engulfed in panic, causing his entire body to tremble with unease. 

What in the world did that mean? 

Suddenly, a notification from the system flashed before him.



As long as the host remained dressed in his dog or Turtle School costume and stayed within the host's designated and chosen territory, the host would experience an exponential growth in the host's statistics whenever the host's faced enemies who were equal to or surpassing the host's own strength and would always be twenty percent above the enemy.


The soul trapped within Yamcha's body felt as if it were about to erupt, barely containing its frustration. 

"What in the name of all things sacred is this?" 

He muttered in disbelief. 

Wasn't this just a carbon copy of Saitama's power? 

The mere thought of it made him groan and shudder inwardly. 

"What happens if I venture beyond the boundaries of my territory?" 

He cautiously inquired of the system, although he had little hope for a satisfying answer. 

To his surprise, the system responded.



Even if the host's were to leave the territory, the host would still retain the same ability of exponential growth.

However, the host's costume would become vulnerable, and should the host's costume or uniform be destroyed, the exponential growth power would cease to function forever.



The system chimed once more, offering a piece of advice. 


Perplexed, the soul residing within Yamcha's body couldn't grasp the significance of the system's words. 

"I don't even have a territory to protect," it mused, its thoughts muddled. 

Yet, as if anticipating its confusion, the system retorted with an air of knowing.



The host is a member of Turtle School, but the school no longer boasts a Dojo. Please, select a location to establish a new Dojo…


The soul found itself compelled to act, for the system had issued a mission.



Mission: Bring the marble and find an optimal site for the Turtle School Dojo within the span of a single day…


Failure: failure would render the host lose an additional reward…


This revelation caused the soul within Yamcha's body to instinctively swallow, feeling the dryness of its mouth, and set its mind to the task of discovering the perfect place for the Dojo's revival. 


"This system really… 

"It also has made assumptions without granting me a voice, presuming everything solely because this Yamcha hailed from the Turtle School—an ineffectual martial arts institution fixated on teaching Ki attacks..." 

Shaking its borrowed head in disbelief, the soul dwelling within Yamcha's vessel parted its lips once more, uttering its thoughts aloud.

"I could have chosen to safeguard this world, becoming a hero and not concerning myself with my attire... 


In an abrupt twist, the essence inhabiting Yamcha's vessel yearned to witness the outcome of its clenched fist, anticipating a profound occurrence. 

However, as minutes morphed into an eternity, a disquieting realization dawned upon it: a vital element was amiss. 

"Where has my ki vanished?" 

Yet, as those words escaped its lips, a profound understanding washed over his head, elucidating that despite his control over Yamcha's corporeal form, it was not the authentic Yamcha, he was not the real Yamcha.

Rendering him impotent in harnessing any semblance

of ki energy. 

Gazing skyward, beholding the celestial canvas and the radiant sun, an overwhelming speechlessness enveloped his mouth. 

"How do I complete the mission that the system has given me?"