
DBZ: Human Gaming Dojo

Yamcha had obtained a cube with a demonic voice that promised to help him in his quest to make humanity rise against Saiyans, angels, demons, gods, and omnipotent beings. Soon, all of them would come to know about the rise of humanity with the help of Yamcha or is it still him? Or Watchdog Man? Or someone else?

Lucky_Punch · Tranh châm biếm
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12 Chs


The shrill sound of the ringing phone pierced the air, Yamcha's soul, now dwelling within the confines of his body, was using a phone. 

Although he is a foreign soul, he could understand the phone and names maybe because he had taken Yamcha's body and used it to understand the simplest language. 

His hand trembled slightly as he grasped the device, looking like he was still not used to the body.

Desperation etched on his face. 




Yamcha refused to give up, his fingers tapping on the screen impatiently. 

After what felt like an eternity, a voice finally answered on the other end, its familiar femininity resonating through the speaker. 

"Yamcha, why did you call?" 

Bulma's voice queried, a hint of annoyance lacing her words. 

Gathering his resolve, the soul controlling Yamcha's body mustered the courage to speak. 

"Hey, Bulma, may I make a request?" 

He inquired, his voice laced with a mix of trepidation and determination. 

Despite the fact that the Yamcha he inhabited harbored a deep-seated resentment towards her, having discovered the painful truth of her betrayal, the soul within Yamcha's body remained undeterred. 

He's not Yamcha; he had been usurped, so it's not his business.

His goal was to follow the system's request as he had not other things to do beside this. 

A momentary silence hung in the air as Bulma deliberated her response. 

The soul within Yamcha's body recognized that it had been quite some time since Yamcha had reached out to her. 


He thought anxiously, hoping his plea would not fall on deaf ears. 

"You see," the soul within Yamcha's body began, his voice infused with a tinge of helplessness and confusion, "I trained diligently for these past few days, pouring my heart and soul into it, only to find that my Ki suddenly vanished without a trace. 

"Now I find myself stranded in an unfamiliar location, surrounded by towering mountains that stretch as far as the eye can see.

"I was hoping I could rest…" 

Time seemed to stretch as Bulma withheld her reply, a sense of anticipation building within Yamcha's soul. 

Just as he was about to resign himself to the impending silence, her voice broke through the void. 

"Alright, I've traced your phone's location. Vegeta happens to be nearby, and I've managed to convince him, albeit begrudgingly, to fetch you and take you to the nearest city," she responded, her tone devoid of warmth, as if performing a duty she detested. 

As the words washed over Yamcha, controlled by the enigmatic soul, a sense of gratitude swelled within him. 

"Thank you," he uttered softly, catching Bulma off guard.

Surprised by his unexpected display of gratitude, Bulma hesitated momentarily, her voice now tinged with curiosity. 


"This is the first time I've heard those words from you," she remarked, her tone shifting towards a more congenial disposition. 

The soul inhabiting Yamcha's body, too, found himself taken aback by this revelation. 

"Is that so?" 

He questioned, his mind brimming with thoughts about this maybe the possible reasons for her disdain and disrespect towards the original Yamcha. 

Yet, amidst the confusion, a lingering sense of injustice gnawed at the soul. 

The accusation of infidelity had been a weight too heavy for Yamcha, and now the soul within him pondered the consequences of such a damaging revelation.

After all, it's not his business.

"Yes," Bulma replied from the other end, her voice now carrying a hint of politeness and friendliness that had been absent earlier. 

"Take care of Vegeta, and whatever you want to do, but don't provoke him... 

"Goodbye," she concluded, her voice trailing off as she abruptly ended the call. 

The lingering tone in her voice suggested that she still had unfinished business to attend to, but the soul within Yamcha's body understood the relentless demands of her work and the need to prioritize her responsibilities.

It didn't take long for the soul residing within Yamcha's body to spot Vegeta approaching, soaring through the sky. 

At first, Vegeta appeared as a mere speck in the distance, but as he drew nearer, the soul could discern his familiar countenance, perpetually etched with an expression of simmering rage. 

"Here he is, one of the main characters in the series..,"

A sound escaped Yamcha's mouth.

Physically, to Yamcha, Vegeta is a tall and well-built individual with a muscular physique. He has short, black hair that stands on end, with a widow's peak on his forehead. 

Vegeta's eyes are black, and his facial features are sharp and defined. He often has a stern expression, reflecting his serious and competitive nature that the original Yamcha usually fears.

He wore a distinctive typical outfit known as Saiyan armor, which consists of a blue, bodysuit-like garment with white shoulder pads and boots. 

The armor bears the symbol of the Capsule Corporation, a prominent organization in the DragonBall universe. Vegeta occasionally changes his attire, opting for more casual clothing during certain story arcs.

Soon, a disdainful snort escaped Vegeta's lips, even before he reached the vicinity, and the soul within Yamcha's body keenly observed this subtle gesture. 

Without wasting a moment or deeming it necessary to engage in conversation, Vegeta firmly seized hold of the back of Yamcha's garments, effortlessly hoisting him into the air as they ascended, causing the soul to experience a dizzying sensation. 


Cried the soul as they soared through the heavens, yet Vegeta remained resolutely silent, as if the act of expelling words in Yamcha's direction would be a futile and inconsequential waste of his precious breath. 

It became evident to the soul inside Yamcha's body that Vegeta intended to fling him toward the nearest city, prompting thoughts to arise regarding the location of the dojo he favored.

"Hmm... does this mean the system desires me to seek out a place, a haven for my dojo? 

"Is it possible that it wishes for me to recruit others as well?" 

Pondered the soul, sensing a tingling sensation akin to those experienced when dealing with systems back on Earth, the original Earth where he would often turn to novels for solace in moments of idleness, following rigorous martial arts training or bouts of gaming. 

Lost in contemplation, he began to consider whether he should indeed beseech Vegeta to transport him to a bustling locale teeming with people. 

After all, for a dojo to thrive, a congregation of skilled martial artists would be highly advantageous. 

With nothing to lose, the soul within Yamcha's body cleared its throat and mustered the words, "Hey, Vegeta." 

In response, Vegeta abruptly glanced downward, his gaze piercing through the air as he continued to hold Yamcha aloft. 

Sensing Vegeta's attention, the soul within Yamcha's body seized the moment and continued, "Take me to the customary venue where the Martial Artist World Tournaments are held…"

"Papaya Island?" 

Vegeta inquired, his eyebrows furrowing in recognition. 

He was aware of the World Martial Arts Tournament and its usual location before the awakening of the Androids by Dr. Gero. 

The World Martial Arts Tournament is a renowned event in the DragonBall series, and Vegeta, being a highly skilled warrior and a knowledgeable character, would have been familiar with its history and traditions. 

The tournament is typically held at a specific location, known as the World Martial Arts Tournament Arena, which is a large stadium specifically built for the event. 

Vegeta, being well-versed in martial arts and the world of fighters, would have known about the tournament's usual venue and its significance in the DragonBall universe.

The soul residing within Yamcha's body nodded earnestly, its eyes conveying a sense of longing. 

"Yes, please take me there," it implored. 

However, Vegeta's curiosity was piqued, prompting him to question the soul's request. 

"Why would I indulge such a whim and expect me to follow your request?" 

He inquired, a hint of skepticism lacing his voice. 

Unperturbed, the soul inside Yamcha's body responded with an air of calm confidence, its words dripping with an enigmatic aura. 

"I need to go there and complete my tasks, I will recover my Ki. Once I am done, we could engage in combat.

"By mastering the art of suppressing my Ki, an ability I have recently discovered, I believe I can surpass even the likes of you, Goku, and Trunks, relying solely on the prowess of my mortal body. It is a secret that I only know..." 

These unexpected revelations struck Vegeta like a bolt of lightning, his typically composed countenance giving way to a rare expression of astonishment. 


He exclaimed, disbelief etching lines on his face. 

Yamcha's words hinted at a challenge, a desire to pit his newfound strength against Vegeta's own. 

Yamcha nodded resolutely, his eyes filled with unwavering determination. 

"Yes, listen to me... 

"Once my transformation is complete, I yearn for a confrontation with you, a chance to test the limits of my might against the formidable Saiyan prince." 

A low chuckle escaped Vegeta's lips, a mixture of amusement and arrogance. 

"Are you certain? 

"Do you truly wish to challenge me? 

"Should you bore me, know that I, the proud Saiyan prince, will not hesitate to snuff out your feeble existence." 

During the period preceding the awakening of Androids 17 and 18, the power dynamics among the Dragon Ball characters were vastly different from the later story arcs. 

Vegeta, a proud Saiyan prince, stood at the pinnacle of strength, having attained the Super Saiyan transformation and surpassed the power levels of most of the Z-Fighters, including Yamcha. 

Through relentless training and countless battles, Vegeta's skills had been honed to perfection, rendering him a formidable adversary for any challenger. 

On the other hand, Yamcha, while possessing considerable martial prowess, languished in the shadow of Vegeta's might. 

He too had trained and fought valiantly, yet he had not ascended to the same heights of power and achieved the awe-inspiring transformations that defined Vegeta's legacy.