
DBZ: Human Gaming Dojo

Yamcha had obtained a cube with a demonic voice that promised to help him in his quest to make humanity rise against Saiyans, angels, demons, gods, and omnipotent beings. Soon, all of them would come to know about the rise of humanity with the help of Yamcha or is it still him? Or Watchdog Man? Or someone else?

Lucky_Punch · Tranh châm biếm
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12 Chs

Saiyan Dream

As the blast surged forward, anticipation filled the air. The crowd braced themselves for an imminent explosion. But to their surprise, the furry creature merely parted its jaws and emitted a resounding bark. 


A powerful shockwave erupted from its mouth, colliding with the oncoming blast. 

Miraculously, the blast dissolved like butter melting in a scorching frying pan.

The shockwave, far from dissipating, intensified its force, barreling towards Vegeta, who stood frozen in disbelief, struggling to comprehend the unfolding events. 

The echoing "Woof!" reverberated throughout the arena, reaching the ears of everyone present. 

In an instant, Vegeta crumpled to the ground, wracked with pain. 


He cried out, the agony evident in his voice. 

Yet, the furry creature was far from finished. 



It repeated, unleashing two more shockwaves directed at the fallen warrior. 

Vegeta clutched his ear, his head throbbing with anguish. 

The second and third shockwaves from the creature's bark proved too much for him to bear, and he succumbed to unconsciousness in an instant. 

The audience, Future Trunks, and the other Z fighters watched in stunned silence, unable to comprehend the extraordinary spectacle before them. 

Finally, as the furry creature got bored, it turned away and departed in an incredible fast manner, they slowly roused from their stupor, their minds struggling to process what had just transpired.

After several minutes of preparation, the entire group was ready. 

Trunks carefully placed a Sensu Bean in Vegeta's mouth, hoping it would revive him. 

The Z fighters hesitated to pursue the mysterious creature, its speed leaving them dumbfounded. 

However, witnessing its effortless defeat of Vegeta, they grasped the gravity of the situation. 

Also, Trunks had warned them about his father's volatile nature; if Vegeta awoke to discover his humiliating loss to the enigmatic creature, he might unleash his fury and destroy everything in his path.

Meanwhile, Vegeta found himself lost in a dream. He stood before his father, King Vegeta, a younger version of himself. 

"Father, is there really no value in dedicating oneself to mastering martial arts?" 

He inquired. 

King Vegeta regarded his son, understanding the underlying concern for the Martial Art Master. 

With a calm nod, he responded, "Yes, as Saiyans, we do not rely heavily on martial arts. Our battles are determined by power levels and sheer strength." 

Young Vegeta pondered further, posing another question, "But what if we were to encounter a martial artist, a skilled combatant who matched my power level and strength? Would I be defeated?" 

King Vegeta shook his head in response, speaking words of reassurance, "Perhaps initially... but we Saiyans are proud warriors who grow stronger with each formidable opponent we face. With time and unwavering persistence, you can surpass them." 

Young Vegeta gazed at his father's profile for a prolonged moment, contemplating his next inquiry. 

"And what if this individual could also improve and grow through combat?" 

King Vegeta smiled faintly and replied, 

"That would be highly improbable... unless their race possesses the same innate talent as Saiyans..." 

His expression shifted to one of concern, and he added, "And if they were to achieve the pinnacle of combat prowess, there would undoubtedly be consequences…"

As young Vegeta caught sight of the expression on his father's face, a glimmer of curiosity sparked in his eyes. 

"Father, have you ever encountered one?" 

He inquired, his voice filled with anticipation. 

King Vegeta nodded in response, his regal demeanor unwavering. 

"Would you be interested in learning about it?" 

He asked, his voice gentle yet commanding. 

Young Vegeta nodded eagerly, his eagerness palpable.

"Please, enlighten me, father," he urged.

Before delving into the subject, King Vegeta cleared his throat, a subtle sign of preparation. 

Slowly, deliberately, he began to speak, his voice now imbued with a sense of calm authority. 

"Let me begin by recounting the history of our race," he commenced, his words resonating with weight. 

"Once, civil wars ravaged our Saiyan brethren, extinguishing those who possessed knowledge and skills beyond warfare. 

"Yes, let me emphasize, this internal strife decimated all Saiyans who possessed talents other than combat. In those grim days, we had no other recourse, no other abilities to rely upon, for war was the only language we knew. And so, we directed our prowess towards the Truffles and neighboring planets, albeit for different reasons. 

"Just like us, other races were desperate to uncover alternative ways of existence or utilization. Thus, we emerged as facilitators, assisting them in locating new planets and galaxies in exchange for valuable resources and services. It was then that our conquests began, one planet after another, an unstoppable force. 

"We were unbeatable, invincible, ascending to new heights of power with each formidable adversary we encountered. 

"The legends of the Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan 2, Super Saiyan 3, and the awe-inspiring Super Saiyan 4 were not mere folklore among our people; they were an integral part of our collective reality... 

"The stronger our adversaries, the stronger we became..." 

Suddenly, the countenance of King Vegeta underwent a significant transformation, morphing into a visage of utmost seriousness.

Young Vegeta sat quietly, his eyes fixed on his father, King Vegeta, as the ruler of the Saiyans began to recount a tale of epic proportions. 

"It was a time when our esteemed Leader, the Legendary Super Saiyan, possessed the astonishing ability to transform into the formidable Legendary Super Saiyan Four," King Vegeta began, his voice filled with a sense of awe.

"He embarked on a whimsical journey to a distant world known as Ragetonian, populated by a race of powerful beings akin to our own. Our Leader, seeking entertainment, engaged in horrifying acts: ravaging their land, violating their wives and daughters, and decimating their precious resources," King Vegeta continued, his words carrying a weight of darkness and despair.

"But there came a day when a brave man among the Ragetonians devised a martial arts technique called the Stat Eater Technique. This unique ability allowed the Ragetonians to consume the energy of stars, augmenting their strength in proportion to the number of star cores they devoured. Alas, even this power was insufficient to fill the void within our Leader's heart, and he obliterated them without mercy," King Vegeta proclaimed, his voice resonating with authority.

"But our Leader had overlooked one crucial detail. A lone Ragetonian had been sent to a tranquil planet before Ragetonian planet was destroyed, where serenity permeated his being. It was there that he stumbled upon an ancient scroll containing the secrets of his long-forgotten martial arts lineage. Merging these teachings with the serene techniques of his newfound home, the young Ragetonian embarked on a journey of self-discovery," King Vegeta continued, his voice carrying a hint of anticipation.

"However, he soon witnessed the horrors and challenges associated with mastering this extraordinary martial art. Enraged by the Saiyans' enslavement of his peaceful people and their exploitation of the tranquil planet for profit, the young Ragetonian resolved to unleash the full power of the Martial Art Technique," King Vegeta concluded, his words brimming with tension and impending conflict.

As King Vegeta recounted the devastating consequences brought upon their race by the dreaded Technique, his voice carried a weight of sorrow, his eyes tinged with melancholy. 

"Our lands were ravaged, our people brought to the brink of extinction," he lamented. 

"Even the mighty Saiyans and our revered Leader, the Legendary Super Saiyan, fell victim to the relentless onslaught of the raging Ragetonian."

Curiosity burned within young Vegeta as he sought to understand what fate befell the Ragetonians after their victory. "What became of them after they defeated us?" he inquired, his voice tinged with a mixture of awe and trepidation.

With a solemn pause, King Vegeta replied. 

"He transformed into a sun. 

"Yes, after vanquishing nearly every last one of us, he ascended to become a colossal sun, a celestial entity that not even the most powerful beings can directly destroy. It is said that if anyone were to attempt its annihilation, the very fabric of existence would unravel across all timelines.

"It was said to be the payment he had made to use that techniuqe. 

A glimmer of hope danced in King Vegeta's eyes as he continued, a faint smile gracing his lips. 

"Though much of the legend surrounding the Super Saiyan may hold some truth, the rest are mere tales woven through the ages. If we truly possessed a Legendary Super Saiyan, Frieza and his formidable army would have been reduced to mere dust... 

"Perhaps even our mightiest Super Saiyan at the peak of their power could stand a chance against Frieza's tyranny."

After being enlightened by King Vegeta's revelation, a burning curiosity ignited within young Vegeta. 

"Do you hate him?" 

He inquired, his voice laced with a mixture of awe and uncertainty. 

He was referring to the enigmatic figure responsible for the annihilation of their entire race and the one who forced them to become weak and be enslaved by Frieza.

Despite the weight of the information bestowed upon him, there was no trace of anger or hatred in his tone as he sought understanding.

Upon hearing his son's question, King Vegeta's lips curled into a gentle smile. 


He echoed, shaking his head in response. 

"Hate is not what we Saiyans harbor towards him. Instead, we hold him in high esteem, admiring his extraordinary determination and sacrificing everything

to obtain the power capable of overcoming us. 

"If you met one, whether to hate him or not, my son, is a decision that lies within your heart."