
DBZ: Human Gaming Dojo

Yamcha had obtained a cube with a demonic voice that promised to help him in his quest to make humanity rise against Saiyans, angels, demons, gods, and omnipotent beings. Soon, all of them would come to know about the rise of humanity with the help of Yamcha or is it still him? Or Watchdog Man? Or someone else?

Lucky_Punch · Tranh châm biếm
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12 Chs

Limit Removal Consequences

In the presence of the gathered multitude, comprising both the human spectators around the Arena and the esteemed Z Fighter contingent, which included future Trunks, Vegeta flew towards the enigmatic and furry humanoid creatures with unwavering determination, his gaze fixed upon him, brimming with resolve. 

It's obvious that he was about to unleash a seemingly innocuous punch, a deceptively simple yet potent display of his raw power with his back shoulder in front.

The audacious act brought forth a smile upon Yamcha's countenance, a subtle curve of amusement that graced his lips. 

Softly, almost imperceptibly, he whispered under his breath, his voice barely audible amidst the surrounding commotion, "Nine... ten."

As the ten seconds elapsed, and Vegeta was in his super Saiyan form. Which makes him stronger than the current power level of Yamcha, which lingered at a 200,000,000. 

It was at this precise moment that the innate ability possessed by WatchDog Man activated!



Innate Exponential ability activated. 

Physical Attribute: 2,560 and Life force: 126,720,000 will be multiplied by 16, resulting in Physical attributes of 40,960 and Life force of 2,027,520,000.


As the ability activated, Yamcha, seizing the opportune instant, parted his lips and uttered a battle cry, invoking the formidable technique.

"Wolf Fang Fist: Hachiko Ultimate Sit!" 

In the blink of an eye, he found himself ensnared within an icy prison, his body encased in solid frozen confinement. And then, as the powerful fist of Vegeta made contact with his face, a peculiar sensation coursed through Yamcha's being. 

It resembled the sensation of being struck by a snowball, but not icy, it was a fiery impact that elicited a discomforting sensation upon his flesh. 

Yet, despite the intensity of the blow, the pain he experienced was relatively subdued, as if muted by the fiery embrace of the warmy projectile..



The host had surpassed foe's power level by a wide gap. 

So, the host's passive innate ability, which had been activated until now, will be temporarily deactivated. 


As WatchDog Man's passive ability ceased to function, Yamcha looks like he remained remarkably unperturbed. 

He looks like he was simply allowing the events to unfold before him, even as Vegeta launched a lunch attack directly at his face. 

Yamcha, looks unyielding, observed Vegeta's smirk and braced himself for the ensuing onslaught. 

The Saiyan prince proceeded to assault Yamcha and was hit by a series of strikes: a swift kick to the right side of his neck, then a sharp blow to the left, followed by an uppercut and a straight punch. 

The relentless assault continued unabated, and it became increasingly evident that Vegeta was reveling in the thrill of combat. 

Blow after blow rained down upon Yamcha without respite, the sound of impact echoing throughout the arena. 

Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!

Meanwhile, the audience in the arena, especially the Z fighters floating and watching, began to take notice. 

Their attention was particularly drawn to Trunks, who found himself at a loss for words. Initially, they had been puzzled by the presence of this furry creature, ignorant of his identity. 

Furthermore, they were astounded by the realization that he was engaged in combat with Vegeta, his own father. And now, as they watched the ongoing spectacle, their astonishment only grew.

Vegeta, too, became aware of something amiss amidst the chaos of battle. 

Though uncertain, he pressed on with his relentless assault. .

However, after several minutes of ceaseless attacks, he couldn't help but notice that his strikes seemed to have little effect on Yamcha. 

The expression on Yamcha's face remained unchanged, despite the devastating blows inflicted upon him. 

Unsettled by this realization, Vegeta took a step back, a look of shock etched across his features. 

"Are you underestimating me?" 

He demanded, his voice heavy with incredulity.

The audience inside the grand arena, including the mighty Z Fighters and the young warrior Trunks, were all taken aback by the perplexing turn of events. 

They struggled to comprehend what was unfolding before their eyes. 

It was beyond their belief that the formidable Super Saiyan Vegeta's relentless attacks had no effect on the peculiar furry creature standing before him. 

To their astonishment, the creature, with a swift motion, began to scratch the area beneath its ear using its hind feet. 

Scratch! Scratch! Scratch! 

It then proceeded to lower its snout to the ground, sniffing curiously. 

The creature continued to inhale deeply, savoring the scent that emanated from the floor. 

As it indulged in the olfactory experience, the creature embarked on a ceaseless movement, never staying still for a moment. 

All eyes were fixated on the creature's every motion until it eventually made its way to the outer edge of the arena, coming to a halt beside the towering wall. 

To the utter shock of everyone present, the creature raised its left foot, releasing a pungent, salty odor that permeated the air, assaulting the senses of the onlookers.

Meanwhile, the answer to Yamcha's apparent underestimation of Vegeta was a resounding "no." 

Yamcha found himself engulfed in a state of sheer panic and helplessness. 


Cried the tormented soul trapped within Yamcha's body. 


He agonizingly pondered. 

The predicament had arisen when Yamcha's power level surpassed that of the mighty Super Saiyan Vegeta, rendering him unable to govern his own actions. 

"Could it be due to my technique? Did it cause my movements to halt?" 

He questioned himself, searching for answers amidst the chaos.

Yet, in a sudden twist, his body moved autonomously, sniffing the air incessantly before succumbing to his bladder's uncontrolled release. 

It was then that the soul residing within Yamcha's shell realized he had lost all command over the body. 

"Could it be that Yamcha has regained control over his own vessel?" 

He pondered, grappling with the possibility of being banished back to the realm of marble and subjected to unspeakable torment. 

However, amidst the whirlwind of questions, the soul found himself wondering why the body was exhibiting behavior akin to that of a canine.

The revelation struck Yamcha's soul, rendering him utterly speechless. 

In a sudden twist of fate, a luminous system screen materialized before his very eyes, bearing a message that read.



The host has been affected by the removal of the Limiter.

All living beings possess an intrinsic boundary to their growth. 

When power exceeds this threshold, it becomes an unbearable burden, consuming the host and transforming them into a mindless beast. 

To safeguard against a descent into purposelessness and irrationality, the divine entity known as God has imposed limitations on the development of every creature. 

This regulatory mechanism, known as the limiter, has now been cast aside by the host. 

Consequently, the host is unshackled from all boundaries, or also destroyed his limiter, yet at the cost of relinquishing control over the body of Yamcha, the body would be reduce to a mindless canine that protects its property or territory upon surpassing a certain threshold. 

To gain control over Yamcha's body once again, the host must embark on a quest to seek out opponents of greater strength, thereby halting the inexorable transformation into a mere canine that protects it's property. 


A dog that was hit would potentially bite back! Careful! 


Upon receiving the distressing message regarding the activation of the Limiter, a wave of despair washed over the soul residing within Yamcha, engulfing him in a profound sense of hopelessness. 

"What in the world is happening? 

"Wasn't I safely within my designated territory? 

"How could the body I had inhabited also fall under the control of another?"

The soul had anticipated an eventual liberation from the confining confines of the marble, yet now it found itself imprisoned once more, trapped within a vessel that behaved as though it was a guard dog.

The soul dwelling within Yamcha was at a loss, uncertain of how to proceed, as his body moves on its own, without his control.

Meanwhile, as Yamcha wa sniffing the floor Arena, Vegeta, unable to endure the unbearable weight of humiliation any longer, found himself consumed by an overwhelming sense of mortification. 

He had arrogantly believed that triumphing over Yamcha would be an effortless feat, only to discover himself sorely mistaken on this occasion. 

Earlier, Vegeta had detected a surge in Yamcha's Ki, a telltale sign of the latter's growing power, yet he had foolishly disregarded it, dismissing it as an inconsequential matter. 

However, the present circumstances had forced him to confront his prior negligence. 

Swiftly, Vegeta clasped his hands together, their union serving as a catalyst for an extraordinary display of raw power. Gradually, an immense aura of Ki began to coalesce at the very core of his palms, gradually taking shape as a formidable Ki Ball. 

"This is the end for you!" 

He bellowed with resounding intensity, his voice reverberating through the air, as he prepared to unleash his devastating attack.