
DBZ: Human Gaming Dojo

Yamcha had obtained a cube with a demonic voice that promised to help him in his quest to make humanity rise against Saiyans, angels, demons, gods, and omnipotent beings. Soon, all of them would come to know about the rise of humanity with the help of Yamcha or is it still him? Or Watchdog Man? Or someone else?

Lucky_Punch · Tranh châm biếm
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12 Chs

Dawg in Yamcha

As Vegeta approached Yamcha with the intention of putting an end to their confrontation, a wave of uncertainty washed over him, causing him to halt in his steps. 

His eyes fixated on Yamcha, who returned his gaze with an intensity akin to that of a ravenous canine. 

The way Yamcha looked at him sent shivers down Vegeta's spine, as if he were stranded in the depths of an unfamiliar and foreboding planet, surrounded by an impenetrable darkness that concealed countless pairs of watchful eyes. 

It was an eerie sensation, one that heightened Vegeta's awareness and made him acutely aware of the shift in Yamcha's aura. 

It was akin to encountering a savage beast in the untamed wild, and Vegeta soon discovered that his intuition had not led him astray, for the ground beneath Yamcha's feet began to fissure and crackle ominously. 

As Vegeta observed, he noticed that the fur on the back of Yamcha's neck stood on end, resembling fiery clouds frozen in time. 

"What is happening? I cannot sense any trace of Ki emanating from him," Vegeta pondered inwardly. 

Since their initial clash, Vegeta had been sorely disappointed by Yamcha's lackluster performance, eagerly awaiting the moment when Yamcha would tap into his own Ki so that Vegeta could unleash his Super Saiyan form and swiftly beat him to a pulp. 

However, the current situation perplexed Vegeta, as he could sense an inexplicable energy, one that he was certain did not stem from Ki manipulation. 

"Could it be magic?" 

Vegeta mused, although upon scrutinizing Yamcha's countenance, he deemed it highly improbable. 

Consequently, a profound sense of bewilderment enveloped him. 

What was it that Yamcha was emitting, a force that titillated Vegeta's senses and instincts? 

Why did Vegeta find himself growing increasingly uneasy instead of relishing the challenge, as would be expected of a proud Saiyan warrior?

Without warning or any discernible signal, Yamcha dropped to all fours, mimicking the gait of a dog with fluid, agile movements. 

"Wolf Fang Fist: Demon Dog Walk!" 

He proclaimed, his voice determined and fierce. 

As he circled around Vegeta, the Saiyan prince couldn't help but notice Yamcha's speed increasing with each passing second, forcing Vegeta to glance behind him or strain his gaze to keep track. 

In the midst of this display, Yamcha's mouth parted once more, emitting a deep, guttural growl while saying the words of the technique.

"Wolf Fang Fist: Demon Dog Growl!"

Soon, Vegeta's ears registered the menacing sound, but in an instant, he detected another growl originating from behind him, even though his eyes remained locked on Yamcha. 

Then, unexpectedly, the Saiyan Prince felt a simultaneous growl reverberating from both his left and right sides. 

A sense of discomfort enveloped him, reminiscent of his youthful days when he ventured into uncharted planets. 

"This feeling is all too familiar," Vegeta muttered, his voice tinged with recognition. 

"Just like when I was encircled by a pack of wolves!" 

A sudden realization dawned upon him, and a smile crept across his face, erasing the earlier disappointment he had harbored towards Yamcha. 

"I suppose I should brace myself for a surprise," he mused aloud. And true to his intuition, Yamcha catapulted through the air, catching Vegeta off guard. 

Yet, the prince quickly regained his composure and squarely faced Yamcha. 

To his astonishment, Yamcha's mouth opened wide, and with the might of a tempest, he inhaled a colossal amount of air before releasing a thunderous roar directly at Vegeta.

"Wolf Fang Fist: German Shepherd Woof!" 

As Yamcha unleashed his attack, his voice reverberated through the air like a dog's incessant barking, assaulting Vegeta's eardrums with a force akin to a resounding drumbeat. 

In response to this assault on his senses, Vegeta instinctively shut his eyes tightly, his body reacting purely on primal instinct. And that instinctive reaction was precisely what Yamcha was waiting for, seizing the opportunity to strike with one of his new signature technique.

"Wolf Fang Fist: Boxer Paw Punch!" 

The impact was immediate and explosive, the sound of the blow.


It echoed throughout the arena.

Vegeta felt a chilling, unyielding object collide with the side of his face once again, reminiscent of the earlier encounter. 

This time, however, the force behind the attack was even greater, propelling Vegeta forcefully and circly into the air, his body hurtling outside the confines of the Arena before colliding with the unyielding surface of the arena wall. 

The impact was bone-jarring, a resounding sound.


That reverberated through the arena, devoid of an explosive burst but possessing a resolute solidity. 

Observing the scene unfold, Yamcha couldn't contain his delight, a triumphant howl escaping his lips in a joyous way.


He reveled in his conquest, his happiness palpable as he pranced around the arena like a dog on all fours, exuberantly bouncing with every step. 

Meanwhile, the small crowd that had gathered around the Arena seats were left dumbfounded and speechless, their initial expectations of a casual viewing of tropical sights and experience shattered. 

While they had come to witness the spectacle of the Arena and witness small-scale matches, they had never anticipated such a fierce and intense battle. 

Now, however, they were at a loss for words, their gazes fixed upon Yamcha, who stood in all fours at the center of the arena, and occasionally glanced at the motionless figure of Vegeta sprawled upon the ground.

Yamcha, positioned on all fours, inquired with a hint of curiosity.

"Is he dead?" 

His mind raced with the potential consequences of killing Vegeta, but deep down, he couldn't bring himself to care about any of that. 

To him, it would be far preferable if Vegeta were deceased. 

It would signify the successful completion of the system's mission: the eradication or the defeat of Vegeta. 

As Yamcha observed Vegeta's motionless form, a wave of relief washed over him, prompting him to run his paw-like hands across his forehead in a gesture of easing worry. 

A triumphant smile played upon his lips as he remarked, "I never anticipated Vegeta meeting his demise with such swiftness. Is my power perhaps a tad excessive?" 

Within Yamcha, the soul housed within him discovered its newfound ability to conjure attacks resembling those of a dog, albeit with an inherent lack of control over their potency. 

The system warned that this power could fluctuate, sometimes exhibiting great strength, other times proving feeble, and at times even failing altogether. 

With this knowledge in mind, Yamcha resolved to conduct an experiment, utilizing Vegeta as his test subject. 

After all, Vegeta posed no immediate threat, as his Ki remained unguarded because he's a fool that believed him.

Yamcha's worry gnawed at him, his anticipation heightened as the system remained silent, withholding any indication of Vegeta's defeat. 

Then, in a sudden twitch, he witnessed Vegeta's battered body stir. 

With immense effort, the Saiyan prince managed to rise while trembling each seconds he tried to force himself, his face smeared with blood, relying on the crumbling wall that stood as his crutch. 

In that moment, Vegeta's head turned and his gaze fixated upon Yamcha, his voice resonating with a mix of admiration and menace. 

"I shall spare your life this time, for you have impressed the Prince of Saiyans," he declared. 

As the seconds ticked by, the atmosphere shifted, the sky darkened, the wind sharpened its bite, and the crashing waves grew more violent, as if they were influenced by Vegeta's words alone. 

Soon after, the system's notification finally arrived, its chime piercing the tension. Ding! 


Innate Exponential ability activated. Physical Attribute: 320 and Life force: 15,840,000 will be multiplied by 8, resulting in Physical attributes of 2,560 and Life force of 126,720,000.


Yamcha's eyes widened, recognizing the change in weather as the telltale sign of Vegeta ascending to Super Saiyan. 

Yet, he refused to succumb to panic. Instead, he parted his lips, summoning the power within him, a concentrated Ki Blast coalescing into a pulsating orb at the center of his open mouth. 


With a gulp, Yamcha swallowed the energy, his body ballooning in size, bloated with its might. 

"Wolf Fang Fist: Wolf Bla-"

His words were cut short as an overwhelming weight de

scended upon his back. 


The impact reverberated with explosive force, the deafening kabam shattering the air.