
Day Dreaming

Wendy comes to have a crush on a man called Jung Hoseok when he saved her from an abusive man who is hitting his wife ....when they were all on vacation in Jeju. It is her first time to like a man. Later she learns that their fathers are friends and would like them to marry. The problem is Wendy finds out that Jung Hoseok is a gay (although it is a not true). Wendy would like to refuse to the marriage even how much she is fond of him, but the fathers insist they work together at his family's hotel to get to know each other. Wendy and Hoseok gets to near each other more and become friends. Wendy also meets another man who seems to interests in her, one of the most important man in hotel management team, Mr Lee Min Hong. Her appearance with Lee Min Hong makes Hoseok realises his feeling for Wendy is more than a friend and he doesn't want to lose her. Especially when Lee Min Hong is known to be a womaniser very unlike him, who he considers himself a boring normal guy and a loser in first love. How will he try to tell his feelings to Wendy? ......... (Chapter 19) Wendy: "Hope...you behave so badly today .. especially how you appear in here. it's so  rude.." Hoseok: "I know. .I can't help it...!" Wendy: "Why!" Hoseok: "Do you like him ...do you like Lee Min Hong?" Wendy: "Well I'm getting to know him.. what's wrong if I like him!" At that... Hoseok just couldn't control himself more..he just grab Wendy's face and kisses her on the lips. .... Wendy: "What does this mean Hope ...you like both women and men? but you should never cheat Jimin. ." In this, Hoseok remembers she has mistaken him as gay man...and somehow an idea just come to him. Hoseok: "Er....I'm very sorry Wendy.. I just want to know how it feels like to kiss a woman." Wendy: " it's just that?" ...... Hoseok continues,  "Will you marry me? Wendy" Wendy: "Are you crazy.... whatever is happening to you ??" Wendy looks up at Hoseok..His face is very serious. ........ Wendy: "I will need to think about it!!" ..... The story has completed.

WinnieAye · Tổng hợp
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34 Chs

Chapter 21: The Wedding

"Okay....I will give you a big diamond with heavy carat for our wedding...no worries. dear!!"

Hoseok says ...

Wendy is not sure how much he is serious at all.


At a cafe, Joy and Wendy are having lunch near Oriental Utopia Hotel.

"What", Joy is very much astonished after Wendy tells her about Hoseok and her agreement and wedding.

"Are you really sure about it ...Wen..."

"Yes" Wendy replies.."I think it's the best...my father will be happy....and I think it's good thing Hope is doing for his family ..and I will have a friend to help me investigate who drugged me (sex drug) that night...I never have an enemy before...but I'm sure someone wants to do bad things to me...I wonder who?.. besides..it is fake and will only last for 7 months!"

Joy: "What about Lee Min Hong?"

Wendy: "Umm....I guess I don't know much about him yet...well despite his reputation with married women, I still find him interesting. but in a romantic way..so far....umm... maybe I am not born to have any soulmate and to fall in love. .so this fake marriage will be good enough I think.."(she adds to herself thinking "Maybe the fortune teller at Bali is not so 100% right with her meeting two men interested in her...but Lee Min Hong did show some interest and Hoseok acts strangely these days..!")

Joy: "Do you really think it's Ms Wang?"

Wendy: "I'm not sure...but her eyes.. the way she looks at me sometimes is creepy!"

Joy: "Will you tell your dad about it?"

Wendy: "No not yet ..I just don't want him to get worry about me yet.. maybe I will tell him later"

Joy nods ...

Joy: "I just want to ask one thing.. if Jung Hoseok is not a gay...do you love him?"

The question is so straight that makes Wendy a little shock...and very shy as well...she turn all rosy pink on her face..

Wendy: "To be totally honest, I am very smitten with him on our encounterment at Jeju...he is such a perfect hero to me...but umm... when I learned about his gender, we are not meant to be in that way then...but it's good too...we get to know a lot each other at work...I am so comfortable around him like that...if he is completely a man...maybe I might not be this comfortable.."

Joy looks into Wendy's eyes and smiles.

"I hope you have the best 7 months then!"

Jimin also learn about Hoseok getting married...a fake one..

"Hehehe My friend is becoming cunning.." he tells himself. "Well. I wish you all good luck Buddy Hobi.."


The wedding day has come ... after all those traditional matching making and engagement are all done.

The two thers are very indeed although they both know all about Hoseok's plan.

But Mrs Jung Ji Wook is not so fond of having daughter in law who is a daughter of a man she thinks is just is a shark loaner.. but she could not argue to her husband.

Yoona just wish her brother will be successful in love this time.

The first part of the day, the ceremony is taken in Korean Traditional one...and in the evening, it modern ceremony has taken place at Oriental Utopia .. Wendy is really beautiful in white... everyone say. But one is sure..Hoseok cannot take his eyes off from her..and he looks happy today.

Wendy is also happy today. She feels the wedding is so real and she is not daydreaming...at one point when she is near the stairs up way high...she even feels like her marriage today will lead her a life above that is beautiful like those stairs.

Hoseok and she gets the best wishes from their parents.

Jung Ji Wook: "You are married now ..you two will become one soon... wishing you all the best in building up one family..!"

Bang Si Hyuk: "Marriage life and building a family is actually not easy..but with love and understanding ....I wish you both will overcome all the problems ahead!"

And even Lee Min Hong wishes her .."Ms Seungwan, I hope you have happy days ahead.."

It is only when at the time to make vow...she comes back to her senses.

"I do" she says at her turn...but she is shaking a little.. Hoseok seems to worry about her.

"Are you ok?"

"I'm ok"

The she looks at her wedding ring it is topped with a heart shaped diamond.

Joy and Jimin are looking at them ... They look beautiful and handsome as bridesmaid and best man too..

Jimin: "They are so perfect... they looks exactly like real couple"

Joy :"Yeah..."

but then her face become curious ..

Joy: "Don't you feel any jealousy?"

Jimin: "Why should I?...I am happy for him..."

This surprised Joy very much. But she doesn't have time to ask him any more questions.

It is time for single ladies to catch the bridal flowers... ladies are very excited and energetic...but Joy is over hyped when the bouquet falls into her hand...


Everyone looks at her and laughs..

Jimin is looking at her ...his eyes very fixed on her..

"She is very sparkling creature.... Fooling around sometimes too."...


Finally the ceremony is completed.

Wendy is in the couple bedroom. Somehow, she is starting to feel afraid. Hoseok is still talking with his dad outside.

Is she really going spend the night with Hoseok? But she is going to divorce him in 7 months! and don't know how her life will be like after that.

"Well I'm not afraid.... many divorce happening these days... we don't really need to ...do that for fake marriage ..well he is not real man at heart!"...then she remembers the kiss at the parking lot..it is a burning one...her whole body becomes tense.. thinking about those bedding scenes....(She is still so shy and innocent for a 25 year old woman)..she just lay down herself on bed..(with bride dress still on)...and put the blanket all over her body including the head. Her body is shaking a little.

After a while Hoseok comes into the room.

He is worried when he sees Wendy is shaking under the blanket..

Hoseok: "Wendy ..are you ok.."

He comes near her... remove the blanket at her head...just to see her face...her cheeks are so rosy pink...he touches on her forehead with his hand..

"umm you don't have a cold!"

"Do we really need to sleep together..!..I mean it's fake...and we will be divorcing in 7 months.."she exclaims..

Hoseok understands everything..

He give out a little laughter.

"Umm..Nah...I forget to tell you. I'm not sleeping in this room with you..I'm staying the room next to this one.."

Wendy is surprised...

"But that may make your family suspense our marriage status..!!"

"Don't worry about it..I have already talk with my dad...they won't!!!..Take it easy and just rest for the night..I'm going now...take care baby."

Then he unexpectedly give her a peak soft kiss on her cheeks..

and the he is out..