
Darling, Can i Kill you?!

Demi and Blake’s first encounter left them mortar enemies. He fired her from a job she really needed and she destroyed a one of a kind trophy and called him a dick, hoping they would never see each other again but even that doesn’t go according to plan. When Demi’s worst nightmare comes to pass and she is stuck with a baby she has no idea where he came from, she now has to scale mountains, valleys and train stations to give the baby back before her life explodes but what she does not expect was one more obstacle – Blake Rivera! Counting down to minutes till they never have to see each other again, a mistake forces them to live each other’s life. What do you think? Can fire tame fire or will baby Noah be caught in the crossfire? Questions for thoughts 1) Can an entitled CEO survive life as a maid with a child and boobs? 2) Will Demi relinquish his throne to Young Master Blake any time soon or will she get sweet hot spicy revenge with the power she now welds? Let’s find out!!! Cover is not mine and credit goes to the owner. If you want be to take it down, just say the word!

Precious_Onwe · Thành thị
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13 Chs

Chapter 2: Blake Rivera and the maid

Chapter 2: Blake Rivera and the maid

Blake walked over to the cabinet near the burnt orange shelf and opened it; he took out a document and handed it to Jack Willows. "I believe this concludes our business of the day, Good day gentlemen"

He held the door open for them as they walked out.

After they left, Blake made no attempt to wake the girl up, he simply took a seat opposite the one she was sitting and stared at his favorite bridge – The Brooklyn Bridge. He paid a lot of money to be able to look at it. He was an hour early as the official opening time for Rivera Conglomerate was 8 a.m.


Demi stirred at first but when Blake thought she was going to open her eyes, she went right back to sleep.

"I need coffee" He stood up and made two cups of death wish coffee that took him twenty minutes to brew. He placed one on the table for the sleeping beauty he was about to fire and took a sip from his own.

Demi stirred again when the whiff of the coffee hit her nostrils. Slowly she opened her eyes and looked around.

Where was she exactly? Because it was certainly not the apartment she shares with her boyfriend and what was that sweet inviting smell.

"I made coffee and since we seem to be sharing everything we might as well share this"

Blake's voice startled her and she sat upright and stared at him.

"Who the hell are you?" Demi asked him and frowned.

Blake wanted to introduce himself to the girl who he was tempted to have arrested but her phone started ringing and she raised her finger to elicit silence.

"It's my boyfriend. Don't try anything stupid, I know Krav maga" Demi told him and picked the call.

"Hey, Jackson"

"Hi beautiful. You were gone before I woke up this morning" Jackson voice was husky in a sexy kind of way.

He had a rich baritone voice that was alluring to the ear. He was almost Demi's height at 5 feet and some inches, with a muscular lean body and a face that you could almost describe as angelic. He was the perfect gentleman and never asked for commitment, at least not more than she was willing to give to him.

He was married to his job as he owns strings of nightclubs all over Manhattan.

"Yeah, something came up at work and I had to go. So, what's up?"

"I am really sorry Demi but I am on my way to the airport to hop on a plane to D.C. it just for two days, darling"

"But It's our anniversary" Demi reminded him.

"I am sorry but I've this famous club promoter that is willing to make Red fire club the newest sensation in town and he is only available to see me in D.C. I am afraid I have to cancel our plans for tonight"

Demi was a tad disappointed but she understood. When she still had a job she cancelled dates with Jackson too.

"Its fine, I needed some time to myself anyway...with a bottle of champagne while I soak in a warm... foamy.... bath, the type you enjoy watching me take. Think about that as you spend your day with a club promoter in a club packed with sweaty entangled bodies" she said in a slow seductive whisper that made Blake look at her like she was insane or maybe she was a pot of French cuisine.

"I am really sorry babe. I will make it up to you. Happy two years anniversary and I sent a surprise to you" as Jackson talked, someone called his name in the background. It was a woman's voice and he seemed distracted.

"I have to go, beautiful. Bye"

Jackson didn't give her a chance to say goodbye before he hung up. Demi grabbed the cup of coffee on the table and took a sip.

"It's for the best, strange man I don't know. I am too tired to shave my legs or look sexy. So who the hell are you and what are you doing in this office by 5 a.m" Demi asked him and took another sip.

"I am Blake…Blake Rivera and I believe it's almost 8 a. m"

"You can't be Blake" Demi declared to him.

"Why not?"

"Because if you are Blake Rivera then that would make you my boss and I am currently sitting in your chair and sipping your coffee and that wouldn't be good for me because I really need this job!" Demi said without taking a moment to breathe.

"You are still sipping my coffee and sitting on my chair" Blake pointed out to her.

Demi stood up immediately and tried to drop the cup on the table but ended up pouring some on Blake.


"And I just poured hot coffee on you!"

Blake grabbed a couple of tissues on the table and tried to stop the hot liquid from doing more damage but some stray down to his pants. Demi didn't think when she grabbed what looked like a really old shirt and got on her knees and started to dry the part of his pant that actually contained his essentials.

"What are you doing?! Get off me!"

"Hold still, I am trying to help you damn it!" Demi yelled at him.

Blake was about to say something when the door opened and the investor that was with Jack Willows earlier walked in and found them in a compromising position with Demi's hand currently on his pants.

"I came to drop this. I will give you the privacy you need…for that" The man murmured.

"No…no…this is not….this is not what you think it is….we are not…I am not" Demi started to stammer but Blake kept his cool.

"Thanks, Mr. Benjamin" Blake murmured as he tried to control his anger.

As soon Mr. Benjamin left, Demi stood up. In her hand was the shirt she took from Blake's wall.

"That shirt you just ruined was a gift and it was signed by one of the most famous and might I add a very dead famous footballer"

"Sorry?" Demi's apology sounded more like a question. She had a contrite look on her face too.

"Leave!" Blake pointed at the door.