
Darling, Can i Kill you?!

Demi and Blake’s first encounter left them mortar enemies. He fired her from a job she really needed and she destroyed a one of a kind trophy and called him a dick, hoping they would never see each other again but even that doesn’t go according to plan. When Demi’s worst nightmare comes to pass and she is stuck with a baby she has no idea where he came from, she now has to scale mountains, valleys and train stations to give the baby back before her life explodes but what she does not expect was one more obstacle – Blake Rivera! Counting down to minutes till they never have to see each other again, a mistake forces them to live each other’s life. What do you think? Can fire tame fire or will baby Noah be caught in the crossfire? Questions for thoughts 1) Can an entitled CEO survive life as a maid with a child and boobs? 2) Will Demi relinquish his throne to Young Master Blake any time soon or will she get sweet hot spicy revenge with the power she now welds? Let’s find out!!! Cover is not mine and credit goes to the owner. If you want be to take it down, just say the word!

Precious_Onwe · Thành thị
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13 Chs

Chapter 13: I am a man.

Chapter 13: I am a man.

Like magic Noah slept through the entire train ride to Brooklyn on Blake's chest. As the train stopped, Blake placed Noah in his seat and made sure he was secured. When it was okay to step down from the train, He picked up Noah and Demi helped with the baby bag and his.

They took the fastest route out of the train station to flag down a taxi to take them to a hotel since tomorrow they would begin their journey to finding Noah's mother. Demi's priority was to get Noah the home and parental love he deserved.

She took in a deep breath because the sooner she returned the baby and complete her task the sooner she can go back to her life, go back to her boyfriend

Blake dropped their bags on the floor and hailed for a taxi and one actually stopped. He crouched down to talk to Noah, who Demi was now holding.

"It really was nice to meet you Noah; of course I can't say the same about your mother… take good care buddy"

Then Blake surprised her further with his next action. He did not just forget to say goodbye to her, he boarded the Taxi that stopped and left her carrying a baby and two bags standing in the middle of nowhere.

"Did that jackass just leave us here, Noah?" the infant seemed like he wasn't interested in what Demi was saying anyway.

"Don't worry buddy, I am capable of getting us a taxi and a suitable hotel room"

She hailed the next taxi and it stopped.

"Please take us to a secure hotel, thank you" she told the driver.

Demi got Noah settled inside the cab and she got in and soon, the cab was stopping then in front of a hotel that either looked safe or healthy.

"This is not a good hotel" She murmured to the driver.

"It's the best around here. The next one is an hour away. Do you want me to take you there?"

Demi thought about putting Noah or herself through the stress of going for another ride and decide to lodge in the hotel and pray they don't catch any life threatening disease. When she got inside, the older woman at the reception showed her to the room and asked her keep her door shut and her baby close before leaving them.

Demi entered inside and since Noah was miraculously sleeping she decided to catch a few hours of sleep before she calls Charity and start her hunt for her half sister.


Blake woke up to the sound of a crying baby. Something was wrong! There was no way he was in a room with an infant. Hell would have to freeze over before that happens. He opened his eyes slowly, there was a big chance he had been drugged with a hallucinogenic because he was actually seeing a baby in a baby bed and for some reason his nightmare got worst when he realized that he was in a strange looking ghetto dump and he had no idea how he got there.

"Okay! Calm down, Blake! There is no way there is an infant in your room and you are…why the hell am I sounding like this?! Stop! No stop!"

Blake stood up and peeked at the infant on the cot. He recognized the baby.

"Noah? What the fu…"

His voice trailed off as he searched for a mirror and found one in the bathroom. Blake's eyes widened and he screamed out loud frightening Noah.

He grabbed the infant and held him up high. "What the fudge did your evil mother do to me? A little warning buddy, I am going to kill her"

Blake rushed out of the room with Noah and He managed to find his way to the reception. He met an older woman with a frown sitting at the front desk in the local motel.

"What is going on?" He asked the woman.

"Are you on crack, Honey?" the woman asked him.

"No! I need you to call the police. I have a crime to report" Blake dropped Noah on the counter carelessly forcing the woman to steady the child.

"What crime? I told you to keep your door locked when you checked in"

"No! You don't understand, my name is Blake Rivera and for some reason I don't know yet but plan to find out, I have boobs!"

The woman rubbed her forehead and yawned "They don't pay me enough for the crazy I am getting here. What did you take exactly that makes you think you are the richest man in Manhattan, ma'am?"

"Don't call me Ma'am, I am a man!"

Blake saw that the woman wasn't going to be of much help to him. He picked up the baby. He had an idea of where he can find the demon named Demi sent to destroy his life and by the ring of Zeus or God, he will force her to return him into his real body.