
Darling, Can i Kill you?!

Demi and Blake’s first encounter left them mortar enemies. He fired her from a job she really needed and she destroyed a one of a kind trophy and called him a dick, hoping they would never see each other again but even that doesn’t go according to plan. When Demi’s worst nightmare comes to pass and she is stuck with a baby she has no idea where he came from, she now has to scale mountains, valleys and train stations to give the baby back before her life explodes but what she does not expect was one more obstacle – Blake Rivera! Counting down to minutes till they never have to see each other again, a mistake forces them to live each other’s life. What do you think? Can fire tame fire or will baby Noah be caught in the crossfire? Questions for thoughts 1) Can an entitled CEO survive life as a maid with a child and boobs? 2) Will Demi relinquish his throne to Young Master Blake any time soon or will she get sweet hot spicy revenge with the power she now welds? Let’s find out!!! Cover is not mine and credit goes to the owner. If you want be to take it down, just say the word!

Precious_Onwe · Thành thị
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13 Chs

Chapter 10: Shoving foot and curses

Chapter 10: Shoving foot and curses

Blake opened his eyes and looked at her closely. He took five minutes to ask the lord not to put him through the temptation of wrapping his hand around her neck and squeezing it until she pees her pants or disappear into thin or maybe...just maybe, he was having a nightmare and he will wake up any moment from now. After blinking three times and closing his eyes for five seconds before he opened them again to find the girl glaring at him, he was convinced. This was not a dream but it was still a nightmare.

"Oh fuck! You are the witch that ruined my life!"

"That is…it is…I can't…witch?"

Demi struggled with words but Noah started to whimper and she had to check on him. She pulled down his shirt and adjusted his little hat.

Blake stood up angrily. "If you know what is good for you, stay away from me and take your bad energy with you"

Demi managed to bite off at him before he stormed off "You are a lunatic!"

Demi managed to wake Noah with her scream. She picked him, only vaguely remembering a woman sitting two seats away from her moving closer to sit beside her.

"Is he your husband?"

The voice startled her. "I would rather marry a corpse!"

The older woman smiled and turned around to pick up her bag as the train approached.

"I could have swore there was chemistry between both of you"

Demi blinked and looked at her. "He just called me a witch"

"There is nothing wrong with been called a witch. It's an honor actually. I am from a long line of witches with a deep origin from New Orleans. Oh, see you inside the train" The woman walked away.

Demi picked up the baby and smiled at him "She's a little cuckoo in the head and that is why you shouldn't talk to strangers. They are crazy"

Fifteen minutes later, Noah and Demi took their seats in the train going to brooklyn. Noah opened his eyes but he didn't cry and Demi was grateful for it.

A man wearing a suit sat on the seat next to them. He was on the phone and he was really loud.

She always hated people that enjoyed yelling at other people. Even when she threatens people in her former firm, she does it in private and in a calm voice. It's just more effective that way.

She was concerned that the yelling man was going to scare Noah and make him cry. She took another glance at him. He was tall, lean and nasty. He opened his briefcase and took out a bunch of papers.

"If I lose this deal because of your stupidity, I will ruin you" the man was angry and he made no attempt to hide it.

It was official now, he was frightening Noah. His small lips curved and he let out a cry that almost deafened Demi.

The older woman who called herself a witch approached the man in suit and asked him to switch off the phone.

"Sir, you need to hang up, you are scaring the baby"

"Sweetheart, this is an important call"

The man was dismissive and rude. Demi always hated when men think they can call a woman sweetheart in a demeaning way and get away with it.

"I am sorry sir but you still need to switch off the phone"

The man ignored her and kept talking over the phone.

"Sir? Sir, I have to insist you do as I've asked" the crazy woman was calm but Demi could see she was barely keeping it together. "Get off the phone or I am going to put a hex on you!" The woman told him in between her clenched jaw.

The man looked at her like she was crazy.

"Don't say I didn't warn you. Maledico tibi ut ambules in calceamentis! You will regret it by dawn" The woman tried to grab his hand but ended up grabbing the hand of the man reading a newspaper beside the man on the phone.

"Sorry" She murmured and went back to sit down.

"Get away from me, Crazy woman!" The man on the phone yelled.

Noah was crying and everyone was getting agitated by the minute, Demi understood it....no one wants a screaming baby in their space.

She crouched closer to the man as he tried to take a sip from the cup he was holding, her teeth clenched and a little hint of smile that didn't touch her eyes and slowly, she passed across her message in a subtle way.

"If you don't get off that stupid phone and stop frightening the baby, I will shove my foot so down your throat that you will need a surgeon to get it out. You have five seconds.... sweetheart"