
Darkness Human in MHA

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s) An assassin that was the best of his world died but was given the chance to become the villain with a modified Yami Yami no Mi. How will the world of My Hero Academia will handle the heartless assassin with the power to absorb and nullify quirks?

Jovami6729 · Tranh châm biếm
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35 Chs

Chapter 33: Jailbreak

~Yami POV~

Taking the time I open my eyes to see myself as I have been restraining by a jacket glancing at my cell prison it seems.

Damn, it looks like I have been sent here but I know for sure that I died didn't know that I could live again or maybe I was just fuckin lucky.

Clearly, after my fight with All for One, it seems that I became the victor of the fight and more so I can feel more powerful than ever before but for some reason somewhat empty.

Weird but looking at the room I can see that it's like the prison from that Injustice Superman cell keeping me in place as I have been restrained with cuffs that are nullifying my powers or at least it seems to be doing the trick.


Next, I see a door opening revealing to me people I don't recognize and David Shields with an angry look directed towards me.

Wow, I wonder how he feels losing the symbol of peace in Japan right now followed what I assume to be anarchy at the moment with the loss of heroes everywhere I bet the villains are having a field day.

Seeing the people coming over I can see that two of them are in hero costumes while Shields just looks like he is about to gut a fish.

Wait that would be me at that moment.

As the people came closer to a console, they began to speak to me as if they are understanding me, "My dear Locus Hikari… I know we haven't been the… "

Oh, fucking god this is probably the worst thing I can receive!


Oh god, why isn't there anything fuckin original about my host I mean I have to suffer listening to their crap!

Now that is the real unfairness right there listening to someone else problems now this is a total bullshit level here.

Ignoring the words of my host former parents I simply responded with my usual tone when dealing with vermin, "You all can go fuck yourself because the second I get myself free I promise you I will feed you to the worms and that is before I let my little pony rape you to death online. I mean there is probably someone who did it but I can guarantee you that it will make me feel happy knowing you died gives me reassurance of sleep."

Hearing my words they were dead silent as they paled at my threat and I will make it a reality if I ever get out.

Mark my words!

With that, they both left as Shields just glares at me while talking to me, "Tell me… Blackout was it worth it…"

Raising my eyebrow at this I asked mockingly what he wanted, "Don't know how long has it been since my – "

"3 years ago, you were asleep for…"


My eyes widening at this I missed fucking three years in here what the fuck happened!

Shields seeing my eyes widening at this just grits his teeth in disgust of me as I see his fists were tightening up drawing blood, "Because of your actions 3 years ago Japan is in a whole new state of chaos… people are dying left and right villains are there to destroy as they see fit… you left the whole city to be under the rule of the Meta Liberation Army with the Japanese government with no ways to stop it."

Ok, that sounds really bad here like seriously how bad could no wait don't fuckin answer that question.

I learned my lesson with Murphy Law once not interested again.

Listening on I hear Shields talking to me with great rage and disgust in his voice as he says to me with pure hate, "Because of your actions most of the people that have quirks are being killed off by a group calling themselves the Humanize with them releasing toxic gas killing people with quirks…"

Narrowing my eyes at this I guess my absence has left this world without anyone left to take the medal of dealing with those enemies in the future becoming actual threats.

David Shields then went on to say to me that I have missed and who is in charge, "Thanks to you a villain called Nine is fighting for control of those who are strong have the right to rule and more madness happening around the country…. Tell me was it worth it making this kind of future happening."

The silence was my answer as a lot went ahead of my mind hearing the response of this bleak future without any protagonist to stop them.

Huh, I always wondered what would happen if the heroes were no more, I guess what I wanted in the form of a bleak future.

Still though tapping into my mindscape of where my darkness connects others I was immediately tackled by my girls as they responded to me, "MASTER YOU HAVE RETURNED TO US!!"

Glad to be back again now than I asked them the serious question, "Alright girls and Kurogiri give me an explanation of what happens of my absence…"

When they explained everything to me that the world of Japan has gone to shit, they literally mean to the shit fortunately they said they managed to find a secure secret location to hide for the past 3 years under the madness of villain attacks.

They managed to get Inko and Mitsuki powered up and younger again taking care of Eri while Rumi trained her to fight and defend.

Aww, my little heir grew up without me noticing now ain't that precious but this does jumble my plans by a lot now but then again they were always jumbled, to begin with.

I mean I destroyed the story of this world basically I already killed my excitement and boredom by doing this too early.

Unless I can travel otherworld's then I'm stuck here maybe in the future but for now, dealing with post-apocalyptic lawless Japan is another issue.

Returning myself to Shields looking at me waiting for an answer I replied to him in an uncaring tone, "So? As far as I'm concern it seems to me that the Japanese Government failed and how does concern me in the slightest?"

David just snapped at me with all the fury he could muster as he yells at me, "DOESN'T CONCERN YOU!!! YOU KILLED THAT COUNTRY FREEDOM AND SYMBOL OF PEACE!! YOU ROBBED PEOPLE OF JUSTICE AND FREEDOM!! YOU TOOK MY FRIEND!!!"

Giving him an uncaring look at him I replied casually as I soon began to realize that it looks like I can use my powers here, "So? That really isn't my concern as far as I know and who's the friend was it someone I killed?"

David then leaves as he left the room as I observe my cell more closely as I began to use my <Dark> absorbing the restraints and giving a new set of clothes as I wore the good old fashion black armor chest plate, coat, shoes, pants, and shirt in the process.

Ah, it's good to be back.

Using the <Foresight> quirk I look into the future to see where exactly I am as sirens were being heard throughout the whole building…


It seems to me they held me here in I-Island in hopes of studying my body for them to use any means to kill me or to subdue the rampant villains in Japan with Humanize, Nine, and the Meta Liberation Army.

Damn, that is a whole lot of problems to deal with once I get back to Japan again and meeting the girls as well, I somewhat missed them.


Shaking my head of this I see that I'm in a literal hot spot of genius scientists and their families are here for me to abuse or ransom them do my bidding.

And if I recall correctly David has a daughter named Melisa with her mind under me, I wouldn't need David for the help but brainwashing him might be easier how could I waste my resource like that.

No matter as the sirens were screeching throughout my cell I see a lot of turret guns aimed at me and robots coming out of the woodworks.

Grinning at the scene of my return I used my <Dark> quirk to the max as balls of dark energy were surrounding my hands, "Now this is the return of a demon lord I'll tell you. I already said this once but it's good to be back. Now is time to take this island as my own."