
Dark Rebirth (An ATG Fanfic)

Yang Tian, a 20-year-old university student from China died at the hands of some terrorists who had highjacked the plane he boarded. Heavenly Wolf Star God Xisu... He died due to the schemes of his lover (Qianye Ying'er). As his soul was upon the brink of destruction, he felt the existence of another foreign soul which appeared through a spatial rift. As he felt the presence of this soul, he did not hesitate to fuse his own soul to this unknown soul. After their souls were fused, another spatial rift occurred. This time, it took hold of the body of Heavenly Wolf Xisu and dropped it in Floating Cloud City. Follow Yang Tian's journey, who has been armed with Heavenly Wolf Xisu's Body and his knowledge, along with what he knew of the novel... [A/N: MC will be manipulative as heck. So if anyone got a problem with that, please don't read it. It will be annoying to delete the reviews which just say manipulative mc or whatnot. Another thing, it won't be harem from the start. It will become a harem after volume 1. ] Discord: https://discord.gg/T957e3c Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/evildragon04 (Nearly 50 chapters in advance are available on Patreon.) Warning: Yun Che will be killed early in this fanfic. And the story will follow a canon. Now... I don't want any more of retarded reviews related to this issue!

Evil_Dragon · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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288 Chs

Talk with Xiao Lingxi

After having introduced themselves, Xiao Lingxi's stomach made itself known by rumbling, indicating that she was a bit hungry.

She immediately blushed in embarrassment, and Yang Tian chuckled, "Alright, let's eat something."

Yang Tian carried a lot of beast corpses within the Sky Poison Pearl's storage. It was genuinely convenient…

He brought out some of the corpses and started to roast them.

Xiao Lingxi joined him outside soon enough. She was quite curious about this youth. She was absolutely sure that she hadn't seen him in the Floating Cloud City before.

After she ate her share of food and her stomach was satisfied, she stared at Yang Tian and asked him, "Umm… Mister Yang, why did you bring me here? If you kidnapped me, you should have at least bound me with ropes and suppressed my cultivation base. But you didn't do so… Lingxi is very confused about this."

Yang Tian continued to eat his share of food and replied neutrally, ��It's simple actually. I only brought you here for your own safety."

"For my safety?" Xiao Lingxi asked with a confused look on her face.

Yang Tian let out a sigh as he knew he would have to elaborate a bit more, "If you had remained there, Xiao Kuangyun, the youngest son of the Xiao Sect, and a perverted fool, would have tried to lay his hands on you or maybe even force himself upon you. You don't need to worry, I will naturally let you go a few days later."

"Alright… Thank you, Mister Yang." Xiao Lingxi thanked him politely. She understood that he was probably telling the truth. After all, there was no reason to lie at this point, right?

"Can I call you Lingxi? You can call me Tian in return." As he said that, Xiao Lingxi's face bloomed like a beautiful flower. She nodded her head and said, "Alright, Brother Tian."

As Yang Tian stared at her smile, he thought 'She really is a naïve girl. But her naiveness is a little refreshing, I guess…'

She then remembered her nephew and became sad.

Yang Tian noticed her sadness and sighed. He knew that she was probably thinking of Yun Che or more accurately, Xiao Che.

"Why is there such sad look on your beautiful face, Lingxi." He said with a hint of worry on his face.

"I was thinking of my nephew… He went missing a few days ago. I… I was very close to him." Her voice seemed to break while she was speaking.

"I see… That must be Xiao Che, right? I have heard that he disappeared before his marriage ceremony."

Xiao Lingxi nodded her head in affirmation and added, "Yes… I don't know why little Che disappeared like that. I am apprehensive about it."

The two remained silent for a short period. Yang Tian suddenly spoke, "I may have an idea of why he disappeared so suddenly, Lingxi."

"Really? Tell me, please!" Xiao Lingxi was quite surprised and a bit excited when she heard from Yang Tian that he might know why Xiao Che disappeared. Maybe they could 'find' him…

"I believe it was because he felt that he was too unworthy of his future wife. She was someone who had reached the Nascent Soul Realm at the age of 16 while he was someone who had broken Profound Veins and couldn't break through from 1st Level of the Elementary Profound Realm. He must have left the Xiao Clan in a search for some herbs or medicine to recover his Profound Veins." Yang Tian calmly said to Xiao Lingxi.

He noticed a hopeful glint in her eyes, and added, "But… Don't be hopeful about his survival. The fact that he had left the Xiao Clan in search of some herb or medicine to recover his Profound Veins means that he is searching for it in some mountains or some other dangerous location. After all, how could such a precious herb not be precious? He would very well lose his life before he repairs his Profound Veins."

A look of despair appeared on Xiao Lingxi's face as she said, "Noo… Not Little Che… He can't die. I… I couldn't protect him." Some tears were leaking out of her eyes.

"Your aunt was too useless… Little Che. If only I could protect you; if only I noticed the dissatisfaction in your heart, this wouldn't have happened. If you aren't in this world… I wouldn't be able to live as well…" Xiao Lingxi spoke while spears continued to spill out of her eyes.

Yang Tian calmly stared at the depressed Xiao Lingxi. He waited for some time before suddenly standing up and nearing her body.

He wipes her tears and then raises her head so that she would look him in the eye.

Yang Tian spoke with a calm tone, "I am naturally aware that you and Xiao Che were very close. However, you cannot allow yourself to fall into despair!"

"B-But… Little Che…He was my support when I was young and was bullied by others. I wanted to protect him now… but…"

"You should remember that you still have a father. Your father is old… Almost all of his family is dead except you. If you lose the will to live, you would be giving a heavy blow to your father's heart! So live! Find the will to live!" Yang Tian was rather passionate while telling her to live.

It took some time for Xiao Lingxi to calm down. She understood what he wanted to say. If she really did break down like this, her father really wouldn't be able to take it.

"I… I will live. What about you?" She asked him a bit curiously. Still a bit sad…

Yang Tian spoke after some thought, "I will be going to the Blue Wind Profound Palace and some other places, but I won't ever die. Maybe we can meet each other again…"

Xiao Lingxi was startled when she heard that Yang Tian wanted to join the Blue Wind Profound Palace. She was naturally aware of what it was. It was directly under the Blue Wind Empire; that location was somewhat like a dream place for her.

"Alright… I will try to live. For my father.. and…" She said the last few words with the voice of a mosquito.

Yang Tian frowned a little upon hearing those words. He stood up and put on a fake smile over his face before speaking, "Alright, this is becoming somewhat depressing. Let's play a game… I have a couple of those…"

I hope you have liked the chapter.

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50 chapters ahead...

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