
Dark and L system

Gokage_sensei · Kỳ huyễn
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35 Chs

Chapter 17: With Elizabeth

"Hello Elizabeth" Angela greeted with a smile and walked over to Elizabeth with open arms to give a hug. Based on how the two were smiling at each other, one could tell that their relationship was very close.

After hugging each other for a few minutes, the two separated.

"So what are you doing here? ... and who is this cute child?" Elizabeth asked after noticing the cute blue-haired standing beside Angela.

Little Maya then hid behind Angela seemingly scared of Elizabeth. Other than Angela, she didn't trust anyone.

Angela seeing this just shook her head and introduced the two of them to each other.

"This here is my new little friend, her name is Maya and Maya, this big sister you see here is Elizabeth. She was....,I mean she is m-my b-best friend and I hope the two of you can get along".

Angela then started telling Elizabeth about Maya's life in detail. And just like Angela, Elizabeth felt pity for the little girl and wanted to hug her but she controlled herself.

She also noticed something when Angela was talking about their their friendship. It was as if she wasn't sure about it and her face seemed awkward. Her being someone who grew up with Angela, she knew how Angela acts when something is wrong and now, she was absolutely sure that there was something wrong with her.

'I'll stick around and ask her later' Elizabeth thought to herself.


Maya moved away from Angela's big plump as...ahem...back and extended her small hand to Elizabeth for a handshake.

"I'm Maya and I'm 9years old"She introduced herself.

Elizabeth showed a beautiful smile and did the same, "My name is Elizabeth and I'm 17years old so call me big sister, okay"

Maya nodded her small head and the three entered the restaurant with gleeful smiles on their beautiful (and cute) faces.

The place wasn't packed so they went to a window seat which was the favorite spot of the two ladies.

"ahh, I just love the smell of this place" Angela commented while stretching her hands with a happy smile on her beautiful face.

Elizabeth just smiled and waved her hand. Soon after, a beautiful waitress came to their table with three glasses of water and a menu.

"Good morning to you, what would you like to eat? " With a beautiful and professional smile, the waitress greeted the three and handed the three menus over to them.

Elizabeth and Angela chose French fries with cola while, Maya chose strawberry flavor ice-cream since it was the most eye-catching out of all the food on her children's menu.

"Thank you for buying me a lot of this food big sister Angela" Maya thanked Angela with teary eyes. This was her first time eating ice-cream and the taste was otherworldly to her. This made her very emotional that she even started crying as she ate making the two ladies feel like protecting her and buying her all the goodies in the world.

"Please don't cry, if you continue, you will make big sister cry too" Angela's eyes turned moist and she started to pat the small girls head with affection.

Women's hearts have always been soft and, at the moment, the two ladies were even considering to adopt little Maya despite being single which can make one question 'how?', well, the answer is that the two ladies always chase every guy who tries to pursue them regardless of their status.

As the three were busy eating, Angela suddenly remembered something and hurriedly switched on her phone.


She jerked off her seat upon seeing the time surprising Elizabeth and Maya.

"What's wrong Angela?" Elizabeth asked worriedly after seeing the look of terror on her best friends face.

"W-well... a ser-serious problem c-came up and I n-need to go" Angela answered while packing all her stuff with haste. 'I only have an hour before my freedom time runs out, he might kill me if I arrive even a minute late'. Mike had left such an impression of himself in Angela's mind. She totally believes that he is the type of person who kills if annoyed.

After packing all her stuff, she then wanted to leave but Elizabeth grabbed her hand stopping her from leaving "why don't you just tell me what's going on? I know that there is something big other than your family's treatment" Elizabeth looked at her with a serious face. She had already figured out that something was wrong since the time they met at the restaurant door and kept her silence, but, after seeing her reaction this time, she couldn't just dismiss it and decided to ask.

"I-I think its best you don't get involved Liz, I do not want to trouble you"

"Trouble me my big a*s, we have been friends since childhood and always shared our problems but now that you have grown some titties, you think you can do everything by yourself?"Elizabeth snapped when Angela refused to tell her what she was going through giving pety excuses.

Angela didn't know how to say it, she couldn't just say that she sold herself to a man for money and was given a little bit of time to live her freedom. Despite having the words in her mouth, questions like 'what will she think of me after knowing' kept her toungue tied. She only looked down and kept mum which further increased Elizabeth's anger and curiosity.

"Is it really that bad?"

Angela knowing that the girl in front of her was not gonna let the matter go anytime soon decided to tell the truth. "Actually, I kinda sold myself to....."

"WHAT!?" Elizabeth exclaimed with disbelief on her face. She couldn't believe what she heard. "Angela, please don't joke with me, I need to know the problem so that I can help" Elizabeth had heard what Angela said but her mind was still in denial. In fact, she didn't even want to believe it.

Seeing the look of disbelief on her friends face, Angela felt a pinch in her heart but she could not change it and, even if she were to go back in time, she would still do the same. Her family was too precious to her that she couldn't bear to see them die, especially, when she had an opportunity to do something even if it meant losing her own life.

She then calmed her feelings and look at Elizabeth with a firm expression and said to her:

"It's true, that's my life now"

With that said, she started walking to the exit of the restaurant. Elizabeth just stayed silent, she was speechless and didn't even know what to say or do.

Although slavery was banned and she could just go and report the person who is practical in it, she couldn't ignore the fact that the person who bought her payed a whooping price of $1.5Billion. Even the most beautiful woman in the country couldn't be bought with such a sky high price.

Moreover, buying a slave at such a crazy price meant that the person was super powerful and rich and she didn't want to do something only to fail and get her family implicated when he takes his revenge.


Angela was just about to leave the restaurant when she felt a small hand grabbing hers. She turned around and looked at who it was and saw little Maya who was dragging the big bags filled with clothes they had bought and the the other small hand holding hers like she didn't want to let go.

She then patted the small girl's head and asked"Where did you live before I met you?, so that I can take you"

"I live under the Boabab tree". Little Maya then replied with a sad face looking at the floor. She didn't want to be left alone but she could not voice it out.

As if God had heard her wish, she was suddenly lifted by Angela's tender hands. She was surprised and looked at Angela and saw tears running down her beautiful face spoiling her makeup.

"I won't leave you alone, I'll take you with me"

Elizabeth who was still in a trance, suddenly revived when she heard Angela's words.

"Angela, I know you have good intentions for little Maya but will 'that' person allow it?"

Angela turned to look at Elizabeth and saw guilt and helplessness on her face but she understood her and the reason why she couldn't land her a hand in her plee.

"Well, I'll just cross that bridge when I get there" She answered with a smile, but still, she could not fool Elizabeth with it. She was seen through and read like a book.

She then walked out of the restaurant with Maya leaving Elizabeth by herself lost in thought.

"Although, I can't risk getting my family and those close to me implicated, I can still do it in the shadows. Wait for me, I'm coming to save you from whoever that devil is"



"Who is talking about me?" Mike asked in his head. He was planning on going to Elizabeth's house to do a kidnapping but he felt lazy and just wanted his new slave to arrive so that he would fuc.... ahem!... make her do her duties.

After a little while, his spirit sense detected two people standing at his door. One familiar woman and a little girl. "now what?, I'll just chase the little girl away and rip that woman's clothes". He left his bedroom and went to the dining with inhuman speed.

Upon reaching the room, he sat on the sofa and put on a displeased expression for reasons only he knew.


The door opened and Angela along with Maya walked in.


Elizabeth opened the door and walked inside the house. She did breathing exercises to calm her anxious heart and it worked a little

However, it all came back when she saw Mik..no..her master seated in the room with a displeased look on his face.

"G-Good morning m-master"