
Dark and L system

Gokage_sensei · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter 16: Little Maya


Alex had just woken up from his sleep looking haggard with his hair all over his face which was surprising cause he had just cut it a few days ago.

He got off the bed and went to the bathroom but on his way there, he didn't forget to check the time and was surprised to find out that he had slept for more than seven hours which was not like him at all. Usually, he would just nap for 3 to 5 hours at best but has never crossed that limit.

'Maybe I was just too tired' He didn't put much thought into it and went to the bathroom where he washed every crook and cranny on his athletic body.

"Maybe I should get some servants to wash me, the system store has them. Let's see" He thought as he went through the system's shop.

After scrolling for a few seconds, he finally stopped on the 'servants' category and almost puked blood when he saw the price of the cheapest one.


Level: 99+

(Further stats can only be seen after purchase)

RACE: Human(female)


Description :Sweet, cute, shy, good cook, good cleaner, clumsy bedwarmer(warning, she might make you a useless man if not careful), good at giving baths too*wink*.

POINTS FOR PURCHASE: 999 000 dark points(cheap right *wink*).


"Like hell I'm gonna buy that! , I bet whoever set that price never gets any customers" Mike thought in contempt as he dried himself. His mood was ruined seeing the price of the so called 'cheapest servant'.

Although dark points were easy to earn, raising the required amount was really tough as it would require him to fight at least fifty 'D' ranked beasts which was very tough considering his current power.

Moreover, who would want to waste all of their effort on buying a maid with such an exorbitant price when one can easily find one for a cheap price or even taking a homeless girl in in exchange for her services.

'Plus, I also have that new slave' Mike thought with grin on his handsome face.


"Miss Angela, you can also go with them if you like" A middle aged doctor said to the beautiful woman who was looking at several people on hospital beds with tears in her eyes. She looked like a heroine who had to part with her family for the sake of saving the world.

"I won't be able to go with them, doctor" She answered with a firm voice and the expression on her face was that of someone who couldn't be convinced otherwise.

The doctor seeing the young woman refusing his offer sighed in defeat. After seeing her expression which seemed to hide her sorrow and helplessness, he knew that she had something big to handle.

"OK, but if you change your mind, you can go and visit them at the xxx hospital. All you have to do is show this card and your id and they will let you in" The doctor handed a white card to Angela and she accepted it but she knew that it was impossible for her to do that especially after what Mike had said to her before she left.... 'from now on, you no longer have a family or friends. Your life will no longer be different from a dog's. Your fate is now in my hands'.

She knew that there was no such thing as free lunch in the world. One has to pay a price for everything. Sometimes, even love itself can be given at a price what more money.

After accepting the card, Angela walked out of the hospital. Her eye bags were black due to lack of sleep. She had stayed up all night talking to her unconscious family telling them about how hard things have been for a 25year old like herself. She knew that her words couldn't reach them but she had to release the burden somehow.

"I still have 12 hours before my freedom time is depleted, maybe I can just catch a plane and leave this country and go somewhere like Africa, he would never suspect it" Angela thought. She didn't know why but her head suddenly started hurting like it was telling her that it opposes the idea.

She then smiled and shook her head, "I can't be ungrateful to someone who forked out such an amount to buy me, rather, I should be grateful for it and follow his orders without question like he said. Even if he sells my body to men. Its not like that amount will come back from selling my body even if he does it for years"

Angela knowing the concept of gratefulness banished the thought of escaping and decided to embrace whatever comes her way. Whether it will be a fate whispered by the devil or that written by the god of mercy, she will live it.

As she was walking, she spotted a little girl suspiciously looking around like a thief. After seeing no-one, the little girl then started walking towards an alleyway not knowing that she was being followed.

Angela followed the suspicious little girl into the alley. 'what is a small girl like her doing in a place like this?' She wondered.

She then saw the little girl stop in front of a trash can and wondered what she would want from there. The little girl then opened the can and on her face, a cute smile which made Angela want to hug her bloomed. She looked happy for some reason.

"Did bullies bully her and throw her doll in that trash can?" Angela started thinking of a possible reason making the girl smile like a fairy who has found a mountain of pixie-dust. "Judging from her dirty and tattered clothes, she might be a victim of bullying"


The smiling little girl was smiling happily without knowing that she was being watched. 'Finally, I can eat after 3days without food' The girl thought as her green eyes shone with excitement. She then reached her small hand into the trash can which was the same height as her. She pulled out a rotten half cabbage with unnatural green on it left by moth. Flies and mosquito started biting he small hand as is if punishing her for stealing their food but the girl was so hungry that she ignored them as if used to it and brought the cabbage to her small mouth with a clear intention of eating it.



Angela was really curious about the little girl's intentions and kept on watching her. She saw the girl reaching into the can and pulling out a rotten cabbage and wondered what she wanted to do with it. But when she saw her raising it to her mouth, she yelled for the girl to stop and dashed towards her.

The girl was frightened by the sudden voice and threw the cabbage in the air. Her expression was filled with fear.

She looked back and saw a well beautiful well dressed woman running to her with a face full of worry and panic. This was her first time seeing such an expression or to be more specific, it was her first time being the target of it. She had only seen mothers looking at their children like that and all she ever got was scorn and beatings whenever she got close to a person.

"what are you doing?" The beautiful lady asked with a concerned voice making the little girl unsure of how to react. She looked down and tears started to flow down her cheeks. *sniff*

Elizabeth looked at the pitiful small girl and her soft heart felt pricks as if being stabbed by a thousand needles. She then pulled her into her embrace and started showering her small face with kisses like a mother who had just found her daughter after long.

The little girl was frightened at first but after feeling the alien warmth from the hug which made her feel secure and loved, she couldn't hold herself back and started crying without restriction. "Waaaaa

! ..... Waaaaa! ... Waaaa!"

"There... There" Angela comforted the girl patting her back.

After 20 minutes, the girl calmed down and looked into Angela's eyes which looked at her with love and affection. She then looked at her clothes and saw dirt and wetness caused by her tears. Upon seeing that, she panicked and knelt on the ground to apologise.

"I'm so sorry for staining your clothes, please don't kill me" She spoke in a begging tone.

Angela was surprised by her. "Why would a child talk like that?. She must've encountered a similar situation in the past and was threatened"

"Get up, don't worry about my clothes"

The little girl looked up at Angela with a scared look and obediently stood up with her gaze on the ground.

"What is your name?" Angela asked.

"Maya" Answered the girl.

"Maya huh, why were you eating from a bin? . Don't you know that you'll get sick and your parents will be sad if you do. Do you want them to be worried?"

Maya looked sad and her face contorted into that of hate, something that should never be seen on the face of a 9year old." Mommy told me that she would get married and left me"

Angela looked at the girl with pity "What about your dad?" She inquired.

"Daddy told me that he was gonna get some milk but never returned" with a sad face, she answered.

"Ohh, I'm so sorry. How about going to the xxx store and I'll buy you some clothes and food" Angela said after seeing the girl's expression which was getting uglier by the second.

Maya's face changed into that of excitement and nodded immediately. Angela seeing the cute girl nodding immediately carried her and started walking.

Although Maya was a little nervous, she enjoyed the warmth of being carried by a big breas..*cough*...strong sister. The feeling was heavenly and alien to her but the warmth it provided was otherworldly that she fell asleep after 3minutes.

Angela noticed it and smiled "So cute"


After walking for 20 minutes, Angela arrived at the clothes shop and woke Maya up.

The small girl felt like she had entered paradise when she saw the beautiful dresses hanged on the hangers of the shop. She started running around in excitement touching several dresses.

The staff was kinda annoyed by her touching the clothes but seeing Angela who dressed in expensive brands, they didn't do anything as they did not want to offend anyone with high social status. They knew of several young jerks who would get angry if one even dares to breath on them. They would go as far as killing you and your whole family for such a trivial thing.

Angela saw the uncomfortable looks on the staff's faces and bought all the dresses touched by little Maya. The money she had used to pay for the hospital fees for her family was all from Mike so she still had a couple of millions of her own with her.

"Do I look cute in this dress!?" Maya excitedly asked as she showed off the green dress she was wearing to Angela.

"Silly girl, you look cute with anything" Angela praised with stars in her eyes.

The staff seeing this just smiled and packed the clothes for them.

"Thank you for the purchase and please come again" The staff bid farewell to their customers.

"Let's go to that restaurant to eat" Angela said pointing at a restaurant in their front.

"Yay!" Maya cheered. She now wasn't afraid of Angela after she was bought a lot of dresses by her.

"Is that you Angela?"

As the two were about to enter the restaurant, a female voice spoke behind them. They turned around to look and saw a tall and slender lady nearly 1.27metres tall strutted in a pair of heels.

She was wearing transparent box shaped glasses, making her face beautiful, a thin nose and thin luscious lips which would drive men crazy, Her hair was light purple in color complementing her beautiful loose 2piece dress which failed to hide the curvaceous body within.

"Hello Elizabeth"