
Danmachi with friends

This is my first time ever writing and doing so to help with lockdown boredom, hope you enjoy Danmachi fanfiction about a group of 4 friends who have been reincarnated while a very unique group the four are all looking forward to their new journey and lives. What will be in store for the new teenagers in this world and will the dungeon be all they had imagined... As stated from being a fan-fic I do not own any of the characters from Danmachi they all belong to their original owners and a few characters will be my own that I have created

SiorcTalun · Tranh châm biếm
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8 Chs

Chapter 3-The Guild

After speeding through the town, the four eventually arrived at the guild building, even from the outside they could feel the bustling atmosphere from inside due to the staff and adventurers alike busying themselves. Walking inside they were greeted by the view of a few counters for adventurers to talk to the main staff as well as a few crystals to Valis counters and a hallway that leads to back rooms for more private interactions. The adventurers inside were either using these facilities or socialising with others in the sitting area of the guild talking about a multitude of things from the dungeon to monsters to weekend plans. Logar took the initiative to step forward leading the group towards the counter for new arrivals and new adventurers, upon reaching the counter the four were greeted by a woman with pink hair and eyes who introduced herself as Misha Flott before asking "What can I help you four with today" glancing now at the three behind Logar. Once again taking the lead, Logar introduced himself and the other 3 "I'm Logar Bloodmane, these are my friends; Nereus Felagi, Arina Delaney and Vargr Voxtr we are all 17 and brand new to the city, so got sent here by the head guard saying we could get our ID and guild sign up done here" before proceeding to remove the guards slip from his pocket and present it to her while looking unsure "The head guard said to give this to you to help with the process?", Upon seeing the slip the look on Misha's face eased, now knowing the process wouldn't be as tiring as before, due to the slip stating that the guard can vouch for us if the time comes and trouble is caused. From her face the four could see this but also that the guard seems to do this on the odd occasion and so the guild has probably grown used to such occasions. " Okay so it will take a little bit for your ID's and so I can see you have a cat folk, werewolf, half-elf and cow man" much to Logars dismay at this statement he nodded as now wasn't the time for his disapproval about the statement, though the change of look wasn't missed by Misha she ignored it as nothing was said by Logar himself and received as nod from the four clarifying this.

"So now that your IDs are being made up out the back let's get to your registry with the guild, have you four received any blessings before?" Logar once again spoke for the group "No we are brand new adventurers and haven't received a blessing before, we were sure that would not be an issue here correct?" to which Misha smiled back and assured the four "Of Course not we just need to be sure of where you are at in level's to help with finding a Familia to join, but being fresh level one's is no issue at all, so I will register you four as the fresh level one adventurers". The group let out a breath of relief seeing that there would be no issues signing up for the guild like they had hoped. Misha then proceeded to reach below the counter and remove four daggers and four sets of light armour "This is the basic gear the guild gives to all new adventurers, although I see you each carry a weapon a dagger will never hurt and even if you all don't want to wear the armour we would recommend you take them in case you change your mind or find you need them" the four took the armour and dagger with a thank you making sure not to reject any help that they could receive as they really didn't know how the dungeon would really be after all. "Now down to Familia, did you guys have any prearrangement for where you would be going?" receiving a very clear shaking of heads from the group Misha continued "okay then, well we will read through the list of Familia that may take you in '' however as she said so she was cut off in a respectful way by Vargr "Sorry to interrupt, however is it possible to register a meeting with Loki at all, although we know she normally only accepts level 2 adventurers we have some belief that we could convince her to accept the four of us before we go looking for any other Familia's". Shocked almost by the statement before regathering herself Misha proceeded "Sure we can get a hold of her, a message may be helpful to convince her to agree to this as she is a very busy woman, any suggestions." Vargr now smirking and taking a more confident approach in his words "Tell her that the request is from a group of four adventures; not one and that we have a few tricks that a goddess such as herself would regret not taking advantage of in the future." Taking a minute Misha finally responded with a peaked interest "I'll see what I can do." The four responded with a "Thank you, "which (although simple) seemed to earn a smile from Misha before she walked off towards the back of the building. Returning after a few minutes, she informed the group "It will take a few hours to a few days for a reply so take these" handing over four identifications with their names age and race along with how they now live in Orario and temporary contact is the head guard "I'd recommend going to explore or just sitting around and resting as you seem to have been travelling for a few days" inferring from their backpacks and slightly tired gazes in the groups eyes, once again saying thank you the four turn around and started to walk away from the counter.

The four started to explore the guild building a bit more to ensure that they are fully prepared for their first dungeon delve. The first part of the guild they went to was the Valis counter: here Logar asked the staff to coin the amount that they had on them to ensure that they knew exactly how the coins work. After a few moments of counting in front of the four the staff member informed them that they had 5,000 valis. This money -from what they remember- would be enough to get them a few rooms and a few meals before adventuring and being able to make an income for themselves. Thanking the unnamed god in their heads for this thoughtfulness in not leaving them penniless in this new world, the group headed out.