
Danmachi with friends

This is my first time ever writing and doing so to help with lockdown boredom, hope you enjoy Danmachi fanfiction about a group of 4 friends who have been reincarnated while a very unique group the four are all looking forward to their new journey and lives. What will be in store for the new teenagers in this world and will the dungeon be all they had imagined... As stated from being a fan-fic I do not own any of the characters from Danmachi they all belong to their original owners and a few characters will be my own that I have created

SiorcTalun · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 4- The Hostess Of Fertility

The familiar noise of Logars stomach rumbling interrupted the group's exploration as they all looked at him with a smirk when Nereus said "Guess we need to feed the big guy again, I don't know about you guys, but I could do with something to eat as well." This prompted enthusiastic nods from the group as they turned around to set out towards The Hostess of Fertility: a tavern that they had all seen in the anime and wanted to visit upon arriving in Orario. Not only was the food incredibly good looking from memory but they could even book a room until they hear back from the guild about the Loki Familia's response. The perfect temporary refuge.

The Hostess of Fertility was in a south easterly direction from the guild and the group decided they wanted to walk. Moving at their own pace made a nice change from a day's worth of rushing to the guild and then around Orario to hunt down the best views of the city before dinner. Enjoying the change of tempo, the four finally found themselves on the cobbled street in front of a swinging, wooden sign which read: 'The Hostess of Fertility'. Even from outside their mouths watered: the smell of fresh baked goods was tantalizing after all those days of travel surviving on basic rations. While still grateful for having received said rations they just could not live up to the quality of freshly baked bread, buns, and meat. Filtering into the street, the sounds of chatting, singing and laughter reached the group beckoning them into the warm atmosphere of the best tavern in town. The four of them stepped inside. Although mentally prepared from the feeling they received outside, the ambience inside still hit them hard, requiring a moment to take in all the faces, decorations, smells and noise. This bombardment of the senses wrapped the new arrivals with a feeling of welcome like a cosy blanket of hospitality provided to all those looking to spend some coin.

Heading towards a small, empty, four person table near the back the group indulged in the variety of ongoing conversations that surrounded them: a party to their left celebrated a prosperous day in the dungeon with a zealous 'cheers'; a pair of contrasting Amazonians giggled together in one corner and a number of groups seemed to be crafting battle plans with a great deal of enthusiasm. There was no lack of diversity in this establishment, but all who found sanctuary here enjoyed their time and meals just the same. After being seated the four looked through the menu for a while before the table was approached by a green eyed, black haired, cat girl who was adorned in the establishment's uniform. Coming over she introduced herself with a bright smile and a mischievous look in her eye "what can I do for you four today? Oh, and the name is Chloe by the way, meow."

Logar -who looked like he could not wait any longer- spoke without hesitation stating their order "Umm I think we'll all take the pasta and some meat... oh and also an ale, two waters and a wine." "Sure thing, meow" Chloe took note of the order on her pad before looking at the four once again, "you seem to be new in town? Meow and a rather unique group having a half elf, cat folk, werewolf and a rather uncommon cow man-" pausing for a moment to ponder on this unusual group, she continued "well new people mean more stories!" Chloe's grin grew impossibly more merry as she looked the four newcomers in the eyes "and orders... meow your food will be with you soon." She turned and somewhat skipped back to the counter to pass on the order to Mia who prepared food and drinks for the other patrons. Without much delay, Vargr turned to Nereus before -in a fit of laughter- announcing "I think you should try saying meow more often in sentences too, you'd fit right in 'round here!" The comment while overall not loud caught the attention of Chloe who chuckled as she moved. This display of an impressive and unexpected level of hearing went unnoticed only by Logar who seemed too preoccupied with his own laughter and the piping hot food at other tables. He followed a platter of roasted meats with gluttonous eyes and a mouth full of drool as it was set down on the table opposite. With a deadpan expression Nereus retorted "You are so funny, I would not and will never meow in a sentence, especially in front of you...even for money" he glared at Arina who retrieved the coin she had slid across the table. More laughter broke out among the four. After a few minutes of small talk and further back and forth between themselves, Chloe returned with food and drinks piled in her hands, weaving effortlessly between tables and patrons of the inn. The four found themselves once again impressed by the skill of their cat folk waitress who made the necessary manoeuvres to avoid trouble in the commotion; after all The Hostess Of Fertility was considered a place you should not disrupt. However, all such thoughts quickly disappeared when the group was presented with their food and drink which (after their time spent travelling living on rations) was just too tempting to not instantly dig in. With a smile of satisfaction and a nod of appreciation from Vargr Chloe decided to leave the group in peace to enjoy their very much needed meal.

After a few minutes of purely digging into the meals and filling their stomachs with such good food everyone looked much happier and healthier. With a smile, Vargr was the first to speak up "I do not know about you three, but I feel like I want to take a shot at the first dungeon floor tomorrow. I'm going to go pay for our food and book some rooms." Arina chimed in, "Yes a warm soft bed sounds perfect right now and with the early start ahead I think I'll sleep now as well, although make sure to get two rooms I need a break from all the snoring." Vargr offered a response rather quickly "Of Course of course." Following Vargr's departure the three started to gather themselves and head over as well. Vargr walked to the bar where he was met with the famous Mia, the owner of the restaurant whose figure was as imposing as the rumours suggested. Mia quickly addressed the new customer at the bar "How can I help you then lad?" Vargr began to reach for his bag, "I'm here to pay the bill for the food and see about two rooms for three nights." Mia examined him intensely for a moment then cast a glance past his shoulder over to the others. "New here?" she questioned, raising an eyebrow. Vargr nodded. "The meal was 1300 Valis and the rooms will set you back about 2000... seeing as you're new and seem like you won't cause trouble." The terms were quickly agreed to. With keys and money exchanged the group assembled then headed upstairs to their first proper if temporary housing in this new world. Each one of them quickly fell asleep with anticipation for the long morning ahead and excitement for their first dungeon delve whirring in their heads. Heavy breaths and soft snores (Some not so soft) filled the air as the group settled down for their first real night in Orario.