
Danmachi: The White Heron Princess

After a fatal hit-and-run accident, Hiroki Yamamoto, a diligent university student, is granted a second chance at life, but in an unexpected twist. He finds himself reincarnated as a noble girl in the fantastical world of Danmachi, where God and Goddess walk among men.

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25 Chs

Unwanted Visitors of One's Bright Future

[Third POV, earlier]

As Ayaka hurried towards the estate upon hearing the news about her mother, Ayato tried to follow his sister, calling out to her in concern.

"Hey, wait up, Ayaka!"

However, their father, Akihiko, intercepted him, wearing a firm yet understanding expression as he blocked his son's path.

"Ayato, let her be for now."

Pausing for a moment, Ayato struggled with conflicting emotions, torn between his worry for his sister and his father's instruction. Thus, he decided to plead with Akihiko.

"But Father, shouldn't we check on Mother too? What if something went seriously wrong?"

With a sigh, their father softened, understanding his son's apprehension.

"I understand your concern, Ayato, but let's allow your sister to see your mother on her own for now. Besides, as I said, our family physician was attending her."

Reluctantly, Ayato nodded, accepting his father's reasoning, though his worry for his mother and sister weighed heavily on his mind.


"Good. Now, with that aside, I wanted to tell you something important."

Interested by his father's words, Ayato's curiosity was piqued as he awaited the revelation.

"What is it, Father?"

"You see, I've been the Head of the Kamisato Clan for several decades, so much so that I've lost count of how many relatives I've seen pass on."

His statement left Ayato nervous, realizing the weight of responsibility his father carried as the head of their prestigious clan. However, he pondered on the meaning of this information.

"And why are you telling me this?"

Akihiko closed his eyes briefly before responding to his son's question.

"I believe it's almost time for me to retire from my position as the leader of the clan and pass it on to you."

Ayato's heart skipped a beat at his father's words, the magnitude of the responsibility ahead weighing heavily on his shoulders. However, he felt a sense of honor and duty knowing that his father trusted him with such a crucial role in their family's legacy. Thus, he bowed to him, making a solemn vow.

"I won't let you down, Father. The future of the Kamisato lineage will be in good hands."

With those remarks, Akihiko nodded in acknowledgment, a proud smile gracing his lips at his son's resolution and commitment.


As the father and son continued to discuss the future of the clan, they were interrupted by an unexpected disturbance.

Clap... clap... clap...

"Well, well, well, what do we have here? Is the head of the clan bonding with his son?"

The sound of slow clapping accompanied by a mocking voice echoed towards them, drawing their attention to the entrance of the estate. The dup then turned towards the source, taken aback by the unexpected visitor.

"Lord Sanjourno?! What are you doing here?" 

The person in question was none other than the fox noble Kyosuke Sanjourno. He advanced towards the estate with a confident smirk, his gaze filled with mischief.

"Oh, Mister Akihiko. I was merely visiting your home, or should I say, we."

His cryptic statement puzzled the father and son, who exchanged perplexed glances as they tried to decipher its meaning. However, they soon sensed a presence hiding nearby, shifting their attention to a shaded area of the entrance wall.

"It seems they finally noticed my presence. Oh well, so much for hiding in plain sight." 

Suddenly, a man emerged from the shadows whose identity was shrouded with enigma. He wore a Buddhist monk attire and a half-mask covering his face.

"And who are you supposed to be?" Akihiko questioned cautiously, placing himself in front of Ayato to protect him from the mysterious stranger.

In response, the man stepped forward and bowed graciously before replying, "Please, simply refer to me as the Doctor. As for my purpose, let's just say I'm here to remedy a sick patient in this estate."

Hearing those words, Akihiko arched a skeptical eyebrow, his suspicion evident in his tone as he addressed the outsider.

"We already have a physician attending to my sick wife, Kamisato Kayo. So, your treatment is not needed, Doctor."

The Doctor's obscured face betrayed no emotion upon hearing Akihiko's response. However, he calmly persisted, expecting the clan head's favor.

"Oh, I'm not here to offer traditional treatment, Lord Akihiko. My methods are... a bit special, though highly effective if you allow me."

Akihiko was bothered by the man's proposal, uncertain if he could trust his methods or not.

"I'm meaning to ask this, but... How did you know that my mother was ill? That information is considered unknown to the general public."

Suddenly, Ayato voiced out his suspicion, his eyes narrowing as he observed the Doctor with a mixture of curiosity and wariness.

The Doctor paused, considering his response carefully. However, Kyosuke, quick on his feet, attempted to deflect the question.

"Well, you know how gossip spreads like wildfire, especially in noble circles. You might say that words somehow reached the Doctor's ears."

With that explanation, Akihiko was somewhat convinced. Yet, Ayato doubted this as fact, his instincts telling him that there was more to the man's presence than mere coincidence.


While the tense conversation unfolded, another presence made itself known, emerging from within the estate.

"What's going on, Master Kamisato?"

All eyes turned towards the source of the voice, where they found a green-haired teenage girl approaching the group. It was Shinobu, and her gaze observed the ongoing event at the entrance gate.

"Ah, Shinobu, great timing. Come over here, and help us with this predicament."

Akihiko called out to her, acknowledging her presence with a nod of appreciation. Shinobu's expression remained calm, though a hint of interest flashed in her purple eyes as she strode forward to join the group.

"What seems to be the problem here?" 

"Well, you see, we have a difficult time trusting this fellow over here."

Listening to Akihiko's statement, Shinobu took notice of the anonymous face of the masked man across them. She analyzed him carefully, her perceptive observation skills allowing her to assess the situation quickly.

"You weren't from around here, were you? Because if you were, I would have recognized you from the bunch of professional personnel in the area."

Shinobu's observation took the doctor by surprise. His composure faltered for a moment, but he quickly regained his calm facade, maintaining his mysterious demeanor.

"Ah, well, you see, Miss Shinobu, I'm just a wandering doctor passing through, offering my services where needed. As for my medical qualifications, they may not be conventional, but rest assured, I have the expertise required to assist."

The doctor's response sounded compelling, but Shinobu remained unfazed since she noticed that the exchange was rehearsed. Therefore, she continued to investigate him, her intuition telling her that there was something wrong with this stranger.

"You say that you're a doctor, but we haven't heard you telling us your name," Shinobu noted, wanting to learn about the man's identity.

Bothered by the question, the Doctor couldn't help but chuckle before responding, "Ah, my apologies. My name is a matter of confidentiality, you see. But rest assured, my capabilities and intentions are genuine."

Shinobu furrowed her brow, seemingly unconvinced by the lies. Her suspicion heightened as she observed the masked man's demeanor, sensing deception lingering beneath his serene exterior. Thus, she decided to voice her judgment to end this once and for all.

"I'm sorry, but we couldn't trust someone like you."

"Oh? And why is that?"

"Given all of the information you have provided us, I could tell you're trying to deceive us into believing you're here to remedy people. Also, your background is full of holes which was hard to overlook. Therefore, until you can provide solid evidence of your credibility, I'm afraid we'll have to ask you to leave."

The doctor's facade cracked slightly, revealing a hint of frustration at being caught in an act of deception. However, before he could respond, Kyosuke intervened, his sly grin widening as he addressed the green-haired girl.

"Now, now, Miss Shinobu, there's no need to be so harsh on him. After all, a little skepticism is unhealthy, so let's not jump to conclusions just yet. Perhaps we can discuss this matter further over tea?"

His proposal hung in the air, causing Shinobu to glare at him suspiciously. She also doubted the fox noble's intention given his previous blunder the other day.

"As for you, Lord Sanjourno, unless you have a valid reason to be here other than escorting this man to the Kamisato estate, we kindly request that you leave as well."


Suddenly, the Doctor's laughter echoed ominously, sending chills down everyone's spine as Shinobu placed her grip on her sword, preparing for whatever might happen next.

"What's so funny?"

"Ah... So bothersome... To think someone could manage to see through one's intentions... It's vexing beyond belief... Oh well, onwards to the next plan."


With a snap of his finger, the entire sky abruptly darkened. A mysterious sensation of danger filled the air. Not only that, but a new figure appeared nearby.


Akihiko and Ayato exchanged incredulous glances, stunned by the unexpected revelation of the Doctor's true nature. They hadn't anticipated such a dramatic turn of events, especially after Shinobu exposed the deception.

Shinobu, her instincts proven right, remained composed despite the escalating tension. She tightened her grip on her sword, ready to defend herself and her employers if necessary.

Kyosuke, on the other hand, seemed unperturbed by the unfolding disarray, his shrewd grin widening as he observed the group's reactions.

"Well, well, it seems the cat's out of the bag now, isn't it? Honestly, it's rather bothersome to realize the Thunder Goddess left a member of her Familia just to thwart our plan."

His comment hung heavily in the air, his tone dripping with contempt as he addressed the group. Shinobu's eyes narrowed at the mention of the Thunder Goddess, her mind racing to understand the implications of Kyosuke's words.

"Lord Sanjourno, what's the meaning of this?" Akihiko demanded firmly, his voice laced with disbelief as he confronted the fox noble.

Kyosuke merely chuckled in response, his amusement evident as he regarded Akihiko with a mischievous gleam in his eyes.

"Oh, nothing too complicated, Lord Kamisato. Let's just say that I wasn't pleased about what happened the previous night. But don't worry, this will be over before you know it."

Alarmed by his cavalier attitude, the trio warily looked around, noticing the darkened sky and the ominous presence closing in.

Thump... Thump... Thump...

The heavy footsteps drew their attention to the entrance, where the three people were met with a shocking sight.

"Y-your Excellency?!" Shinobu gasped, her disbelief evident in her voice.

Her shock was justified when the Thunder Goddess herself unexpectedly emerged at the entrance gate. Akihiko also widened his eyes upon seeing her, leaving him apprehensive about the current situation.

"That's right, your revered Goddess now stands with me," Kyosuke remarked, relishing the shock on their faces.

However, Ayato noticed something peculiar about her—she was clad in heavy armor, a stark departure from her usual appearance. Not only that, but he observed the Goddess's unusual demeanor. Her empty expression disturbed him, raising questions about her current fidelity and motives.

"Hold on, how would we know if that's the real Raiden?" Ayato asked suspiciously.

Kyosuke's smirk widened, his eyes gleaming with a cunning glint as he replied, "Oh, you'll just have to take my word for it, won't you? But trust me, she's as real as they come."

No, we won't believe you. Her Excellency wouldn't come here without notifying us," asserted Akihiko, refusing to agree with the fox noble's words.

Shinobu nodded, acknowledging the lord's remark. "Come to think of it, the war against the monster hasn't finished yet. Also, Captain Sara and Lady Miko were nowhere to be found. In conclusion, that's undoubtedly an imposter."

With those words, Kyosuke was fuming with annoyance. It seems his attempt to deceive the people of the estate with the fake Raiden had backfired.

"I suppose that plan was a disappointment as well, so typical..."

A voice resounded behind the entrance wall and another figure came out, which was none other than Kunikuzushi. It was clear that he had orchestrated the counterfeit Raiden, evident by the thin threads connecting to each of his fingers and the deity.


As the third adversary makes their appearance, it becomes glaringly evident to Akihiko that he can no longer trust these visitors. His stance stiffens, and his expression turns stern as he regards the trio with a mixture of suspicion and resolve.

"Enough with these games. Your intentions are clear, and they are not welcome here. Leave this estate at once," he commands, his voice unwavering despite the escalating tension.

Behind him, Shinobu and Ayato stand ready, their allegiance to the clan head evident in their unwavering support. However, despite Akihiko's warning, the three intruders remain unfazed, maintaining their composed demeanor.

Kyosuke chuckles malevolently before responding, "Oh, Lord Kamisato, you do know it's not that simple. We've come so far just to be deterred by a little resistance, so I'm afraid I have to decline your request."

Upon hearing those ominous words, Akihiko becomes profoundly concerned about his clan's future, anticipating an unwelcome consequence in their predicament. However, he refuses to back down, knowing there will be hope as long as they stand united against the threat.

With a steely gaze, he braces himself for whatever may come next, determined to protect his family and their precious legacy at all costs.

I know it's too long, but bare with me

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