

I knew how easy my joystick will slide into her, her sweet hole was already dripping sweet juice on me and she did all of this. Now I resulted to using my powers, yes, I had to result to using my powers, it wasn't like I have any option. It was a matter of: Use my powered and let everyone see who I am, or stay and watch that demon bring out my joystick in public and slide it into her canal gland.

"Aargrrrh!!!" This was her shout when I used my power to push her out from my body, everyone was shocked and terrified, they all ran backwards go a safer distance go watch, even the two bouncers, they all ran backwards when they saw the ball of fire come out of my hand to knock Jennifer or the possessed Jennifer down. Looking around, I saw the fear in eyes of all the people in the hall, I turned to Cynthia and she nodded to me, the nodding gesture actually meant continue. It actually meant a lot to me as it helped to boost my moral.

"No, you can't be doing this. How is this even possible?" The creature cried out from within jennifer?

"That is none of your business, what you should be concerned about is your destruction, but i will give you an option, it is either you leave this body pracfully and go back into whatsoever evil place you came from, or remain there and face destruction." So I said to it, but the creature was a flvery shy one, she just can't see herself coming outbof the body while others watch, that means her exposing ther ugly looks, you know that was on reason why they often chose the prettiest and sexiest body to posess, also because they need a girl who is a more irresistible than anyother.

"No! Hell no, I can come out of this body, I have been living here for a very long time, this is my home now, I shall not and will never leave this home where I find this much comfort." So it said, as it stood up chargingbfor a fight, I looked at it expecting anything supernatural, but if became only apparent to me that if has no power except fir is super-strength, then I said to it "you can remain there and die the death."

"You can't do that right? Yes, you can't do that, no one can kill an Incubata, I am not a human that can die, I am a demonic spirit, so, I am not scare of you, you can't do me nothing." So the demon said l, it was rather too confidence when it spoke. The truth was that I really do not know how kill it without hurting Jennifer, and I also do not even know how to detach her fro Jennifer and expose her, but I just have this strong conviction that I can do it, so, I searched deep in my head as the creature ran towards me like one overweight lady. This eas when I thought of using the blood-bending skill to bed it out of Jennifer, but I was scared if it might hurt Jennifer, I just couldn't stand anything happening go Jennifer in fake Dad's house. Now j trench my hands at her and started making moves that looked like i was serving for something in the are, but in my mind I was actually forcing myself into Jennifer. Just before the creature got to my side I got in, and as soon as I got in, she halted, she stopped and started making faces like a mad person's face, she squeezed her face like one having a heavy and massive dump in the toilet, with her arms she hugged herself so tight, like she was oreventingbheraelf from fall off the body, this continued as I maintained what ibwas doing, I kept dragging it out emotionally, all the people was actually alarmed by what they were seeing. I still continued until Jennifer fell to her knees, now the creature in her started begging for pardon.

"Please have mercy, I never knew you can do this, the only one I know with such power is Poseidon, I never knew that a human child could do this to me. Please have mercy, I will leave, but please take me to a hidden place where I can go without these feelings see my face." She pleaded, but no, I just can give her that luxury, itbwas way too expensive, I wasn't sure if I could afford it. Yeah, who knows, it could be tricking me, that could be a trick to take me to a corner and do away with me, If probablybckme out of jenneifer and possess me, and make me a sex toy.

"God forbid, I will never make such a mistake, now you either leave her body, or you perish in there." So I said as I kept on doing what I was doing. 

"Jesus!" "Jesus Christ!" "Oh My God!"... There were what I heard from the little spectators who watches when the creature's head came out of Jennifer's body, it was so ugly that some of the even fell to the ground due to fear. This Girl called Sharon was so scared that she could not move herself anymore, she was paradise with fear, she just fell to the ground and kept shouting bloke one dying lamb.

"Please you don't have to do this, I think we could be relatives, I have a feeling that you are from the sea like me, please dont do this to a cousin." She cried.

"Who is your housing, keep shot, I know nothing about what hiubare saying." So I responded as I drew the last drag that extracted her out of Jennifer. Now they became a two different entity, one was the body of Jennifer which lay down on the bare cold tiles while the other was the ugly creature which caused quite a scary scare among the spectators. Every one but me was scared in the hall when she was finally exposed, her looks was too scary, and those saggy Hood's of hers which materialised as one flat slippers on her chest and her outgoing yellow teeth. The first thing that got to my mind what." So this was the thing that many guys have been having sex with. One of the bouncers kept screaming, he even screamed louder than the girls, but among all, the loudest still remained Sharon who could not even move a muscle, she just sat there and scream so loud as others kept running side go side. It was later that I learnt that Sharon was phobophobic, that is, she was even scared of being cared, the feeling of being scared alone was scary for her.

Now the ugly old creature slowly moved trying to cover her ugly naked body before the she dematerialized before our eyes. It was when she had disappeared that stopped with what I was doing and Cynthia ran to me and held me right, she even kissed me before she ran to Jennifer who lie on the bare floor lifeless.

"What are you all waiting for. Come join me help her up." Cynthia called on the others. Where hesitated before coming any closer. They were apparently scared of me. But they came for their friends anyway, the two bouncers just stood there watching and Sharon was yet to get a grip on her self, she still lay down there face up seriously shaking like one under the snow with a bare body. The girls raised jennifer's head and Cynthia placed it on her lap as she sat on the ground petting her head. She was apparently ok, I can now see her breathing, this was when I got a grip on myself, at first, I thought that I have killed someone in fake Dad's house.

It took a little while before she fully recovered, when she opened her eyes, she call my name, and I answered, then she thanked me, she still sound weak but she was already okey, all this while, Sharon was yet to regain herself but no one was even paying much attention to her, it was the bouncers who now held her and was talking to her, they understood that she was only shaking due to her fear, sobthey tried to speak to her, letting her know that all was already well.

Now, after all had been done, and Jennifer could finally sit down, the rest had to face me, looking at me like one demon. 

"How did you do that? We saw fire balls come out of your hand, we saw you do something strange." Charity asked looking at me in a very suspicious manner.

"I... I... Think I have to tell you people something."

I tried to actually foolishly confess about what I am before Cynthia came to my aid

"What is your problem? What type of question is that? Where you not here when we all were brousing for the way to bring that demon out from our friend? Why are you asking this silly question as if you do not know that he found the solution in Google. This is just a simple trick that anyone can play, even you, if you were the first to find the answer you would have been able to do it."

So Cynthia said, she was very convincing, and they all bought the lie, including the bouncers who will had little doubts but never still believed nonetheless.

"Thank you Damian, thank you a whole lot, I feel so light right now, I no longer feel like a conquered soul, I feel so free thanks Damian." Jennifer said to me.

"My dear, if you see what came out of you, God! That thing is so scary, so you mean that is the reason for your lustful behavior?" Chinwe asked.

"Yes my Chi, that is a sex demon, and it is from the deep sea, your friend is free as you can see, now she will never lust after every man henceforth, and she will learn to keep a man for herself." So I said. It was only until later that Sharon regained herself, she came to join us where we clustered Jennifer, Jennifer who needed enough air at the memt got less air because of the way we piled around her.

Jennifer later regarding her strength, but it was already late, they just can't go home alone, thank God that take dad called before the regained her strength. He call me to know how the even went, and I told him it was well, but the nice fake dad recognised the lie in my tone, he asked and insisted that I tell him the trith whichh I eventually did after he had promised not to panic , he sas even the one who asked me to ask y

Them to wait a little longer till he comes, but i let him know that they inew nothing about me, this age him feel good. So they all waited till fake dad comes. By the time he came, he greeted us all, and called me out.

"Are you sure that the nonsense has gone out? Did you see it go?" So, he said and asked. Thank God that fake dad was who he was, he quickly call the whole girls into the house in the sitting room.

"As you all can see it's already late, so I will like you all to pick up your phones and let them know about the issue, but before you that, I will like to check yourself to know if you can pass the night here, and I promise that I will drive you all to your homes tomorrow." Fake Dad said, the whole students wished to pass the noght at fake dad's house, the all winispers about how beautiful the house was.

Well, they all made their calls and insisted to their father that they will return the next day.