

Fake dad had promised go drive them home all by himself the next day, though he was tired he still promised to drive anyone who will still have to go home to night, he said he will still drive that person home. Well, he returned around eight pm. You can see the tiredness all over his face, he would have returned earlier if I had told him of the situation of things on time, but I just couldn't, even though. I wanted to, I still couldn't, I said to myself that I will have sort the problem first before calling, just make sure that she is out of danger before calling, and that was the exact thing that I did. 

"Ok, Damian show them each to a room, them you may now now took to the chef to arrange something for our guests, and when you are done, you may come and meet me in my room."

" ok dad." Fake dad said and I responded to him.

"Please sir, no offense, I think we will prefer to all stay in a room."

Charity said to fake.

"Hmm... It Is your choice my dear, Damian show them to the master Guest room, it is bigger and the bed as well is bigger than the great." Fake dad responded with so much kindness.

"Thank you sir." All the girls greeted him with a thousand thanks. The poor man did not come out again throughout that night do

He to the level of his tiredness, I was the one who went in to see him, though there was a friend of cynthia's, on of the girls that came with Jennifer. The girl wanted to see fake dad. She believed that he might help her with her dad's current jobless situation, but too bad, she had to wait till morning. 

So, after I have shown then thebplace where they should be, I when to the classic Chef and told her about the crowd in the house that must eat, and all she did was ask me how many they were, and after I told her, she asked me to leave that dinner will be served soon. She also asked me to assist her in asking fake dad if he will like to have something for the night, since he often prepare to sleep in an empty stomach most nights. 

So, after was done with all of this I went to his room, I was actually not comfortable about it, so I walked majestically to the doo, when I got there, I stopped for a while thinking whether to knock or not, little did I know that he was in his room watching my every move, he had CCTV camera almost everwhere in his house, the oy blind spots weree the rooms, and obviously bathrooms. 

"What are you doing looking so confused out there? Are you coming in or not?" This was what I heard, the words were so loud and clear that I could not mistake it for a thought of the mind, I looked round to see where the words was coming from. It was fake dad's voice, and it just came from the two speakers that was casted in the wall just above the door. When I heard this words, I felt this cold rash of fear, it took me time and the second time he spoke before I could remember that he could be watching me on his CCTV camera.

"This man's house is just like the Big Brother Nija house, where Big Brother sees everything." W

This was what I thought in my mind when I heard him ask me to come inside that the door was open. I opened the door with the doorknob to see him sitting in his soft sofa.

"Come join me son, " he said and I walked to the little space on his chair where he tapped.

"So tell me, what did you say happened? He asked, since he was no new to the supernatural, he already know who and what I am, so I was not sure that he will be alarmed by anything anymore. So, I told him everything starting from how she was all over me till when I realized that she was not herself to the period where I extracted the the demon and how Cynthia helped me cover up." He was actually shocked but thatnkful that nothing went wrong. Though he scolded me for not calling him earlier enough, he was worried that something might go wrong since I wasn't even sure of what I was doing.

"What is the girl does in the process, you had zero experience in that which you did, you used the little girl for a practical test, as far as I am concerned you experimented on her. Please son, be careful, I don't want you getting into trouble, you know your mom and I just got settled, and anything could jeopardise the whole thing. So so, please, help me not to ruin this for me." The man said. I think he was more concerned with his relationship with mom, it was a kind of cute, it proved that he cares about her, and he cares about what she thinks about him. An I found that cute.

So, after the talk, I asked him if he will like go have anything for the might, bit he said no, he said he is too tired to eat. I looked at him with this look of surprise, how can someone be tired of eating. I might not be the food type, but I sure will never be too tired to eat. So, after the talk, he asked me to go and meet my guest, he told me that room were they were was sound proof, that they could play music as loud as they want accounting yo him, no iota of sound will escape the room with the door slamed. 

It was quite interesting to know about that. So, I left dad and walked to the room. I had to ring the electronic bell before opening the door, you know you just can't barge into a ladies room without informing her, those species of human enjoy being naked. So I had to ring the bell and waited for a while before opening the door.

As I enter the door, I found Jennifer hiding her face, for the first time she was shy, that was a clear proof of freedom. She was apparently ashamed of me, everything that she was doing under the influence of that demon was now clear to her, she just couldn't believe that she could do such a thing, she could not look at me in the face, as she kept on thanking me for what I did for her, her whole friends even joined in the thanking, but I felt like she knew that what I did was from me, she knew it wasn't from the google. Yeah she did know, after all, she was also in her bodyball the while, I even felt and heard her, she was scared of the creature, because there was a time when I heard her saying that she begged me to do it before the demone awakes now I have been what I had caused. But all the same, she was now free but shy. I asked her not to worry, "what are friends for?" I asked her as I went go the home theater and started playing a dance music, it was I loud that Charity had to run and off it.

"Damie, your father is at home, you want him to think us to be mannerless? Stop it o, I don't like it" she said as she switch the music off and the other girls including Cynthia agreed with her.

"Hahaha, you girls don't need to worry, the the room is sound proof, no Ine will notice a sound." So I said. 

"Sound proof?' Chinwe asked, she was actually not comfortable with the word sound proof, though every other girls were happy with the fact that the room was sound proof, ahe was not comfortable with. I know that she fear for security purpose, what if something goes wrong, that meant that no one will hear them calling. It was a very valid argument, I don't think that fake that had that in mind when he was building the room that way. Charity quickly switch on the music and started with her dancing other girls joined except for Jennifer who was so embarrassed by what she was wearingg, she was not even putting on pants. When I realized how uncomfortable she was, I went to Cynthia and asked her to advise her to go and take her shower, and clean up at least, I knew how wet and creamy she was earlier, and there had been a lot of friction which could make her stink and result to her feeling uncomfortable.

Now as Cynthia went to ask her to bathe, I snuck out so she could be free to go into the shower without being shy. I then went into the kitchen to meet our classic chef Evelyn, she was almost done with her cooking, it was this sweet-smelling rice and fried turkey that she was preparing.

I actually came to her and pleaded with her to borrow any one her lower wear, weather it is a bumpshot or trousers, i loed to her that a friend on mine among the girls tore her trousers and she had been so uncomfortable, I pleaded with her and she agreed to give us a bump shot, I was even glad about the, she asked me not to worry tagt she will soon be done and that she will bring it together with the food. I thanked her and left, I walked directly to my room, it was not locked this time, I went in and dressed the whole place, I was going to sleep in there, there was no way I could pass the night with the girls.

I just perambulated around waiting for the chef to get done with her cooking so that i can go in after her. I layer sat at the sitting room where I switched on the television and tuned it to my favorite tv channel which is MTV Base. I was there watching movie videos when I heard the kitchen's door open, I quickly ran towards the door to see her coming out, on her right hand was a cooler which was obviously filled with the rice that she had prepared, while on her left was a basket of plates glass cups, fruit juice and spoons. When I saw her with these I rushed to assist her and she was actually happy that I helped out, she asked me to wait for her over there while she go and get the bump shot for Jennifer. Well, she never had to ask me to stop, I was going to stop anyway, there was no way I will get in there now, Jennifer might be naked now, and I will not want to see her naked, at least not after what transpired. So, I stood there till she came, I thanked her again when I saw the bump shot that she came with. Together we gook the food to the door where we rang the electronic bell. Evelyn the chef rang the bell twist then she pushed the door open, she went inside with the food but I did not follow her. I waited outside as she went in with the food and cloth. 

Later she came outside and met me still standing.

" you may go in now, she is all dressed." So she said to me when she came outside, and I rang the bell and opened the doand went in. It was just like a club, Charity was still dancing when I came in. Jennifer thanked me again, she told me that the chef said that I asked her to give the bump shot to her.