
Chapter Chaoter 255: Evacuation

With this fear, I quickly ran to the DJ and asked him to stop the music telling him that the party is ended. I quickly reached out to my wallet and paid him his complete money and asked him to pack up his things and leave, I ran around with this demon on my tail. Cynthia on the other hand was becoming so annoying, she could just not see the clear picture before her eyes, jealousy had blinded her from seeing the real picture.

The party ended a little bit too early, it was just some minutes past six-thirty when the DJ announced that the party is ended and started with his packing, the bouncers helped to enforce the end of the party he made sure he showed the crowd that thronged in the hall their way to the gate, but I told them to let the Super Cees and Jennifer plus the girls who came with her to stay.

"What is going on Damian, Charity walked up to me and asked. 

"Something is going on with your friend." I said to her pointing at Jennifer to see her the way she wandered around in the hall in search of something.

"I and the one that she is looking for." I added.

"Oh! Not again... She really needs to have sex, if she doesn't have sex she will never calm down." Cynthia said. Now I saw the clear picture, Charity already knew this act of hers, she was acquainted with the behavior.

"Yeah, she said she will rape me." I said to Charity.

"Hahaha, that is a problem o, have you gold your girl? Look at her there, she will not talk to me. And my dear, the problem is worse than you are seeing it." So I said.

"My dear, I know exactly how it is, she becomes super strong, talking like one demon, and if she said she will rape you, brother, she means it. And Cynthia has to grow up and stop all this senseless jealousy. I know she thought you want to have something to do with her, she told me earlier that you and Jennifer were dancing wild, but if you really meant to do what she felt, then Jennifer won't lose it again, this only happens when she gets turned down, especially when she is horny." Charity said.

"Ok, this is why I asked the DJ to go, I need to resolve this problem, just among we friends," I said again, at this moment I thought of letting my identity is known to charity and Chinwe, maybe if they know they won't be surprised when they see me exhibiting my powers. But I really need to talk to Cynthia first in other to know what to do, but she just won't give me ears.

"Please go help me talk to Cynthia about what is going on, I need her support on what I want to do." So I said to Charity, but it was obvious that she really did not get what I meant as she looked at me in shock and amazement.

"Damie, I am not sure that Cynthia will ever support you on this." She said. 

"No... God forbid that I sleep with that Old and ugly demon." I quickly said trying to correct the impression, but it only meant aroused Charity's anger, Charity who was naturally a friend's solder misunderstood me and again and faced me with a quick attack like the smart and agile Black manner snake.

"Hey Damian, you have no right to call her such a name, Jennifer is a very nice person, she is only sick, and we know that one day, she will be healed of the strange disorder." She said.

"No, no, no! I don't mean her, there is something in her... A demon... You know can't understand, just help me talk to Cynthia, tell her that I really need to talk to her, and it is urgent, please, before it... I meant before Jennifer finds me here. Just tell her that I said that we need to talk about Bermuda. She will understand." So said to Charity, I just had the conviction that she will want to talk to me when she hears about knows that it was about Bermuda.

"Bermuda?" She asked looking confused.

"Yes, Bermuda, tell her about this, and I know that she will understand. So, with this, Charity ran to Cynthia, I was where I hid watching to see if Cynthia will run coming to know what I was really talking about but I was distracted by a tap on my back. When I felt this tap, I was so terrified, I felt that I had been bought by Jennifer again, but when I turned it was Bright and his click.

"Bro, you did well, I love the way you organized this. But I won't lie, I do not like the way you ended the party."

"E no just end well." Ono added, but he spoke in the popular Nigerian parlance.

"Aha, we have found out who funded this Party, Bright said that Charity told him that it was you. Man, you are a big boy o." Ali said.

"Didn't you see how he is dismissing us? Well, that is not the problem, I will like to have your number so that we can be connecting, you know we are friends, I will like to plead with you to please forget how we were in the past, we are now friends, you are the kind of people that I will like to roll with. You know we can always contact you whenever we are having any shows in town, I have seen that you are a party lover, to spend this kind of money on a party has proven that to me, and I am sure that your father is a big shot in this country, so I know that you must have Immunity." Bright said with too many phrases. Well, without any waste of time, I quickly gave him my number, I really want everyone to leave the house and fast so that we can be left alone in the house. 

Just when Bright and his clique left, I turned to see the friends of Jennifer dragging and scolding her, but she was immovable, she was as rigid as a rock, her legs clamped hard to the ground like an old tree root. Well, within a short period, the whole place had been rid of all strangers but Jennifer and her clique, The super Cees and I, plus the two bouncers who insisted that they will not leave until illegitimate dad returns.

"No young master, Your Father said we must wait for his return." So one of them said to me as I asked them to go that their work was done. Ok, if they must stay then they should.

Before now, Cynthia had run to me in a panic asking me what the problem was where the Bermuda people were.

"Damie, what is it? Charity just gold me something about Bermuda, where are they? Are they coming here? That was why you had to end the party right? You did well, so what are we going to do now? And why did you ask the bouncers to ask the friends of Jennifer and the Super Cees to wait around?"

"My love, this was what I was trying to tell you but you just could not give me ears, I was trying to seek your advice but you were so not giving me an ear, that is not fair, you know that you just do not have a single trust in me, you suspect me over something that I think you already know that I will never do." So I said to her in anger.

"My love I am sorry, but you can't blame me, I saw the way the two of you stood so close, and I saw her dancing around you so erotically, who will not be jealous? But I already know that I was wrong, it jas started again, this only happen to her when she needs a man that she can't have. Well, it transpires only three times you are the fourth. Despite all the men she had gone after, she is very good at seducing men, but she is just a bad loser, she loses her senses when she gets turned down." Cynthia elaborated.

"Well, that is not the main point, the main point is that your friend Jennifer has no mental health issues, and she is not sick at all, she is only having a case of possession."

"Possession? How? By what?" She asked in shock

"Yes love, she is been possessed by this creature that I know nothing about except that it has a similar smell with that of those people from Bermuda Triangle, But I saw it in her, and it has a face and body of an ugly old lady, it has a scanty hair, and its skin color was red and black, and it has scales all over its body."

"Jesus! How did you find out? Oh... I know you can do a lot of things, so what do you want us to do?" She asked

" I just do not know, I want you to advise me on what to do, I really wish to help her out. But I don't know how to go, I really do not know, but I feel like I can extract that creature out of her."

"Hmm... This will mean you using your powers in the presence of all these girls, I really do not trust them, I can vouch for Charity and Chinwe, but the res? No, I just can't." So she said to me and placed a finger on her lips as she thought of what to do.

"Wait... Why not we google this creature and see what it is and how to destroy it or extract her from Jennie's body." She said as she looked at Jennifer who was at the moment behaving like a mad girl. When she said this, I bought the I dear hundred percent, after all, nothing is hidden under the eyes of google. Without hesitation, we googled ut, I placed all the descriptions on the search engine and a picture appeared, the lecture was just the exact what I saw in Jennifer's body.

"Yes... This is it... This is the exact thing I saw in her. This the demon." So I said in a loud voice. And this actually attracted the attention of the other girls, charity, and Chinwe were the ones that came first.

"What is it?" Chinwe asked, quickly, Cynthia started with her explanation.

"Damian believed that this could be the thing causing Jennifer to do the things she does, remember that sometimes she says that a sex hungry animal is living inside her flesh, well she was right, and Damian believe that this is it, so we are trying to see if we can help her through google." So she said, as she was explaining, the other girls ran after Jennifer who was running in my direction.

"You this sexy bastard, come and fuck me Ir I rape the hell out of you." Sl she shouted as she ran to my place, I ran around as I still kept on searching for anything useful online, but too bad, I found nothing. As I ran I stumbled on a plastic chair and fell because I was not looking as I ran, my eyes were buried in the phone. When I fell, she took the opportunity to fall on me, when the bouncers saw this they rushed to my safer, but the both of them could just not raise her off my body, the tried all to no avail, even the other girls came but she was too heavy to be moved. She kept flinging them like pieces of paper. When I realized that I had no option but to use my powers was when she held me down and tried to unzip my trousers,