
Chapter 254: Incubata

"I meant the rumored of him single-handedly funding this party." Bright explained.

"Yeah! Is it true?" Ojo asked.

"Do you even know the cost of renting the services of DJ Scatter? And the cost of one bouncer, and he got two. And see how that place is shipped with drinks of all brands, common tell me, did you really do it alone?" He kept asking and insisting that I give him an answer. And for a fact, that actually brought concern to me, why will he want to know, what will be his motive, so I thought. Then I decided to probe his mind before telling him anything, I need to know his reason before I go and say something I might regret because Bright is one dude you must never trust. But I just couldn't penetrate before I got dragged up to the dance floor by Jennifer who at the moment smelled so wet, I wonder what she might be doing or thinking that got her that wet that the smell had to be that strong, well, I know that I was the only one who actually perceived the smell, but the fact was that she was already horny when she came to me, on a norm, I won't have liked to dance with her, know how she might be behaving, but I just rather stay with her than with Bright and co. 

"Hey sexy, come and dance with me." She said dragging me up. I never wanted to go with her, but anywhere but with Bright his his senseless clique is better. I stood up and sheepishly followed her. He held me by the hand and dragged me to a corner behind the Refridgerator which stop tall in the hall. There we stood, she tried dancing sexy with me, but inwasn just not connecting with her, she was so wet that my smart ears could here the kissing sounds made my the lips in between her life, she smell of her witness jept filling my nose, I won't like to lie, in as much as I don't want to do anything with her, the sweet smell of her clean sweet hole kept making me think otherwise, but I am a strong man, a son of my mom, no matter the temptation I Just can't compromise.

She turned and used her buttocks to rub against my junk which let tapping like the feet of a drummer. Little Johny could be a dumbass sometimes, even though I tried to get my mid off evil thoughts, he still got his mind at diving deep inside the pit of hell.  She danced had bent so that her hand touches the ground, and with her but behind sofly againd my Junk. That was when I realised that she was not even wearing panties, she just was tight red shot gown which exposed her sweet sexy curves and climates.

As I looked down to her butt, the light washed to outside, and I saw the line of he butt, this was when I realized that she was naked inside that gown, i then went ahead to confirm my suspension my trying to grab a cheek from among the two tbink and round cheeks behind her, but as I reached my hand to grab and feel if I could notice any sign of an inner ware, instead my hand will lad on her butt cheek, my hand accidentally went under du the the vigorous shaking of her cheeks. It was as slippery as as rock underwater. My finger slid in so easily. Yeah, my fingers found their way inside her wet slippery hole, the friction caused by her twerking and but shaking had caused her wetness for form lather like froths formed from soap, no wonder I could feel the sweet smell, and then i understood that when Cynthia said that Jennifer is always wet, she was beinm literal.

When my hand found my way into her creamy pit she quickly turned and looked at me, she tried to hold my hand back into the pit, but I had already brought it out just as fast as it went in. When she realized that she could not get my hands back into that slippery hole, he stood up with her eyes all wowed up, she turned, now facing me, she held me by the head and tried to kiss me, but I withdrew my head, she smiled to me, now coming so closed so that her soft puffy boobs will caress my chest.

"You know you can just meet me up in the bathroom, or you can stylishly go out and ill meet you so you take me to your room, take me to your room and take me. Take me deep. I know what is in your mind." She said to me. I just looked at her, in my mind I said, "how can you possibly know what's in mind? When sex is all you think."

"I know you want to fuck me, I know you want to suck this wet pussy dry, I know baby... Take me baby, make me your butch today, eat me up, take me to your room and choke me with sex. Why are you looking at me? Take me baby, please take me out of here and fuck me before the beast in me wakes up."

She pleaded with me to do shit with her, she was so raw with words, no more was so big for. She tried to grab my divk as she said this but I kept holding back her hand. Now I looked up in the crowd, everyone was busy dancing, drinking a and having fun except for Cynthia who seems wrestlers, she had seen Jennifer an I in a corner, so she had to stand and watch us to be sure nothing is going on.

"Jennifer, I think this is the part where you leave me, please allow me to go, see Cynthia is watching us, so I said to her, but she never cared, instead she came up with another talk.

"Leave you, shy? Why will I do that? I just can't let go of you. That Cynthia is a very stingy girl, this is something that she would have told you that we should have a threesome, the three of us having fun, but no, she will rather have you alone." She said with contempt like it was her right. Now everything about Jennifer began to disgust me, she was beginning to make me look bad before Cynthia. So, I decided to leave her and walk away, that was when she held me, her grip was so tight, too tight for a lady, and an impossible grip from a girl who look so soft and week like Jennifer. This was when I knew that something was definitely wrong with her. Right under the watchful eyes of Cynthia, she dragged me and tried to force a kiss on me, I tried to free myself from her, but it seem impossible, she had me right in her grasp, I looked at her to see the girl with this much strength, and once again, the smell began, that Fewl smell that can only ooze out from something evill or dead.

"You must fuck me right now." She said in this strange and scary voice, I looked up again to see Cynthia still standing in the same position with a anger piling up in her face, I wondered why she just stood there watchingng and getting angry instead of trying to come and free me from ther sex demon.

"What are you Jennifer? Whatever you are, do you not know who I am? Do you think that you can contend with me strength-wise? Now, let go of me else you will see the other side of me." So I said to her.

"Hahahaha, you talk to me like you are talking to that little skinny weakling called Jennifer, let me tell you, she is sleeping, and I am in charge now, and you must either do what I ask or... You will force me to consume you and every other person in this hall, but that will be after raping younringht before your stupid Cynthia." She said to me again in this deep and vibrating strange voice. Tjisbwas when I realized that I was not dealing with Jennifer anymore, that was definitely a case of possession. Now I became scared, she has began to threaten my life and the life of everyone here including my beloved Cynthia, and the worse of all thing was that I just can't you're my superpowers against her in public, if I do, everyone will know what I am, and that might be a disaster. So I had to result to mind reading. I must look deep into her to see what she got in her mind. But I only got more scared when I reached into her mind, I actually heard Jennifer crying and struggling, it was like she was leashed in her own body.

"Damian, I begged you to take me before she comes but you refused, now see what you have caused" she cried and blamed me in there. 

"God please, save me from this monster, help me please, when can I get free from the possession of this beast?" She cried on. Now I had was forced into trying out something that I have not done before. I had to look deep in her in search of Jennifer, but when I tried, I found her not, I only saw this ugly red and black creature that had scales ill over her. Now, it happened that she just realised that I have seen her ugly face, because she became shy all of a sudden, asking me what I was.

"What... Are... You?" Did you just see me? She asked in a very timid voice, all her confidence had just fallen, seeing what she was really gave me fear rash, but instill could not do anything to her right in the front of everyone. The creature in Jennifer was an Incubata, a marine succubus. It was aan extremely ugly creature who wants nothing but pleasure of sex from humans, but it just can't achieve any sex from anyone looking like she looked, so they had to always look for the body of a beautiful and sensual-looking girl to inhabit.

Now seeing how week she was because I have seen what she was, I quickly pushed her down and ran over to Cynthia who would not even give me her ears to tell her the kind of problem that her friend was in. I tried to explain, but it seemed to me that she had already concludes in her head her own version of what went on with Jennifer and I in that corner where we were. 

"Cynthia, listen to me, something is wrong with your friend. And if nothing is done now and fast, all of us are not safe here." I tried to start up a conversation with her, but she was so not interested. I turned to see Charity dancing with Bright, if not for what was actually happening now, I would be laughing seeing this, but no, I just can't laugh, yea I just could not laugh because Fake dad's name was about to be tarnished. I tried all I could to make Cynthia understand what was really going on, but it was impossible to explain to someone who will not even lessen to you. And the worst of it was that the noise was much. And for me to talk I had to screen at the top of my lungs, but despite my efforts, she still paid less or no attention to me. I thought of what to do as I saw Jennifer or should I say Incubata coming over to our side. With fear in me, not fear of being been up or being killed by an ugly shy demon, but the fear of being exposed.